color of ecstasy pills: why are some blue or green with white and brown specks?


Nov 16, 1999
I can understand solid color beans, but when it comes to a color that is mostly blue with white specks. Why isn't it a solid color? Is it because of the other drugs that are mixed in? Or what?
Yeah I would like to know too!!I was told the tanner the pill, the more herion in it. And if it has browns specks, there is heroin in it. But I don't know its true.
Pill color is just the color of the filler and the speckles could be a variety of things from caffeine to MDMA...but not heroin. There has never been heroin in E...nor would there ever be. Brown pills are brown, green pills are green. They all pretty much do the same thing assuming there is actually E in them...its more of a marekting ploy if anything. Color is really irrelevant. Its just a way of distinguishing one pill from another. Green Smurfs, Blue Smurfs, Yellow Smurfs...etc...
A lot of times, especially lately, I've seen white beans like mitsi's w/ brown specks, these have been cut with special K. If K's your thing then have at it. I've also noticed that the green beans that I've ate lately seemed to have pcp in them. Anyone know anything about green indicating a special cut?
Take it easy all,