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Crystal Crash (poem)


Nov 3, 1999
This is a poem about loving a drug yet letting it get away from you...
Crystal Crash
I'm ready.
I'm ready I'mreadycomeoncomeon
Let's go, dance with me, pretty
Sparkle-glitter off your cheeks and laughter
Just like children, 'Race you!'
Let's go, let's go up, up, up
Higher, faster
I see light and music and
God in you in me
You writhe and clatter
Jangle-bangle bodies, candy arms
You give me wings!
Oh faster, Wait, my breath
Can't catch my, gasp
Slowing -- no, please
Can you still feel--?
Baby, don't--
Hold me.
Oh, don't
The world is so still
could sob, what happened to your
dazzle, our starlight
Let's, tomorrow, let's, we'll
love your poem.......I have had that feeeeeeeling
"That which engages the metaphorical heart is not as easy to pin down as that which makes the physical heart pound"
~Patricia Beard
If we live this lifestyle, we are bound to regret some of the things we come to learn. One of the things that makes feel most uncomfortable is the idea that something so good can be so bad for us. That is the way we have been trained through the values of society. This poem takes that idea and demonstrates it through a love for crystal. Nice work!
again, wow. you're really a talented writer, Ashke. this poem hits a little close, though....
Wow...just bored at work randomly searching through the archives...and I find this. I remember reading this poem when you first posted it and thinking it was well written...now (a year later!) I can actually *feel* this poem. That last line too, it just sends shivers through my entire body, in fact my arms are covered in goose bumps right now.
Let's, tomorrow, let's, we'll
Holy shit. That just takes me right back to it all, as if I never left, and I AM that girl again, there with Nikki, fiending for more, willing to do anything...to just...NOT...COME...DOWN...yet. Ohmygod going back there scares me more than anything. Powerful powerful stuff hun. I wish you posted more often, I love reading your work.

~*~I hope you take a piece of me with you...~*~
Love the poem, love the feeling.
Good and bad, up and down.
People can be terribly hedonistic can't they?
Ashke, ofcourse, as usual, you are the angel with love and words and love for words and words for love. I think sometimes, society looks to the sweet and loving ones for reality checks that cannot be provided by those of us that care, but arrogantly so. I'm very very fortunate to have your presence here.
SweetE, thank you for bumping this piece.
Love to you all,
Nice work Ashke.
[This message has been edited by Noodle (edited 30 November 2000).]