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legalize it????


Sep 30, 2003
Should we legalize mj? i think so... but i was wondering what you guys thought and why.
Legalize it? No No!

Lets keep it illegal! ofcourse the penalties shouldnt be that harsh az in Thailand and almost the rest of SE Asia..I dun wanna get life or deth for smokin joe! But illegal it should be!
Absolutely it should be legalized. It should be controlled in the same way alcohol is, ie. an age limit, illegal to drive while high, etc., but it should be decriminalized. However, if it was, I would still buy only privately grown stuff. I cant imagine what shitty commercial weed products would be available if it was made legal.
legalization is tricky. with the conservative nature of our government i dont believe it will be any time soon. however, with the debt our country is in, marijuana would be an excellent tax opportunity. i believe that the government knows this, and hopefully one day we'll be able to smoke out in the open instead of behind closed doors...
in theory, yes...but....

IMO, bud should never be legalized in the states, even as much as all of us potheads might want it to be. Here's the thing....

Look at everything, which was once outlawed, that has since been embraced and verified as being acceptable under the rules that govern....almost all of that has been pretty fuckin exploited and made completely watered down in the process of becoming "legal".

We all know the facts; we all know the truth; so why is it that a horribly unjustifiable substance such as alcohol is still completely acceptable and marijuana isn't? Fear and ignorance have bombarded the american citizens by the powers that control us. But so be it.

I will not accept the government's half-ass attempt at generating billions of dollars in taxable revenue for themselves as effort towards legalization, only to have a part of my life be suddenly available for every conforming fuckup in the nation to have a shot at ruining it for me. We've all seen people's lack of responsibility when it comes to alcohol! Do you think weed will be any different? Just because some of us can handle ourselves with a substance, doesn't suddenly mean that once something is available to the general public, that everyone else will then act the same way.

In a perfect world, we wouldn't have to worry about everyone else....but until then, weed should stay part of the counter culture...it's ours and they can't have it.
Fuck yeah dude, not only is it good medically and was proven, it wall also save the state of California, and the US millions, possibly billions of dollars, a big boost to come out of our defecit.

no, not right now. However, it should be decriminalized, so that it becomes merely a ticket if used outside the home.
dude of coarse we all want it to be legal but then it will be taxed as fuck and prices be skyhigh.

and do you want the government to have all this money? i dont it only encourges them.
Re: in theory, yes...but....

three[x] said:
Just because some of us can handle ourselves with a substance, doesn't suddenly mean that once something is available to the general public, that everyone else will then act the same way.

Not to be obstinate, but I think weed is already extremely available to the general public. Sure, it takes an extra step to knowingly break the law, and it's not as if it is bought and sold or served in any facility - but the public can get it and they know it is there.

Also, the 'counter culture' that smokes weed contains some of the most irresponsible and hopeless people imaginable, as well as some of the most brilliant and productive. I don't picture anything changing if it were sold to a broader group. - but, I do see what you mean - it's the fuckups that get the credit and not the success stories, and if weed were sold to a completely public audience, there would be far more fuckups.

ok im done :)
Re: Re: in theory, yes...but....

alostlittlebird said:
Not to be obstinate, but I think weed is already extremely available to the general public. Sure, it takes an extra step to knowingly break the law, and it's not as if it is bought and sold or served in any facility - but the public can get it and they know it is there.

I just had this discussion with several of my friends.

I posed the question, "what percentage of americans, aged 3 to 150, could, at anytime, locate and obtain weed?" My answer was 20-30 %, another person said 10-20%, and another said 50-70% (this number includes our parents, grandparents, children, etc.). Who really knows what that number might be. But I still think as obtainable as weed might be to the general public, the number of those who actually take the next step to smoke weed would prove to be quite low in comparison.

Just because marijuana is around, doesn't mean that it's for everyone. Everyone CAN'T get marijuana simply because that desire is not there so it doesn't really apply.

I appreciate your criticism though...I am good friends with the Devil's advocate. ;)
I got 1 very very good question! Alright, everyone knows in the world that cigarettes kill 1200 americans a day. (that Truth commercial they taped here)and yet they still keep them legal! Marijuanna hasnt ever killed anyone, I dont think. But this is the sort of ignorancy that is going to the US over in the long run. I hate our hypocritical government. Here we are sitting trillions of dollars in debt and they cant even see how to help it! LEGALIZE WEED! I know Kentucky has burnt over $11 billion worth of herb in the past 10 yrs. Thats alot of money.

Yes, Legalize it, then make alcohol illegal, cuz i can get the real deal moonshine. whoo
Legalize?? Hell no. At least not here in the Netherlands. It's freely available around here and the only thing legalizing it would do now is raise the price. I hardly feel like paying taxes over my bag of pot.
Hey thanks for responding...im doing research paper on marijuana and how marijuana laws are uncongruent with todays society... thats why i asked..

My opinion is that it should be treated like alcohol, it is way less harmful than it to start with(ie: cant overdose,not bad for liver, doesnt start fights, dont black out)... i mean have any of you ever blacked out on weed and forgot the whole previous night... i know i havnt.. Although i have with alcohol in the past... i think all of you pot heads that said dont legalize it because it would be more expensive would be in for a surprise. AS of now retail pot is genrerally speaking more expensive than gold per oz... drug dealers tax the hell out of weed cuz its illigal, my point being that it would be cheaper due to the fact that its not illegal. You could grow your own and have it free for christ sakes :) there are also no deaths attributed to marijuana use ever where as each year thousands of poeple die from asperin use... Further more pot remaining illigal is putting good people in jail which costs us tax payers fucken $20,000 a year for one person to remain in jail unproductive as ever...Now if we were talking mushrooms or acid here i would say the general public is definately not ready.. but i really dont see how someone couldnt handle weed....
"dealers tax the hell out of weed cuz its illigal, my point being that it would be cheaper due to the fact that its not illegal"

Wrong. Should it be completely legalized, then pot-dealers will dissappear and the government will exploit it with huge taxes like they did with tobacco and alcohol.
sigh....grow your own... I bet if it was legal it would still be cheaper to buy in a store than from dealer and than you wouldnt have to worry about a 300 dollar fine for possesion too.
I live in the Netherlands so I can already get it at a store and I don't have to worry about 300 dollar fines. Fact remains that it is more expensive to buy some at a coffeeshop then to buy some illegally. And I already am growing my own. Smoked my first joint from this years harvest last week.
Amen anarchistgirl - decriminalization is the way to go and the govt. would do this before total legalization of the drug.
Do I think it should be legalized? Hell Yes!!!

Do I think it will happen? Hell No :(

I don't think that our Goverment would ever let that happen unless they could regulate it and take a piece of course.

I also agree with the comment made to treat it like alcohol

Touchy subject but man it would be nice
Decriminalization and Legalization are two separate things! Decriminalization is when the drug is NOT legal to prosess or transport, it's still a misdemeanor and dealing is most often still as felony. This is political hairsplitting, but decriminalization is a political stop-gap to legalization. Some legal definitions of decriminalization vary from state to state or from country to country, I BELIEVE California's Decrim' law states it is either legal or a misdemeanor fine to posess up to an ounce of weed.

IMHO Legalization, although the prefered legal state of existance, is not possible given the current political climate.