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Why do cigarettes go down so well on Drugs?


Nov 1, 2000
I find this with E especially.
I'd rate them like this
1. E
2. Speed
3. Ephedrine/Psuedoephedrine
4. marijuana
Any thoughts on why smokes might go down so well, and/or taste so smooth on drugs?
Also just a little inquiry: I know the servers been having trouble, and it seems sweet now! (well done!), the question I have is, should users still restrict posts, say 1/day? less/more?
I used to smoke at least a pack a night (20's Marlboro Lights
) and yah.. they did go down quite nicely... then one day i decided NO MORE!!! YUCKY!! And i havent looked back. Haven't had a cigge since.
The reason I reckon they go down so nicely.. simple. They give you something to concentrate on. They gives your hands AND your mouth something to do if you're either peaking extra hard or wizzing off your nut, they divert your attention to something a little less intense.
NOW, mona's advice. hehee. Boys and girls who have boys or girlies who DON'T smoke.. consider.. we all like a bit of a pash when we're pilling, sneak a quickie in whenever you can... now, if you've got a fag hanging out the side of your face every 10 minutes.. doesn't leave much time for snuggly mushings now does it?? between the actual time it takes to have the cigarette, and the time it takes for your lips to get back to normal tasting.. well.. hehe.. you get my drift

Consider us! Consider the non smokers!
i think it is because of both nervousness (not anxiety but increased brain activity) and, in the case of mdma, because you are more aware of the dopamine (correct me there if i'm wrong) hit which nicotine supplies.
I hadn't smoked in about 6 months (never smoked regularly) then the other night while rolling my friend offered me one. The damn cancer stick tasted so good we went on to finish the whole pack in a stupidly short period of time, having one after the other until they were all gone. I still have no desire to smoke while sober though thankfully. :p
Cigarettes just taste so damn good while being off guts, that it's very easy to smoke multiple packets in a night.
WARNING: If you want to keep your lungs do not do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok kids, here is something for all the smokers that I want you to try while rolling. Next time you drop a good MDMA pill, take a drag of your smoke and actually taste the smoke.....SUGER! Now someone work out why that happens, it's got me stuffed. I loooove smoking while rolling.
hey hey BL smokers,
neuropsychological studies in rats/primates have shown that the neural systems activated by cocaine are pretty much identical to those activated by nicotine (the original suggestion being that this may provide a link to the addictive nature of both of these drugs).
as **** (sorry, i forgot who
) already suggested, it's most likely that you're getting this mega dopamine rush already (from the pills/speed/etc) and so the effect of nicotine will be subsequently enhanced as well... or something like that... it's been a year since i did any neuroscience, so perhaps someone could articulate these points a bit more lucidly...
BTW... my lovely girlfriend just arrived home from Paris with a carton of Gauloises for her buck... make aussie cigs taste like paper... if anyone sees me out, be sure to get a gaulie...

l8r sk8rs,
buck dee
I can't believe you're all talking so lovingly about such a disgusting, smelly habit.
It's always puzzled me why people our age are still continuing to start up smoking
People of older generations who became hooked before they knew of the dangers etc at least have some sort of semi excuse.. but yeah. Every cigarette does damage, so even if you DON'T smoke while sober, a pack a night while rolling will take a while for your lungs to recover.
I'm sorry for being so preachy, its just something that really bothers me right now. I spend alot of time outside when i go to a club, for the simple fact that the majority of people smoke inside. It hurts my eyes, it smells disgusting (please, smokers... if you're sitting next to someone who is NOT smoking, keep them in mind and keep your cigarette away and blow the smoke in a different direction, it gives me a sore throat, and i'm sick of my hair smelling like an ashtray after a night out.
I used to think it was absurd that the government would suggest a no smoking law in pubs and clubs... but i'm starting to see the merit. I know it could hinder the quality of the smoker's night out.. but right now, its really affecting the quality of my OWN.
So yeah.. all I want to say is, if you're not going to consider the dmamage you're doing to yourself, consider others... and PLEASE! No waving around cigarettes on the dancefloor! The amount of times i've been burned.. ugh.
Ok everybody hate me now.
rest assured future generations will wonder why those 'old, fucked up folk' willfully took neuro-toxic substances...
clap clap to you mona!!!
I used to smoke regularly for about 2 years and then I quit about a year ago. I became more of a social smoker and started to smoke when I popped or whatever, until I finally TASTED the crap. Yuck! Now i havent touched one since...
I hate the ignorance of smokers, they show no consideration towards us people who DON'T want to ruin our bodies. Where I live, both my dad and my brother smoke inside the fucking house, with my little brother inside there.
Yeah I used to be an ignorant smoker as well, finding the governments scheme to ban smoking in areas laughable. Now I find it totally necessary... anyone who doesn't obviously has no respect for other people, and in every sense of the word is a complete wanker.
now hate me, instead of mona
So much for the pursuit of free choice to take whatever drug you want.

