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Heroin Withdrawal heroin help with physical symptoms please


Dec 28, 2023
Hi guys,

I am planning to start getting clean.
I wanted to taper down slowly but unfortunately the last 2 weeks I upped significantly the amount of heroin I smoked. So I expect the withdrawals to be worse.
I am out of heroin now so I ll be getting sick.
I have some fentanyl matrix patches and around 19mg xanax( 2mg x 9.5 pills)
Should I quit cold turkey or should I maybe taper down? Like put idk, 36ug/hr matrix patch now and taking xanax during the weekend to combat the sickness? And after 3 days of the patches, continue without anything or with like 1 x 12ug/hr patch?
My goal is to get clean, I can't fucking take it anymore. I keep trying but always fail due to the sickness and pain going through the withdrawals. If I can fight the physical symptoms I am good
I ll also have to go to work Monday morning so I can't be into a too worse of a condition
The patches I have are 1 x 25ug/hr and some of 12ug/hr so I can dose in low amounts.
I can also only use half patch so I can dose in 6ug/hr amounts.
If I can somehow not feel the bone crushing pain I can quit.
If you can recommend some drugs to fight the physical symptoms I would greatly appreciate it.
Until Tuesday I won't be able to get anything else but after that I could potentially get any recommendations.
I might also be able to get heroin those days if the withdrawals get too hard but I would really really like not to
Clonidine 0.1mg tablets ….absolutely invaluable. Google it. Isn’t a controlled substance. Any walk-in clinic will write you a script. Amazing anxiolytic and sedative. Lowers blood pressure & heart rate. Decrease’s Norepinephrine in the brain…..calm, relaxed, eliminates hot and cold flashes

Gabapentinoids (Pregabalin & Gabapentin) Anxiolytic and anticonvulsant

Benzodiazepines (Diazepam & Lorazepam)

Cannabinoids (Indica - Pain relief, sedative, CB1 agonist

Amphetamines (Methylphenidate (Ritalin), Adderall, d-Amphetamine (Dexedrine) increases dopamine & endorphins

Sex & Cardiovascular Exercise- releases phenylethylamines (natural amphetamines) increases endorphins & dopamine, relief of RLS
So fast it doesn't work great.
Last Friday I took some xanax and went sto sleep.
I went on a really embarrassing ramble online, pee in the shower and did a lot of weird things.

I still have 3 and 3/4 2mg xanax pills

I really really wanna stop all this shits and be me again, you know?
My love of my life deserves better. My parents deserves better.
And all I am concerned with everything I have a new fix is to "get high all last time, then is over:. I never catch the dragon and everything around me is going to shit

I ll go in a pharmacy, tell them I am addiction and I need help.
I am in netherlands I pay taxes but never been to a general practitioner here. I ll go straight to the drug store. What should I ask beside clonodine?
Hi have went to utrwcht from rotterdam by just to score 15eur worth of smack( that I paid e30 euro food.) ( 3 small bags from a utrecht;s homeless dealer?

I am on some xanaxa and haven't smoke heroin since yesterday( when I did a lot unfortunately)

What are my best options?

I was thinking of keep dosing the xanax and weed today and tomorrow and leep the brown for extremely situations.
I should be working on Monday but I can ask for the day off.

This really needs to stop. I have people counting on me. My mother and father broken their backs working to provide. It s my time to step up and give them the care the deserved.
My girlfriend is also an angel and we have our good and bad and most of the times she s a pretty bad "support carer"(makes me feel ashamed and rude of my actiona) but I know she a not equipment to this with this so just having her stick around means the world to me. Her gather also has stage 2 cancer so is a bout the time we step on and show people that cared for us that it was not all in vein

I also own some 12ug/hr matrix fentanyl patches any idea how I could use them properly to fight withdrawal?

