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Xanax Amnesia?


Apr 11, 2016
Hi everyone.

I've only had two experiences with Xanax, and haven't gone back to it because of the memory loss it seemed to be giving it to me.
Is amnesia common? Is experiencing short-term memory loss also possible for weeks after?

My first experience with Xanax was 0.5mg mixed with 40mg Adderall XR, a half gram of Indica, and around 100mg DXM. (I know weird combination).
I didn't remember anything from the night after about 20 minutes of dissolving the Xanax under my tongue.
My memory was also extremely foggy for weeks after.

My second experience was 1mg which I swallowed at school.
After about an hour after swallowing it I blacked out and the next thing I remember was I was sitting at home.
Once again I felt memory impairments for weeks after.

Is this common with Xanax or is it just not a drug for me? I know 0.5mg is a low dose itself but combined with all the other drugs did it do something?

Its common to experience amnesia especially if combined with weed or DXM.

But 1mg isn't going to give you a full blown amnesia, even if you have little tolerance. Are you sure its pharmaceutical Xanax?

Because it might be another benzo.
TAVOR is right there are a lot of fake Xanax pills. How do you know if it's a real one or not?
Yes amnesia is common, but not usually at the levels you took. You may have a sensitivity to benzos. Try .25 without any other drugs and see how you feel.
Amnesia and black outs are common occurrences when taking Benzos. You may be sensitive or it could be a reaction to the various substances.

OD ---> BDD
plenty of things factor in when blacking out some common issues include taking to much, mixing without substances or down right sensitivity
the first time you blacked out the cocktail couldve contributed to your black out
the second time you blacked out 1mg is quite a dose if you dont have exp with xanax
try 25mg by itself or .5mg by itself with nothing else and yes a small increase can def make you black out

im pretty sensitive to xanax i usually take .125mg or .25mg i once took .5mg and i blacked out lol
benzos have little to no rec value so if a high is what your chasing youll never find one

memory loss, forgetting random shit and not remembering anything at all is actually quite common with benzos as they pretty much slow you down
Figure I might as well throw in my 2 cents along with the others. To the OP, yes, blackouts are very common with just about any flavor of benzo. It's not just you I promise. I'm a very experienced user of many drugs and I can tell you personally that I have even had memory loss/mind fogginess episodes from doses as low as 1 mg of alprazolam. You're just fine but like deos said, if it's a buzz you're looking for with benzos and you're anything like the rest of us, ya just ain't gonna find it. For me they work best for just down right relaxing after a long day or in combo with my favorite opiate just to give it that little extra relaxation and take off any stimulant like edge I might have from the opiate dose. Hope we helped ease your mind some.
Thanks everyone. I don't think I'll be doing it anymore due to the blackouts.

To answer the first 2 posts the Xanax was labeled only with one line going through a side. It was suspicious but I learned they were from Mexico where apparently pills do not have to be labeled. (I have not confirmed this).