EMD Why is there no politically oriented, contemporary music?


Bluelight Crew
Aug 30, 2010

Any examples, of the zeitgeist that isn't censored? Prove me wrong!
I meant, politically; with socio-political commentary - not like, music as parody - to garner laughs/ considered hilarious by pubescents... about dogs & dicks & Hitler etc. Actual serious, music.

It seems to be completely, absent.🤔
A whole genre got built on it, punk?

Ratm is probably the most politically motivated band I know of, first thing that came to mind.
I know BM but punk was 70s/80s; Bands like RATM & Hip Hop were 90s & early 80s respectively (on average) - decades ago.

Most later punk veered toward a trend in copying the image, sound & attitude.

However, I can't think of any CONTEMPORARY musical zeitgeist that reflects/comments on, current socio-cultural/socio-political matters (in any meaningful analytic way).

There is a complete drain. I find this intensely, peculiar. If not, a little disturbing.
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Beyonce did some, I remember people being all up in arms about it, haven't listened to that album myself though. I guess you could say there's a lot of politically motivated lyrics in rap, most prominent recent example would be childish gambino's this is america, but serious? To some people maybe.