Why isn't there a "Nootropics" Focus Forum?


Bluelight Crew
Mar 10, 2006
Unless I am mistaken (which I may be) at some point a little while ago now there WAS a Nootropics Forum on Bluelight. However it seems since to have been removed.

Regardless, given that there is a "Performance Enhancing Drugs" section I feel like it would be useful to have a forum for those substances which while they may not be widely used or even advisable in the context of improving athletic performance, definitely induce measurable changes in the user's outlook and view on the world, and I believe there are now enough of them and they are widely used enough that they essentially warrant their own "class" as defined by the Bluelight forum structure.

Obviously some are more effective and worthy of discussion than others, many of them are so variable in effects and reports of anecdotal experience that they may as well be placebo (most of the typical racetams, for example). Others however have noticable and strong psychoactive effects, ie, Modafinil and derivatives, Phenylpiracetam which is basically a dopaminergic stimulant as far as I can tell, also some of the more exotic ones from Russia such as Selank and Semax have definite psychoactive effects.

With some caveats, these are often drugs that can be taken almost every day with few downsides compared to the vast majority of non-nootropic and recreational substances, and with the intention to improve people's performance in day to day life, so it makes sense to me that they would be classed as "Performance Enhancing Drugs", but the current forum of the same name is largely focused on substances which, while they may have indirect psychoactive effects, are mostly to influence physical things such as muscle growth and endurance rather than enhance mental performance such as feelings of motivation and wellbeing.

I can think of a few reasons this might be the case... firstly, the powers that be consider the current user base of nootropics to be too small to warrant it's own forum, and most discussion can just be put into "Other Drugs"... secondly, it could be that the feeling is that to create such a forum would alert law enforcement to an as yet relatively unregulated group of substances, which would obviously do no-one any favours and lead to yet more prohibition efforts and all the troubles that arise from that. But nonetheless, I would be interested to hear the perspective of someone who could shed some light on this.
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I think a major factor is we don't attract very much actual nootropic discussion. Forums on BL are usually created only if there's a pressing need for them. Every new forum means a little more administrative overhead - there's moderators that need to be found, special subforum rules drawn up, and the like. It also needs to have enough momentum so it doesn't end up closed.
I personally have never tried any nootropics, but from the research I've done on them they seem quite interesting. I would personally love to try Phenibut, especially because I've read that it works great in a combo. (Unfortunately funds are always tight.)

Anyways, yeah there isn't much talk on them currently, but I would keep an eye out because they seem to be rising fast.
In my opinion (and others as well) Phenibut isn't a nootropic, it is just often sold by nootropic vendors under the guise of being one. There is plenty of discussion on blue light regarding phenibut. There is a megathread, a pretty well written (by xorkoth) guide in trip reports and plenty of small threads regarding it.

As far as actual nootropic discussion, there is some spread across bluelight... You just have to dig a bit. Threads can be found sporadically in ODD, BDD, PD and probably a few other places as well. Just gotta search around a bit.