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Is Codeine like Heroin?


Sep 17, 2002
Just out of interest...........a question coming from someone who will never try heroin. Is the codeine high basically a subdued version of what its like to be on heroin?
Hmm. Well i see what you're getting at.

Comparing Codeine to Heroin is kind of like camparing Caffeine to Meth.

Sure, if you have enough Codeine or Caffeine you might be able to acheive a shitty but forgettable buzz.

The high from H or Meth is one you never forget.

H is warm and soothing and if yer not careful, can simply become the perfect remedy to any problem.

I know this doesn't really answer you question but it's prettyhard to describe what H is like... do a search on heroin in OD. There's heaps of threads like this one http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=121411&highlight=what+is+heroin+like
Heroin, codeine and Morphine; all very similar molecules.
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I think its pretty cool how such similar compunds can create such a range of intensity. I guess its the same with many similar compounds.
i cant be sure about this but dont most (all?) opiates get converted to morphine in your liver anyway? just to varying degrees. hence the varying strengths. but then i guess none would be stronger than morphine itself... and that argument is ruined by herion, fentanyl (opioid) etc... ahh logic... dont know where i heard that from then *shrugs*

thanks for those structure pics p_d i had to laugh after seeing codeine and morphine lol. i pulled out an old first year organic text and giggled my ass off.... if only i wasnt allergic to opiates :p
Damn, I can't even compared it :) I found Codeine to be very very crappy :D
.... if only i wasnt allergic to opiates :p

I never found a fancy for them. Tried codeine in the para-codeine preparation for dry coughs, tried a recreational shot of morphine in the bum (OK so I'm chicken of needles :\), was given pethidine in hospital, and also tried it on a couple of rec. occasions. I also smoked H a couple of times. None of the experiences left any mark on me, nor any desire to repeat.

For many years I wondered why. Then, about 3 yars ago, I was standing next to a well known international DJ as he was offered an oxycodone while playing. He turned, smiled and said while pointing to the ceiling -"Only up for me matey" I thought to myself, that apart from grass, that's me too really.

The (short) answer to your question; There are 3 major types of opiode receptor. The usually preferred drug target is the mu or u receptor. While all three; C, M and Morphine, stimulate this receptor, the binding affinities and rates of metabolism also affect the high. In this respect all three are quite different.

Hope that makes some sense :)