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Half OR Whole???


Dec 11, 2004
I have a small dilemma, just wondering if people can enlighten me with their suggestions...

I currently have those strong pink/red mitsis thats been going round - & plan on consuming
I haven't rolled in over 2 years. (personal record)
I used to roll every 2-3 weeks for about 1.5yrs. (so i'm no newbee)
Also, I always used to take a whole - and never had a bad experience.

Should I...

A. Talk half at first, then half 1hr later :\

B. Take a whole. (and then the same again 3hrs later) :D

C. All of the above ;)

[edit] No event details, even abbreviations
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It's much easier to go forward than backwards. If you are ever unsure, start with a smaller dose.

110mg can be a lot even for experienced users. If there's only been low quality MDMA available for months, a strong pill (100 mg +) can really hit hard.

If you can, test before using, even if you are relatively sure the pill is from a known batch. Odd pills or lookalikes can make their way into other bags and this tends to be more common just before NYE.
the pink/salmon coloured (not dark red) mitsi's seem to be PMA. If you can take a photo and put it up here, I'll tell you if it's a known good or bad one (well Ive seen about 5 diff shades of red mitsi's past few months) and the suspected PMA ones are very noticable
phase_dancer said:
It's much easier to go forward than backwards.
^^^ Right on the money!!

Personally I find if I have had a decent break from pills (>2-3months), I prefer to start with half, then half later on when I start to mellow a bit (usually 2-3 hours later, depending on a few factors). I find half to be a good amount to work with, and can definately make the most of it, have more fun, feel more clear-headed, have more energy, and feel better the next day.

Sometimes if a whole pill is taken, you can just get too munted, and even though it may still feel like fun at the time, I know which state I'd prefer to be in.

Taking in halves also stretches the experience out, saving you money, and your brain. ;)

Good luck!

[EDIT: Please don't read "clear-headed" as sober/straight. Definately not! Still rockin' it, just feel more in control, and able to comprehend people/thoughts/ideas/anything faster and more effectively.
I took a half of a possibly similar pill in Perth and it was more than enough for me. Don't forget though, things can take a while to happen so don't jump the gun thinking things aren't working. Don't take more just because you planned your drug taking on a schedule, wait until your ready. Thats how people get into trouble, I imagine thats why the new press release about these pills at the moment.
I would recommend taking these half at a time as they are known to be very strong pills.

Be careful though. I have seen people get into quite alot of trouble from eating half pills throughout a night. I think people often underestimate half pills, as obviously they don't hit as hard, so they take them more frequently, and end up having had way too much 3 hours later.

I think this is less likely to happen when you take a whole pill, as you know it will have a stronger effect, so you wait for it to hit more before taking another pill.

I am not saying that taking pills in halves is dangerous, but I definitely think it can cause people to become less careful as they view it as being a safer option, and then pay less attention to how close together they are consuming half pills.

^ Great point bRAVEheart, thanks for mentioning it. I usually recommend halves, but that is an extra caveat that had never occurred to me.

BigTrancer :)
Depends what you're looking for I guess.

Last time I took a whole red mitz it was a bit too intense & I ended up on a couch in a club for about an hour riding that initial peak (and sense of nausia). I mean it was all good and everything but its hard to be sociable in that state.

Previously I found regular dose of 1/2 a pill every 1.5 hours or so to work pretty well and be much more in control.
And bear in mind Im usually one to always go whole, and im a solid build just over 6'.

I doubt you'd need any more than 1-2 pills over the course of a night if you went halves.

good luck :)
sux to be u said:
the pink/salmon coloured (not dark red) mitsi's seem to be PMA. If you can take a photo and put it up here, I'll tell you if it's a known good or bad one (well Ive seen about 5 diff shades of red mitsi's past few months) and the suspected PMA ones are very noticable

As far as I was aware there were NO red mitsis confirmed as PMA. Can you substantiate this claim with firsthand information such as pill test results, and give a good description of the pill?

The only pills confirmed as PMA in the last little while were the pink F1s seized by police. No one I have spoken to has had any bad experiences with pink/red mitsis. The 'word on the street' over the last 2 or so months has been that the mitsis without a score were the bad ones, but i haven't spoken to anyone that has seen any mitsis without a score.
Granted I appreciate the value of harm minimisation, but one must also consider the concept of fun maximisation, the slightly increased risk of harm is surely offset by the significantly increased amount of pleasure when maximising the dose over a shorter period. Surely then the double drop should not be discounted as a churlish boast for creds.:p

One can also be assured that this philosophy is not exclusive to the irresponsible but common among the off tap community at large.

JoKeRsWiLd =D

P.S. They still dont come in halves..............
Depends if you're willing to trade off a couple of hours enjoyment of a double-drop peak with developing a tolerance to MDMA twice as fast...

BT ;)
^^^ Fair comment and oh so true.

Tolerance the dirty word of the chemical generation =D
Thanks for your input people.
Its always great to get a few ideas from you guys.

I kinda agree with BT a bit, where if I were to take a whole to start with, i'd have an intense roll, but i would definately build up a tolerance to it, and my night wouldnt last as long.

...but double-dropping can be awsome!!

half every 1.5hrs sounds good to me. (then maybe a whole later on ;) )

Cheers! :D
i would recommend a half first then a whole 1.5 hours later.. that would kick ur ass off to a good roll..afterall you deserve a good one after the long spell
that could work cos by the time the half has kicked in you should be able to gauge whether you can handle a whole!
Just thinking back to a few nights, the best rolls ive had (the majority of the time) are when i did half first and based my consumption for the night on what happens from that. That said, i generally tend to drop a full straight off......go figure?

so yeh, i rekon most of you guys are right in recommending the half first, that way you can judge whether or not u need another half next or a full one ;)

peace out
party safe!
From my experience ive always taken a whole and then drop another 1 hr later and if i get no hit then a drop another. But i must say that with all the dangerous pills going around, im taking precautions from now on consuming a half then wait 1 and half hours cause ive learnt that the pills these days can take about 2 hours to get a strong peak but hey thats my opinon
Just a few things to bear in mind with these particular pills.
a) They do take a long time to kick in and then longer to fully peak. In general my pills usually kick in within about 20-30mins, but with these pills it took up to an hour sometimes. Then it was another further 30mins if increasing intensity.

b) People have died from being irresponsible with these. They are very very very strong pills, and is it really worth risking your health over?

c) Finally once you start the night off with setting the bar so high as soon as the pills start to wear off you will want more, even if your still fooked out of your brain. I personally find that once I reach a peak then I want to hold that level for as long as possible and quite often will end up eating way too many pills then is healthy.