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Someone speaks sense at last!


Jan 10, 2000
Anyone read the april 3rd issue of Time Magazine? In the letters to the editor, some George guy said that "Prohibition does not work...proper testing for quality is the way to go" I'd bet my next bean this guy's a bluelighter.

Like a flood,Thru my blood;
In my vein,To my brain;
Feel it coursing right thru me;
Oh my GOD its ECSTASY!
There was a fantastic documentary on sbs on the war on the 'war on drugs'. I wish I had taped it because it was just amazing. It showed the facts, used examples where they have legalised heroin in parts of England to addicts who have no success with methodone. It has changed peoples lives and I believe that legalisation and quality testing is the right way to work. The government can make money, people using will be safe, everybody wins. Now just talk narrow-minded redneck americans into it and the rest of the world should follow (of course exeptions apply)
I saw that documenatry Mr. Horse
It was called "the war against the war of drugs"
IT was reallly informative!
Mr.Horse: Legalise Heroin, and i'll have *certain* (not offending responsible addicts) addicts sleeping on my footpath, driveway etc. No chance for legalisation. Legalise drugs, then why not Legalise murder and get rid of people who you *deeply dislike*.
Sorry Horsey, but i can't agree with what you have said. :|
i agree Mr Horse...
Everybody wins with legallisation...the government make money through taxation, pills would become cheaper due to mass production, E's would be alot safer due to QC, and our generation would all be alot happier...
...just look at cigarettes and alcohol...they were once illegal...and now marajuana is nearly on the list...its all a matter of time...
...and convincing all the people out there that we are not a bunch of drug f**ked idiots just out for a hit...
...blondes have more fun...
Mr Klownz,
If heroin was legal you would be buying it from a reliable source like your pharmacist or you local methadone clinic. You would know exactly how much you should dose yourself with and you wouldn't be injecting shit thats been cut with baking powder. I think legalising drugs would lead to better access to health care and advice....rather than a free for all for cheap clean drugs which i think you're alluding to. (correct me if i'm being too presumptious)
J-Swift: And syringes? Syringe Deposit Bins are *NEARLY* everywhere, yet you have toddlers stepping on them on beaches.
*shakes his head*

[This message has been edited by Mr.Klownz (edited 07 April 2000).]
can you imagine someone on ecstacy leaving a sharp pointy thing on a beach?
thats the difference between opiates and empathogens... e makes you think, h just stops you thinking...
and thats fine for those who want it. i'm all for heroin trials and whatever, because its not just a matter of making one thing legal and one not... its about attitude change...
people have to seriously talk about why people want to take heroin. and not just pretend that its evil and only bad, fucked up people take it.
i got into trouble here before for likening heroin and ectacy, in fact i didnt even do that, i made an analogy with heroin in it, but anyways... a drug is a drug, we take them because we want to be something else for a while, i take e because i want to be happy and emapathic, people i know take h because they want to feel no pain and not think for a a while...
if people were honest about this then maybe we'd start on the road to sorting this whole mess out
I missed that one "war..." but did manage to record one called Psychelic Science off SBS about 12 months ago (or more?). Some amazing things are beginning to happen as the world wakes up to a couple of ideas. One: drugs aren't going away, they've been around for thousands of years and there's plenty of wacky shit in your garden, always will be. Two: information is better that no information or misinformation. Know.
Bluelighters are part of an important community dedicated to safety. Check out MAPS, a great group, a little academic sometimes but worthy of support too.
Vune: provided you actually want to be informed, sure. But based on our law makers' histories the outlook is pretty bleak. I mean we're talking about a bunch of people who create a law, see that it doesn't work, then set about wasting immeasurable resources on beefing up said law and its enforcement instead of looking into other possibilities. Put simply, they don't have the strength of character to admit when they are wrong. Sorry to some of the more "youthfully challenged"
amongst us but this seems to be a flaw particulaly prevalent within the baby boomers generation, although I will admit that having boomer parents has warped my judgements somewhat
I'd like to explain furhter, but bandwidth blah blah topical issues blah and care factor (my generation's achilles heel) blah
The only way I can see the war on drugs finally being put to the rest that it deserves is when and if the younger drug aware generation finally assumes control over such matters. Mind you, this was probably said in the 60's before the new generation of control freaks took over, so don't hold your breath
no syn, stop right there... or rather dont
this is exactly the sort of stuff our bandwidth needs to be used for, not running gags about lil blue guys...
this is exactly the place for this sort of debate, and even tho most of us are in agreement about the basic issues, each time we sit down and talk about it, and especially hear other peoples views, it strengthens our arguements...
please, carry on this great thread...
I'm not the most knowledgeable person on drugs and all, but here are my views...
No one thing will make drugs "go away" or make them "OK". Awareness, legality, education, law, etc, are many things that may or may not work.
Some people often take drugs without proper education and then get addicted, these are some that end up getting f**ked by it. In my opinion anyway.
Drugs and their effects, I think, need to be researched, read about and studied before use, so that your mind is at ease and you are fully aware of your rights and responsiblities towards it. I myself will be having my first roll in the near future, and its only after alot of research and questions that I now feel comfortable with the idea of it all.
And thats right cafehead, drugs aren't gonna "go away", but I also think that there is no proper "solution" to the situation. There is never a way to keep EVERYONE happy.
Hope this wasn't mindless babble that means nothing to you all...
- BFD.
All you bluelighters!
The only way to change the law is to make people realise they are often misinformed. If you are put on the spot by a parent or friend etc etc.....don't shirk your responsibility to society and avoid the issue...tell the truth, speak as if you were on e and explain the positives and negatives, admit you have taken it and give your give your side of the story!! People with negative views only feel that way because they have been conditioned to think like that....once people realise the facts their attitude will change...everyone know prohibition of anything is bullshit....kay enough ramblings from me.
Be informed then choose!

