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Why isn’t Benzedrex a controlled substance???

1949, so they did change it once but not since last time I've read about this cotton eating nonsense. After that it is on the not even if Im in prison list. (which is Sooo short).

Since you specified injection that means the cotton eaters are at no additional risk. (there is already alot read the thread *ADDITIONAL* key word).

I really dont think anyone smart enough to read this should be eating the cotton if a soak works either. Seems like even in prison you could find a work around. (that I honestly dont have knowledge on) but will theres a way right. Prolly make alot of soup and cigarettes or w/e if you were the only one who knew "how to get it into coffee". at least till they find out there is no special skill lol.
So, the only reason I ever did it in the first place is because I cut off all my old connects. I never injected the stuff and never plan to.

It became addictive to me and if you research long enough many others, though my views on the restricting of it has changed a long time ago. This is a very old post I made and I’m surprised it got bumped so much lately.

As far as whether it’s addicting or not, it can be very addicting if you don’t have access to the sought after uppers. And it was so cheap and everywhere.

Additionally, some people are addicted to adrenaline and a lot are addicted to sex. I mean there are some real adrenaline junkies out there. I was one of them.

And some people don’t get the same amount of immediate side effects. Everyone is different. I knew people in treatment with me who were addicted to the stuff at the treatment center I just completed, read plenty of people who were addicted to it stories, and yes if you have access to the cleaner speeds then it doesn’t compare. I didn’t have any connections at the time.

I still think it should be behind the counter though. It’s easy for a teenager to read about it and think it will be awesome and mess up and die. But no, I don’t believe in prohibition. I’m responsible for my own actions but those that are kids do need protection so I’m more of a legalization of everything with certain regulations, like no children buying it etc.

I mean that’s like vyvanse. I was prescribed 70mg vyvanse while in substance abuse treatment and I really think it’s causing severe inflammation in my body. My joints hurt and now my spine and I do have an autoimmune disease yet I didn’t see any warnings about not being prescribed it if you have an autoimmune disease and yet here I am wanting to skip taking my prescribed dose today because I’m terrified of becoming a cripple from it aggravating psoriatic arthritis and yet I’m still fighting in my head whether to take my prescribed dose or not today. Rationalizing “ maybe it’s unrelated” when deep down I’m 90 percent it is. So what I’m saying is I know it’s a risk now and if I even take my prescribed dose then I may destroy my body but if I know the risk and still do it as an adult then it’s my fault and no one else’s. I am a little salty I didn’t see it on the list of side effects tho.
Never in all my days have I considered walking into walgreens/mart/w/e and buying a benzedrex inhaler to pull the cotton out and soak. Every other person has a stim script, failing that meth is beyond epidemic.
It wasn't lack of access to other stims, but rather just curiosity about propylhexedrine. 🤷‍♂️ What can I say? I like drugs.

*edit* I guess im not a stim person, I am an opi person and have never used kratom, bzo but never valerian root. I guess im a bit of a snob?
Probably just inexperienced, but if you're looking down your nose at others who indulge, then yes, that's being a snob. Otherwise, as long as you reserve judgment; you're good.

(I get the prison stories, second class drugs in there, oh huzzah for seroquel) *dont worry im vetted I watch 60 days in lmao.
I served time. Never saw any Dramamine but Benadryl is easily acquired through the commissary and helps one sleep. And yes, plenty of Seroquel going around. I think the COs and prison staff in general have a tendency to look the other way when it comes to that drug (which medical is quick to prescribe, I might add), b/c it is, after all, an antipsychotic. And holy fuck is it ever incapacitating.

BTW, shows like 60 Days In only show you the exciting, entertaining bits of incarceration. What you don't see is the long spells of boredom or just mundane, stupid-ass shit. They don't show you the people who go in, navigate the social structures, do their bid, and go the fuck home, which is the majority of ppl doing time. Mostly having to serve time is a disruptive pain in the ass that commandeers your personal time and temporary enslaves you in a minimally physically offensive manner. As a punitive measure, it still equates to psychological torture, particularly disciplinary segregation, and as a rehabilitative measure it has a lot of room for improvement, but if we can make the focus education and preparing inmates to reenter society with newly attained job skills, vocational training, and proper motivation, we can reduce recidivism, shrink our prison system which will save tax-payer dollars, and eventually overcome this hurdle of drug prohibition by decriminalizing and re-legalizing recreational drugs.

Ok I'll come down from the soap box now.

