'why' i want to use l.s.d as a medical tool.


Mar 26, 2007
i have an on going problem with my eye sight, i see blobs of light and blobs of dark in my peripheral vision. I believe this may happen because i have had bad meth that was cooked wrong thus some where along the line the wrong precursor was used, i.e not correct red phosphorus instead microscopic bits of stone from a striker pad, wich has become part of my neurotransmition in the back of my brain where the eye sight is involved. So, if one was to take l.s.d quite regular it would definitively act as a cleanser and heal the problem, i suspect l.s.d will be the best at it because it effects so many serotonin receptors and is also renound for curing cluster head aches. On top of this ailment i also have problems with my hearing ,so, as lsd makes so much of the brain alive it rings true( excuse the pun ) that it would also contribute to this. Dont you think this is uncanny that hoffman declared dlysergic acid diethylamide an elixir so folks due to the absolutely terrifying nature of this void of possible hell that ive self inflicted could i be onto some thing?. Bottom line, if inbetween proton emitting and certain neuro activity my brain is slowly being torn apart by nano sized firey balls of stone, could there be a bly in store here?
I certainly agree with therapeutic LSD, but I think you may want to confirm your self-diagnosis first. Assuming something has “become part of your neurotransmission” is complete pseudo-science.

while I wouldn’t discourage you from using a psychedelic to help with CERTAIN issues, using it to self-medicate a self-diagnoses, potentially unrelated physical malady is a bit of a leap.

you may want to have some testing done first.
to be honest, the science behind your theory sounds iffy at best. LSD could possibly have some beneficial/therapeutic uses, likely at lower doses, but it can also cause problems for people, especially those currently vulnerable to it's potentially negative psychological side effects. I honestly don't think that it's possible you are seeing a contaminant from the bad meth... and if it were, not sure how LSD would possibly remove those contaminants.

If you are a heavy user, hate to say it but stimulant psychosis is far more likely, and the cure being taking a break at the least. Get plenty of sleep, food, exercise, and meditation, while taking a break from psychoactive substances. I would guess these blurs go away in a week or two after this. If not, might be a good idea to talk to a doctor about your symptoms, as it could be symptomatic of a serious issue requiring medical attention.
During the LSD trip your eye sight will be improved along with your hearing retaining these changes forever after the trip is near a miracle but i believe it could be possible. Peyote has healed blindness in native american tribes with certain healing songs and rituals done.
While I have no idea what good or bad meth might do to your nervous system, ingesting bits of striker stone is not going to give you floaters in your eyes, nor the illusion of them (if that is not what they are) via your nervous system malfunctioning. i.e. It might be from drug use or misuse, but it's not from bits of striker stone. This casts serious doubt over the rest of your theory that LSD will help.
That said, I have nothing against your taking LSD, as long as you can be sure it's the real deal.