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Need info-melb-playstations

MunkE Mc

Mar 8, 2000
anyone tried or tested a playstations
greeny bluey grrey with blue speckles(odd colour i know)
about same height as the mitsi turbos i reported on,except alot smaller
press is the "p" looking playstation symbol
seem to be fairly well pressed, no score
have heard rave reviews about these from a number of people, but havent tried or tested
two bickies are better than 1.......3 are even better
though ill take one euro over 3 fuken olympic shitty rings!
oh euro where art though?
haha munke, when you asked me if i'd eaten a playstation b4, you were just trying to trip me out!! well it worked. Did you have fun after we left?
"There are no differences but differences of degree between different degrees of difference and no difference."
- William James, American philosopher
i'm going to wait for the playstation 2 meself...
"i think i'll stick to drugs to get me thru the long, dark night of late-capitalism..."
Irvine Welsh
oh boy did i have fun, danced around some more, had some good talkz, good hugz, then i had a lil smoke here and there, went straight to mah head, and i crept into a buble, started dancing psy-trance earthcore trippa style with my beanie covering my whole face, fuken brilliant
what exactly do you mean by that jb
ahah! now i know what u were talking about *muckE* ...playstation is a damn pill...
i was wondering why you were asking me whether i'd eaten a playstation man...
still all over the place
I actually only opened this post cos i thought you guys were going to talk about the actual PlayStations!
Anywayz, scrap the PlayStations, stick with the old school Sega Master Sytem series :p
Got so many games, and buying more as the days go by. (Yes, im a hardcore collector!)
yes ..as winter approaches and the urge to hibernate kicks in i also thought you were talking hardware there munckE.
any sports sim. addicts out there? my fifa 2000 arrives any day soon.
[This message has been edited by tranquilo (edited 10 October 2000).]
yeah they do looked well pressed I think I probably have one from the same batch and source as you - have you tested it yet? I don't have any solution left, but let me know before the weekend if you find anything out. Ta MunkE
I have a photo of your raving duck too! quack quack waddle waddle - do the duck man (o how I loath work)
ps. let me know if you're going to Madass or Xsive this Sat!
yep going to xsive as soon as sonya and i devise an ingenious plan to get in
nope dont have any left either and was told not to bother buying more coz it would be unreliable by now, i was hoping someone else would test it,
ahh you mean ebenezer, yeah she was on the speaker at frantic freeland, can you bring the pic to xsive and she'll be there for sure!
damn it, well im pretty sure they're not speed they way everyone was going on about them, must be somthing elese