Fair enough, this particular drug does affect other people, but can you name one that doesn't affect others in some way? Whether it be passive smoking, dealing in the streets, having to deal with people tripping off their arses while working...
Funny how there are "good" drugs and "bad" drugs in everyones eyes... it's only where they draw the line that differs.

Load universe into cannon. Aim at brain. Shoot.
agree with BigTrancer 100%
i am a smoker and i think i do consider others whilst smoking in a venue, stand away a little, dont wave too much etc etc.. hopefully others would have some consideration too
its all about tolerance
Yeah, I smoke and I generally try to ensure it impacts as little as possible on the company I keep.
But one thing that really pisses me off is assholes that smoke on the dancefloor... it's just NOT ON!
I mean it's just plain stoopid.
Here endeth my $0.02
BT.. you can SO not draw comparison to the things you mentioned to the dangers of passive smoking.
I dont force pills down people's throats, nor have i had it done to me. I've certainly never had to deal with trippers at work.. etc etc.
Its just a totally different thing, when I am affected PHYSICALLY by something someone else is doing.
Of course I agree with being allowed to choose your poison, I'm not denying anyone the right to light up. All I ask is for a bit of consideration (not saying that anyone here doesn't offer that consdieration).
I personally thing cigarettes are shyte. That is my opinion. I didn't label them good or bad, i just hate what they do to me. So be it.
1. cigarettes are bad for health, yours and other people's
2. cigarette smoke makes you and your clothes stink
3. smoking cigarette is a waste of money
4. cigarettes keep me occupied
5. menthols are niiiiiiiiiiiice when rolling!!

6. niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice...
7. hmmm

8. aaaaaah......

9. god i need to quit smoking!!
10. but it's niiiii.. sorry.. :p
i'm a smoker. i smoke a lot. primarily 'cos i'm addicted, but mostly 'cos i lurve it. there's nothing like that first smoke when you've just woken up.
for buck dee, have you ever smoked White Ox tobbacco? it'll make those Gauloises taste like paper! as good as pot while rolling, without the associated head fuck.
to mona, 20 marlboro lights? pah, nothing. try 40 craven special filters in a night. i appreciate your points, but i still like to smoke. i only started four years ago. why? don't know. so i knew the whole "smoking is bad, mmkay!" rhetoric, but it's addictive, and i'm still doing it three years, eleven months and thirty days after i should have stopped. i do try and keep it away from people who aren't smokers. i don't smoke in the house, or in the cars of friends that don't. i do tend to be inconsiderate in clubs, but i'm trying to improve.
and bt, right on brother. another biccie? yeah, sure mate, just as long as you don't offer me one of those filthy, evil fag thingies!
free choice. i do agree that my habit has a direct impact upon the health of others, unlike a lot of other drugs. but i should still be allowed to make my decision without everyone else going "tsk, tsk, tsk".
and spacecadet, i'm stepping outside for a tick. all this smoke talk has got me in the mood for another fag.

ps. mona, you speak with the vehemence of a reformed smoker. i might join you in a while, 'cos i do recognise that i'm damaging my body. but it won't be for a while yet.
and another reason to quit smoking pot? 'cos it's smoking.
Fully agree Mona, I believe that everyone should have the right to their choices, and yet be as courteous and considerate as they can.
Much kudos to BT... and, although a smoker, i totally agree that there should be an unwritten ban on smoking on the dancefloor... i'm never comfortable dancing near a smoker (mental images of singed eyes
BUT... i also disagree with your "i don't shove pills down other peolpe's throats" argument, mona... in arguing this way, you are defining your own parameters for a scale measuring how detrimental an individual's drug use is to others... i'm not saying your wrong and i'm right... just that it is hypocritical to think that what annoys you is going to be equally annoying for everyone else... i don't know really...
what i would like to point out though is that my girlfriend and i always make a conscious effort to minimise the discomfort of non-smokers (eg, by ALWAYS smoking outside a club, etc)... i just hope that we can all see that there is a bigger common connection between us all than bickering about whether one BLs decision to smoke is "disgusting" or not...
maybe i'm still feeling a bit residually chopped, but can't we all just love and let live
catch y'all soon,
ps - Fluffy... i'll have to chase up some white ox... if it blows the Gaulies away, i think this w/e's roll might have an even nice flavour than usual
Sorry but I think that any reasonable measures to reduce the costs of smoking should be put in place for the benefits of those who don't smoke. It's the same with safe injecting rooms, one of the major pluses is they reduce the number of needles left lying around, it reduces the cost of the persons drug use on the society so it should be done (there's other issues with that one I know, but to keep the arguement simple).
Smokers wanna be able to light up in clubs and pubs, but at the end of the day it's a shared space which you don't own, and your drug use in that area _directly_ effects the people sharing the space, whether they (or you) like it or not. Yet you still think it's reasonable to put that on
Let the arguement continue hehehe
Please don't be overly offended, just a rant, I'm still divided on this issue really
heh. See it through the eyes of a reformed smoker who had to use their full willpower to cease their addiction to nicotine, only to have it thrust back in their face every single day.
I seriously don't even know why I bothered to quit...