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Why SO FEW recovery stories? Stay AWAY from MDMA!

Lol some people are so ignorant. I don't have any bad experiences with MDMA, but damn some people that have been posting lately are downright ignorant.
Stories of MDMA are overwhelmingly positive even life changing - but every week is too often. You'll probably be fine which isn't to make light of the depression that can follow over use especially in those more liable. It would be wrong to say no harm can come of it but it's generally pretty safe; I would advise not catastrophising and scaring yourself when your in a bad place and make an unpleasant situation worse; people in recovery as you put it are less likely to post back later if they are fine, some pull away from the scene after over use. From a simple post it is hard to know all the details and in some cases if it was even MDMA. The worse reaction I know of terrified the person off MDMA - they were convinced they were messed up for good but therapy put them right and they came to terms with issues that likely caused the reaction - she was in denial of being gay; not suggesting this has any barring on your situation. My GF herself hasn't done MDMA since a particularly bad dip after her last use. 5HTP seems to help after use if your not taking it.
Most people who have had lasting issues from mdma use either overdid it hard or had preexisting conditions, used sensibly it's quite safe as are all it's relatives.
This is one reason why I never took MDMA, MDA, or any research chemicals.

I have a friend that has taken MDMA, MDA, and 2c-b. But he used them 3-4 times in his life for each drug, took very long break in between taking the drugs, and did not take them in extremely large amounts. He also would take supplements before and after taking the various drugs, and used them twice a year at the very most.

He never lost the magic of these drugs, and does not have issues from them, but other people I have met who abused these drugs do have issues, and I have met and known people who only used these drugs once or twice and developed issues, so that's why I never took them.
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Hey man! Someone said it right while I was reading thru. Once people feel better they tend to stop coming back and reporting. They move on with stuff. I was heavy user of md methylone, coke for years. It's been over 2 years since I stopped md and over a year since I haven't done coke. I'm feeling great!!! It takes time trust me. It does get better and you will return to normal. I have excerise a lot in the past without a proper diet and it helped.

Recently I changed my diet and started eating much healthier. Let me know tell you it makes a huge difference!! Keep going don't get discourage. I did at some points but pressed on. You'll have times of feeling low then bamn you'll few normal again for alittle and then back down. These times get less and less as time passes so just keep moving forward!! You can do it! Stay positive. Mine have subsided finally and I'm feeling better than I have in years. Just keep powering thru dude!!!!!!!!!! It gets better!!
I've had quite a severe ltc. In the beginning I barely could walk straight, was shaking from anxiety and was unable to work my job and many symptoms more. Now, 3 1/2 years later I'm still far from fully recovered, but I'm soo much better. I can socialize without drinking, work my job decently well, tinnitus and physical symptoms are way decreased and outsiders can't tell I used to have a multi-year major drug fuckup. I'm even happy or ok half the week. Though I got to say that a lot of this tangible recovery came in the last 6 months. I was pretty fucked all day every day, barely going outside non-drunk for a full 3 years.

Also keep in mind that one symptom of the ltc is hopelessness. The ltc makes you feel like your situation is even worse, than it actually is. What helped me was finding tangible evidence of recovery (for example improving sleep hours).
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Dude, I don't know where else to post this so you can bare my long arse story about an MDMA trip that has really fucking truamatised me.

I've never been a huge drug user, but I've done 2-CB, Cocaine, dope, and MDMA, oh and Ket but eh. Anyway I've done Mandy a few times now, first time made me go cold turkey on all drugs for a long time because I wasnt secure with being open and soppy. Second time was the bang after throwing up and feeling like death for the first five minutes. Thing is, I didn't think MDMA would ever give you a trip, like seeing colours and things I think come with it quite fittingly. But last night was quite something different, my friend brought 6 capsules over containing I'd say .2-.3 of the powdery brown rocks, and then what looked like paracetamol (they were in paracetamol capsules) moving on i took a capsule, sniffed a line and started rolling 40 minutes in. And hour or so later my girlfriend (who isn't rolling) asks if I want a bath. So I'm loving life and thinking hell yeah. But as we smoked out fags and she laid on my chest nothing seemed more fitting than closing my eyes... Bad fucking idea. I thought my eyes were open, and I was staring into her forehead, her skin pigments began to fade and so did the pores. I began seeing faint orange and green lines with 0110100110101001s racing up and down. I personally though this is cool, a second later her forehead disappeared completely and instead my beautiful girlfriend had an old style computer screen lodged perfectly into her forehead, it read "Failed connection...". Then the world went silent and I just saw black hair floating around in the bath tub and a cold dead body. Then in a flash I opened my eyes and she was there smiling, obviously me looking concerned she knew something was up.

I never thought MDMA would make me question my own sanity, for a second I thought I had seen something no human is ever supposed to see. Maybe this is the reality behind all the shit you see in front of you. But for that breif trip I felt utterly alone. Five minutes later I'm sitting back in her room, laughing an having a great time. Hasn't affected me but it seemed important, and a lot more deeper than a possibility of failed romance. Has anyone experienced a trip like this?
Similarly, I'm sure there are people who indeed have mental health problems and still use MDMA without having an LTC.

The big thing about mental health problems is that you will have your good days and bad days. It isn't just drug use that can trigger problems,past experiences , environment and social situations that can cause stress leading to mental problems. If things seem overwhelming and you just plain can't cope it's very important to get medical help as soon as possible. I used MDMA often around the 2003-2005 period and didn't suffer long term depression. Most of my mental problems was the result of smoking to much hyrdo weed which i went overboard smoking to try to get to sleep off the ecstasy pills i took.