Please help me guys for real. I am desperate. I am sorry
Loperamide for the shits, domperidone for the sickness ; the xanax is good for the mental side-effects. I wouldn't touch fent for goodness' sakes, if using any opiate at all to take the edge off the WDs, you wanna use a weaker one than what you've been doing, NOT a stronger, that kinda defeats the point. Good old Valeron is useful (if that's still available), or take codeine.

Apart from that keep well hydrated with electrolytes, and get your vitamins.
Most importantly keep your objective in mind. The discomfort will only be temporary. Countless people have gotten through it and so can you.
I consider the fenfa the lowest of all. I found them tamper proff and only way to use them is stck them on skin 72h
How can I get codeine otc in netherlands?
I also called the clinics but to register from a different gp to a gp in another region takes 2-4 days
in rotterdam i met a homeless that will bring me a10eur bag in an hour, i think thjs is my angel
rest connexrions are in utrecf 1.5h by train.
i have access to dark markets tbou but i am bound to post delivery times.
i am new in rotterdam, maybe someone knows some oarks or sketchy locations i can go to?

i smoke not shoot heroin.
i also ate another 0.5g xan, smoked hash and smoked 0.7 g street heroin now.
i am pretty high and need to lead a job interview i have no experence wit the position itsel. ffk me
Update, the homeless lied to be.

I am left with like 005 heroin to smoke
So krTom that idk how well it works
And 2mg xanax
Tapering down matrix patches by cutting smaller and smaller was the easiest kick I’ve ever had from opioids.

Had been hooked for 7 years to various opioids and these patches were as painless as a taper and withdrawl as I could imagaine.

At the end I was wearing patches only half a square centimeter by half a centimeter. When I took it off finally I didn’t sleep for two nights at that was literally it.

Adding 100 mg of dxm if you are tapering will help. Don’t take it once you go cold turkey though.

Lyrica and benzos can also help take the edge off.
Idk man around 1-2g daily? Maybe 0m5 I have this list but is not 100% accurate as when I had brown I smoked and didn't give a shit bout the list.

I kept this list for a while thou.

13 decembrie 10pm 75ug/h
13 Dec 11pm 12 + 12ug/h
15 decembrie 1:23am 24ug/h
15 dec 19:30 12ug/h
15 Dec 19:20 2ml( I tried vodka extraction on used patch)
15 Dec 20:27 24ug/hr
15 Dec 21:10 12hr/ug
16dec 00:10 12ug/hr
16 decembrie 14:23 24ug/h
16 decembrie 16:00 36ug/hr
16 Dec 17:53 24ug/hr
16 Dec 18:03 12ug/hr
16 decembrie 19:35 36ug/hr
17 decembrie 4:05 am 24ug/h
19 decembrie 21:43 36ug/h
19 decembrie 22:18 12ug/hr
20 decembrie 21:17 12ug/hr
21 decembrie
23 December 18;00 60mg oxy er
23 decembrie 21:05 5euro worth of sketchy Street heroin.(0.1g ?)
25 decembrie 21:19 40mg oxy ER
24 decembrie 07:22 40mg oxy ER
26 decembrie 12 20mg
26 eecembrie 1 pm 20mg
26 Dec 20:19 20mg
28 Dec 7am 40mg oxy er
28 Dec 9am 40mg oxy er
28 decembrie 11:12am 40mg
30 decembrie 11:46 40mg
1 January 18:50 40mg
I also have used matrix patches. Tried smoking new/used didn't work. Tried bucally no work. Tried vodka extraction no work.
I have the new matrix one. They are sticky but the glue isn't invisible to naked eye
I was on them patches since I don't have a supply in rktterdam and the only fway for me is to travel with the train to utrecht 1.5h
Foil yessir. But 2g of street level quality. Before I was ordering online and getting good shit. I don't remember how much I was smoking.
But from this street level 1 bag is 10 eur and is either 0.1 or 0.16g that smoke it off at once.
I kinda remember when having good shit I wasn't smoking more than 0.1 per sessios