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blank domed pills being called 'amsterdams'

secret squirrel

Jun 9, 2002
All of a sudden, the pillreports community is being jived by a particularly misleading trend that drug dealers have been exploiting to futher their percieved value of pills in stock. I am of course talking about the describing of BLANK DOMED pills as "AMSTERDAMS"

As if they were from Amsterdam or something. Almost everyone who has spoken to me about Amsterdams assumes that these pill come from the drug capital of the world, and surely they must be so much better than the shit they make here. These pills are not from amsterdam, they are not even imports(not that it matters where they're from, it matters that your being lyed to)

When my dealer tried call pills by the same name, I promtly told him he was full of shit, and he AGREED!
Does anyone else agree that this is a load of shit or what?
^^^ well yeah, it *is* just a term. of course, certain batches of blank pills could be from holland (could being the operative word), but people just have to realise that there's no direct correllatory relationship between the name of a pill and its originating location.
They are definately locally made, sources tell.

Yeah, amsterdams are a stupid name. I just call them white blanks/pills.
we call em splits, or if there the small ones, baby splits, depending on the color too, pink/brown/white
I think its a trend that anything with no logo is called an amsterdam. Doesn't help that from as far as i can tell there are at least two types of blue "amsterdams" goin round atm. One is full of speed and the other one seems to be ok. As a result buyers lap up the not so good ones thinking they are the better ones.
In Brisbane it seemed to start with the 'brown amsterdams' about three months ago. small brown, no score etc. I think the trend started as a few new batches of small domed pills with no logo started turning up a short while after.

Cuddles :)
I heard that 'mitsubishi' pills actually aren't made by the mitsubishi company either... damn false advertising/trademark infringement...

BigTrancer ;)
does it really matter what they are called i can remember people consuming pills called blacked death ( WTF). So it doesn't matter what there called as long as they test ok they will be chewed
my dealer told me these were locals.
they sucked either way lol everyone else seems to like em though
BigTrancer said:
I heard that 'mitsubishi' pills actually aren't made by the mitsubishi company either... damn false advertising/trademark infringement...

BigTrancer ;)

If drugs were legal, will we be seeing "sponsorship" by these huge corporations for the drug chemist to print on their pills? 8)
I like the CSI episode the other week...a guy was making pills with the logo of HIS (a multi million dollar international company by the way) company logo on it! Of course they referred to all Ecstacy pills being white! (A little disappointing really, they seem to do their research well on other subject matters).
I personally dont trust any dealer as far as you can throw them =P and neither should anyone else.
If you dont trust dealers, then why are you buying from them assuming you or your "gnome" buys them?
Urbanhog: because i havent found a good brand of mdma pills at the local pharmacy yet. have u got any recomended brands for me? =P

come on, why do drug dealers deal? To spread the love? Its a business, very profitable business. But unlike most business its illegal, and there is no regulating body.
its all about connections and who you know witchdoctor ;)

Of course the drug business is very profitable, but its a very strange disiullioned underground world so my mates told me where everyone use everyone for both the money and the drugs......I have no idea, I am not involved and I don't want to or plan to find out, I rather give them a wide berth.
yeh fair enough Urbanhog =) All im sayin is that whenever a drug dealer tells me something i take it with a pinch of salt. Some just dont know what they're talkin about and some are just lyin to your face to try offload some gear. I guess its abit unfair to lump all dealers together as being dodgy mofos. But oh well, I just dont take everything i get told by dealers as gospil. =)
anyone remember that hilarious episode of 'music jambouree' where john saffran got dressed up like a hippy raver and got some pill binders pressed into the logo of a radio station that was badmouthing ecstacy users, then he got someone to ring them up and accuse them of endorsing drug use, it was hialrious =D