Mental Health Withdrawal switching


Nov 19, 2018
Say if I switched from quetiapine to risperidone how bad would j withdraw
I'm shit scared of trying something new but quetiapine don't do me.much favours my house is a mess voices in my head telling me to take drugs to kill myself and then some days I feel ok and think rationally I'm forgetting to take my meds I'm drinking more alcohol to block the voices I don't want a alcohol addiction as well
I think you should call 111 and see if there’s a option for the mental health team and tell them your in crisis. I don’t think you should be trying to self medicate as it’s obviously not working for you. Where I live in the UK I know you can be put through to someone and they will send someone out to assess you and admit you if need be.
Quit abusing drugs and get yourself some psychiatric treatment would be the obvious answer.