• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Workaholics Anonymous

I get bored if I have too many days off...

And boredom usually leads to drug use


I guess need a new hobby

Agree with you on that one that's why I try to stay as busy as possible so I don't think of using or drinking for that matter.

I am opening my work email in a few minutes :D
I dread the slow season at work. I'm so glad I have a second job this year so I can still make money and stay busy!
It's supposed to be slow season but it doesnt feel like it at all. I have 3 projects I have to finish tomorrow then prepare for monthly inventory tomorrow after shipping. Then I have to come in on Saturday to reconcile our inventory count. Busy busy Maya but hey not complaining at all.
Hint-hint, Miami is in Florida...

Hehe :)
I've never taken a real vacation, or traveled, so I'm super excited :D

I dread the slow season at work. I'm so glad I have a second job this year so I can still make money and stay busy!

I love being busy at work. This week is the start of the "slow season" ... it's nice because I can take time off, etc. but I end up working on my second job anyway. That's more fun though LOL. But actual work is crazy, being so slow. It's like, you've gotta find things to do. Hahah. Last summer was the same thing. I'm much better at working when it's super busy and stressful... I just strive in that type of environment. :)
lol I kept thinking, "alright next post will be a regular user, kay next one then,"
surprised with how many mods replied back to back haha.

Anyways , to the topic at hand, I am sadly not a workaholic.
Well, when I enjoy something, I go completely manic on it.
That's why I do great projects, music, learn well, AND a wonderful addictive personality.

It just seems that most jobs I do I dont enjoy. I have a hedonistic approach to life.
The one job I DID enjoy I was very much hard-working and doing overtime.

..I think my main problem is I just need an occupation that completely fits me.

Workings good, though! Yes, burn-out is real, but if you feel okay, than you are just getting acclimated to working all the time, and it wont seem as big as a deal, AND you'll be making lots of money!

Seems the less I do something routinely, the LESS I want to do it.
Hehe :)
I've never taken a real vacation, or traveled, so I'm super excited :D

I love being busy at work. This week is the start of the "slow season" ... it's nice because I can take time off, etc. but I end up working on my second job anyway. That's more fun though LOL. But actual work is crazy, being so slow. It's like, you've gotta find things to do. Hahah. Last summer was the same thing. I'm much better at working when it's super busy and stressful... I just strive in that type of environment. :)

I haven't travelled much either! I actually am planning to go to Cuba by the end of this year (December) because our company closes on the 24th up to new years so that is my only chance to go away, but I know myself that I will be opening up my work desktop just to work on some other things. Alright, alright I have to just enjoy my time then.

I also love being busy but sometimes work stuff can be annoying specially if you are being bothered most of the time for problems which sometimes, I won;t have the time for. It is supposed to be "slow season" for our company as well but I am surprise by the massive work I have been doing for the past two months.
Hehe :)
I've never taken a real vacation, or traveled, so I'm super excited :D

How cool! Let us know how it goes!

llama112 said:
I love being busy at work. This week is the start of the "slow season" ... it's nice because I can take time off, etc. but I end up working on my second job anyway. That's more fun though LOL. But actual work is crazy, being so slow. It's like, you've gotta find things to do. Hahah. Last summer was the same thing. I'm much better at working when it's super busy and stressful... I just strive in that type of environment. :)

Lol I know exactly what you mean. It's easier to stay out of trouble if you have something productive to do...
Maybe 100 hours BUT quite a lot of that is the software i.e. work 2 minutes, wait 2 minutes. Annoying since cannot read (or even listen) to book and music - who wants to listen to 1 track in 3 bits?

What should I do with those 1000s of 2-minute gaps?
Maybe 100 hours BUT quite a lot of that is the software i.e. work 2 minutes, wait 2 minutes. Annoying since cannot read (or even listen) to book and music - who wants to listen to 1 track in 3 bits?

What should I do with those 1000s of 2-minute gaps?

learn a new language online! find a web site that you can log into and track your progress, that way you can keep your motivation levels high, and pick up where you left off
Seems like you'd be the perfect person to be friends with in school then Maya, hahaha.
^ haha thanks! Yeah absolutely jibs, I am definitely a good influence in school and if you were my friend I would make sure you pass all your exams lol.

So I am finally back to work after being off for a few days and I am also back to the craziness. I missed it because every single day at work challenges my brain, how quickly I can think etc.
i love my job and the challenges it presents. this week, the overtime i have been putting in is ridiculous (im also working this weekend), although for a good cause. its wonderful to set goals outside of work that assist in motivating you and make the nights where you walk in your door of your home absolutely exhausted, worth it (eg. saving for a holiday or something you truly enjoy/want). i recently returned home from a short trip, and on the way home from the airport made a stop in to my office to see how things were progressing in my absence to be giggled at by my close colleagues and told "go home! youre on holiday! fuck off were fine"; only to return the following week to find that no, they werent. but its all part of the challenge and ensuring that i leave my workplace each day feeling satisfied and accomplished in both my and my teams personal efforts. i thrive on my professional success and gain alot from the experience.

^great post kyt! I can totally relate to ensuring that the operation of my department is running smoothly. When I was gone for a few days, they still called me to ask for some questions which I didn't mind answering back. It makes me feel valuable and important as an outstanding worker/colleague.