Also did they change what the active ingredient is in those cotton messes?)
So there used to be amphetamine inhalers I think some 3 score years ago (to go all Abe Lincoln on the timeline, lol). My late grandfather told me stories about taking Bennies in WWII and then coming home and taking Benzedrine inhalers apart to access the amphetamine inside of them. But AFAIK Benzedrex inhalers still contain propylhexedrine.

Also, lots and lots and lots of things could be made controlled substances under the analog act. I think it is a apply pressure as "needed" type deals.
That's what the gov. thought, too, and it's what they intended to do with the Analog Act. Indeed it initially looked promising as they prosecuted GBL possession as GHB under the Analogue Act, and successfully convicted a few cases for things like 5-MeO-DiPT and such. But then it's also worked against them, as in the 2004 case in the U.S. Central District of Florida, United States of America v William Hahne where they busted a chemist making trans-4-methylaminorex and the law explicitly only prohibits cis-4-methylaminorex, and since the two are technically enantiomers, not optical isomers, they could not get the conviction. I think they wound up giving him 48 months though for some of the other enantiomer and some List I precursors, IIRC.

(which is why this is getting no attention, most ppl will call a friend with rit addy or meth.
Oh idk, not everyone is as resourceful as ppl like you and me, bruvva. And besides, I think it's more due to the fact the drug sucks as far as stimulants go. I know you don't use stims, but I'm sure you can appreciate the simple fact that not all stimulants are equal. Some are way better than others, and while tastes, opinions, and subjectivity comes in here, there still seems to exist a majority consensus among stimulant users.

I can't imagine its great bang for the buck wise?
I'm not sure, but I don't think that's a big motivating factor here.

I think there are a few substances that don't get hit hard or often because they are so widely needed {…} in particular I believe 1.4 butanediol is one of such substances and is used to create plastic...
Agreed on both points, good observation.

Many years ago there was a product called aquadots I believe, made as a childrens toy for xmas. Well for w/e reason (not a chemist) all of the 1.4 did not become plastic and you had basically ghb soaked plastic.
They were little gel beads I think, and kids would sometimes eat them whereupon the BDO they contained would process into GHB via oxidation during 1st-past and junior would be fucked off his tits on G for a spell. Oops.

So huzzah for not consuming 1.4-butanediol but having it legally, in the US. I think they have clamped down a bit on it from the order it by the frickin liter anywhere.
Probs, but it's still out there if you know where to look. And anyway, what's with all the "huzzah"s?

(wave goodbye to bromazolam it is becoming too prevalent.....or stock the hell up.)
Yeah, you think? Is it that popular? Most ppl I've talked to about it don't really care for it compared to other benzos. It's really fucking strong and has a tendency to lead to groggy mornings.

saw some douche clear 90k on ebay in about a week (just preban),
:LOL: What about that makes him a douche exactly? We're all in this crapitalism mill together. Don't hate someone for running in this rat race.

I hear MDPV has skyrocketed also. Only time I have ever seen a temptation of resale. The guy that owned our local headshop became a millionaire in one yr...than lost it all selling a dime bag to a cop wired up.
:unsure: Must be a little more to the story than that. Selling a dime bag to a cop wearing a wire does not equate to losing millions of dollars.

If you watched boardwalk empire the conversation between Enoch Thompson and Joe Kennedy broils it down well. Ill youtube a link when im on a computer that has copy paste lol.
Please do; I'd like to see that scene! :)
I still think it should be behind the counter though. It’s easy for a teenager to read about it and think it will be awesome and mess up and die. But no, I don’t believe in prohibition. I’m responsible for my own actions but those that are kids do need protection so I’m more of a legalization of everything with certain regulations, like no children buying it etc.
That whole "Protect The Children" concept is played out and constantly being exploited to rush forth awful legislation. There is no current problem with any minors seriously abusing Benzedrex inhalers, being hospitalized and going to the morgue after its use. Sticking it behind the counter will only pique curiosity in this form of consumption. Best to let sleeping dogs lie, main man, trust me.

Seems like even in prison you could find a work around. (that I honestly dont have knowledge on) but will theres a way right.
You could just soak the cotton wads in orange juice, separate, ring out the cotton wads, drink the remaining juice, and then wish you had not done that and had made better choices with your life, lol.

Prolly make alot of soup and cigarettes or w/e if you were the only one who knew "how to get it into coffee". at least till they find out there is no special skill lol.
I doubt it. It isn't like knowledge of this is some esoteric mystery wonder wizardy & shit, lol. And we used stamps as currency, actually, even before they removed tobacco products from the federal system. Can't speak for the states, but some of them follow the feds to a T.