During the recent Singapore International Film Festival, i caught a Canadian film entitled Grass. Contrary to popular belief, it's not a film on high quality astroturf.

It chronicled the legal history of a certain weed..um i meant plant
...in USA. The ludricrousity of the reasons given were so glaring. Also, medical research has also proven it's harmlessness. YET, the said plant is still facing persecution by the very people who legalise more harmful substances such as nicotine and alcohol. IMHO, the legitamacy of said plant is a good indication of how law-makers will change their tune. Or not. Bear in mind that the research done in this matter is alot more extensive than that of our poison of choice. One may expect slightly faster changes, but it is highly unlikely that Adam would come before Mary Jane.
Like a flood,Thru my blood;
In my vein,To my brain;
Feel it coursing right thru me;
Oh my GOD its ECSTASY!
I'm not sure how on topic this is, my eyes are too fuzzy to read more than 4 lines/post, apologies.
I used to know someone that was addicted to herion and doing damn well at uni at the same time. A rare case i know but it can be done. I believe that pure herion in the correct doseage has very few, if any harmful side effects, apart from addiction. Main cause of ODs is variation in purity. So I believe if it were legalised for public useage, we'd all be fucked, cause it's soo addictive. But if it gets legalised/decriminalised for registered addicts;
  1. Addicts could be given/sold controlled quantities of pure heroin or H mixed with something non-harmful. Hence no fuct up people and a dramatic decrease in ODs.
    Illegal dealers will go or of business or in my terms, be fucked. Their clients, the addicts will have government supply and not need their products, provided adequate supply id given by the gov.
    People will stop starting up on H cause dealers will be very few and far between, hence few new addicts and less and less as time goes on.
    that's my view anyhow

    oh yeah that person i new that was doing well at uni, she got a purer strain than usual one day.
    [This message has been edited by entropope (edited 08 April 2000).]
maybe my UBB needs work but those points were meant to be nubered.
oh well, big whoops
ahhh childhood memories flooding back with that phrase
big whoops big whoops big whoops
ultimately, we just want to be happy
Get over it! Fuck!!!
The Law's the Law, and that's how it is. Drugs are illegal, but you take them anyway.
and they'll stay illegal whilst the alcohol & nicotine companies are sponsoring the "war on drugs!" As per the title of the show on SBS the other nite, it's time to start the war on the war on drugs!
Fill whats empty, empty whats full, scratch whats itchy!
Tranquilo, you're right. The government would never legalise anything unless they could make money from it. Now supposing, hypothetically they legalised xtc they would have to tax it's consumption, which would add to the price and create a new blackmarket to fight.
By making tobacco and alcohol legal they have a controllable wide group of addicts from which to sap more and more tax. (ciggies go up by 13% in July)
The war on drugs satisfies the uninformed, self-righteous, moral-dependants in our society, we all know who they are.