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How Do u Deal with comedowns?


Jan 20, 2001
im just sitting here atm, a lil scattered, a lil fried from a rockin' nite last nite, i guess im still comming down, and i just cant figure out what i could do that would make me feel confortable (aside from a few cones, but thats later).
Id like to know how all u guys deal with these situations, do ya sit there and watch tv/movies (if so, what?), do ya go out and do sumthin?..
im sure this has been asked b4, but id like to know nonetheless...
This is a question that has been asked loads of times but basicaly comes down to whether you think taking more drugs is going to help.
There are loads of things to use but a lot are illegal but my adivce would be try and get some sleep, its the best answer in the long run.
Sleep and good food.
I always feel heaps better after food like fruit.
And cones, sometimes
Water Icy-Poles... it's like pretending you're eating...

"My wish is not to mean everything to everyone but to mean something to someone."
Cones on comedowns make me really messy, and sometimes make me feel shyte.
Food, as much of whatever you can eat, even something small will make a difference me. Bannanas are great!

And rest. If I can't sleep, I'll just lay down and watch tv, or something requiring no effort, in a very comfortable position.
Powerade. I always love the powerade.
Guruana used to work wonders for me if I ate it just as I stopped peaking. Maybe due to the energy, but there's something else in the Wildlife ones that relaxes muscles.
I usually have a cup of tea too.... but I have a cup of tea whenever I'm in need of anything.
mmmmmmm tea..... maybe I'll think of more after I drink tea

Ok just comfortable setting. I usually prefer minimal auditory input, just the tv, or just conversation, don't usually feel comfortable with music on (if I've been out at a loud club all night that is)
I guess that's specific to you what you like there, but the most important thing is to replenish your body, and rest. Your poor body isn't designed to go so long without sleep!
"Excuse me sir, but can you direct me to the location of where I can locate some eggs, for I would like to perchase them so that I can take them home with me and I can eat them today. And maybe tommorrow" - Mojo Jojo
i usually spend several hours spinning codshit to a mate, or several mates. that gets the head fuck sorted
(cheers sam). as for the body bit, rest. oh, and some more rest. whether that means sleep (yeah, right), watching tv, or dribbling shit on bluelight
, your body needs to recuperate. oh, and yes, a nice hot lemon tea goes down a treat, or some nice cuppa soup.
If you need to sleep but can't GHB is the best thing to fix that but otherwise just laying under a tree or in front of the TV is the way to go. Try to eat but if you can't just make sure you rest and take it easy, otherwise you wont be feeling the best for a couple days.
Sleeping on G is good but I usually wake up after 2 hours when it wears off. Unless you wanna have a sleep waking cycle of every 2 hrs go for it!

Ice Cream is good Mmmm!
Cigarettes R evil, I smoke them non-stop on comedowns.
But yeah, as said above, nothing beats spinnin shyt with friends to sort your head out! A nite isnt complete without it.
I always find the best thing is after a night, in this order:
*drop 2 x 5htp
*dose up on ghb
*have sex with someone u love
*try and get 6 hours sleep
*the meanest lookin bannana smoothie with protein powder, honey, wheatgerm and some raw eggs.
*videos next day
It also helps not to exceed 3 pills per night too. Going higher than that just makes the comedown harder. Also the cleaner the pill the cleaner the comedown.
I deal with comedowns in all sorts of different ways, for me there are the ways which are drug free (cept for smokes), and there are ways which well I take more substances
Drug free solutions are:
Talking lots of shit
Going to somewhere peaceful
drinking lots of water
listening to music
going shopping
going on the internet
playing the playstation
going blading
Going to the Vegie Bar (my personal fav)
Drug aided:
sharing joints with people (only if you don't get really paranoid though)
alcohol (0nly if I haven't had G though, and not that often)
take a leaf out of cowboymacs book, feeling seedy on a comedown? snort 90mg of K and that should fix you up nice and proper
. bwahhaha
A friend of mine once said "There's nothing like a Mitsi Turbo to clean you up in the morning"... heh heh. Possibly not the best advice health-wise, but fun. Kind of like the old "Avoid hangovers, stay drunk" adage...
But my opinion is food and sleep and 5-HTP are the anchors you can cling to as you fall back to earth. They'll fix you in a matter of hours.
Cheers, BT

Load universe into cannon. Aim at brain. Shoot.
[This message has been edited by BigTrancer (edited 20 February 2001).]
i say a good carbo meal. (like some toast) , couple of 5htp caps... and a VERY LONG sleep... You wont feel like shit if your sleeping... and you sleep right past your comedown... Sweet..
i say a good carbo meal. (like some toast) , couple of 5htp caps... and a VERY LONG sleep... You wont feel like shit if your sleeping... and you sleep right past your comedown... Sweet.. OH btw... If you say you can't sleep afterwards, most likely your munching on speed bombs... if you get a clean mdma pill like the now gone
( yonnex's... you can sleep straight away..
Lol take some onnexs, ha lol good to see someone can fall asleep while peaking lol I had about 2 1/2 point one day of good powder lol fell asleep
. Doh. How do I handle comedowns enjoy being scattered sit around with funny hats on make some strange noises occasionally, go swimming, have a sauna. Also try and eat I recommend bannanas as they are high in b and b4 complex and vitamin c, also drink oj, vitamin c, take some 5htp, and drink some v they are really good help you out alot, don't smoke to much weed you just dig yourself a hole, and don't over indulge on bulbs that will just leave you feeling more brain dead. That is about it take care, and scattered is fun you just have to go with it

Personally, I think that comedowns are all in the head. Try having great pills followed by a couple of points of mind-blowing speed, then having to face your WHOLE family (including grandparents that never stop asking questions) at midday the following day at the airport.
If u let it take control of how you act the next day, then obvioulsy it will. If u can treat it as a bit of fun (like being stoned for example) then it can be your friend and the comedown is all good.
Then again, this is just my personal remedy

I think of my life as a series of sketches; each one funnier than the last
Cammac: Try going out for dinner with the whole family, while coming down off something, or try working while you're coming down.
In other words, don't do it!!!!!!!!!!
Yep, s'all in the head.
I actually can't stand the term "comedown", it's so self-defeating.
I recommend getting heaps of sleep the nite before (12-15 hrs), and not getting all panicky 'cause you can't sleep.
And if you don't panic about not sleeping...
you can... relaaaax...
And yeah, eat and get some sun, vitamin D is most agreeable for the day after the night before.
something big trancer said to me once that i reflect on when im feeling a little worse than id like to:
"enjoy the way you are now, because tomorrow it will be back to normal life"
(or similar to that). even though you dont feel as good as you did when you were loved up on you yonexs than youve stashed away, its still an amusing time and you do still feel better than you will working in your shitty job the next day
also muscle relaxants help too

[This message has been edited by Cowboy Mac (edited 20 February 2001).]