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Perth Pill Report---White Optus


May 28, 2001
At Auxilliary (26th Jan) I popped half a white optus that i bought on site for 50.
I had it while sitting, stood up 20 mins after taking it and felt very light footed. After 25 mins it kicked in and I immediately started felling a MDMA rush, I coudln't hide the huge smile on my face for a good 30 mins, extremely "loved-up". I went into the scene and danced hard for 4 hours, throughout this time smoking bout 15-20 worth of weed. Throughtout the night I never ran out of energy and i felt no negative effects.
The high lasted about 3 and a half hours. My best guess is that it was 2/3 MDMA with about 1/3 MDE.
4 of us had a white optus my gf and i had half, and 2 of my otehr friends had a whole,,,my gf and on of my friends bombed out completely but felt very happy,,,while me and my other friend had our best highs ever.
Highly recomended
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