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Info Required: White Fuck

Never Mind

Oct 2, 2000
Hey ppls.
Well, I don't know where to look for info on this, cos its a strange one.
A couple of my friends came across a pill on Sunday night, called a "White Fuck" which was, (I didn't see it) a fairly large white pill, with "Fuck" written across the top of it.
My too (very experianced) pill popping friends did test the pill, but it didn't react at all. That's right, no reaction.... Strange.
Anyway, being the nut cases that they are, they crushed it up and snorted it anyway.
Needless to say, they were fully fufcked up, in a good way. They were giving me the details of their weekend, and it was just all dribble, they were laughing, giggling and basically just all arse about. I have seen them all MDMAed up and speeding and in basically every state possible, but never like this. All from a pill with no reaction to the EZ-Test kit.
What I would like to know is, what the fuck was in the "White Fuck"
And more to the point, is it safe for me to get one, because they looked like they were having the time of their lives. ON A HALF EACH!!!
Any info would be good.
FEEL THE BASS, let it work you into a frenzy.
This is entered on www.pillreports.com
PMA gives no reaction when tested and its effects are reported to be similar to mdma. Be careful not to mix it with an mdma pill as the reaction can be fatal.
I think PMA was the suspected content in the pills that the guy who died at Happy Valley took. Does anyone know if PMA is quite active in such an amount? (ie.half a pill)
As far as I'm aware, the problem with PMA is that is is very active at smaller doses than MDMA - thus the problem of overdosing arrives when people who normally scoff more than a couple of pills in the nieve attempt to get more of that MDMA feeling, OD on PMA.
As for the reaction to MDMA, I thought it was DXM & MDMA that caused all sorts of problems
Here's the link to the floating PMA FAQ..
Not that I had planned on indulging in either of them, but thanks for the tip1