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Why do high doses of kava kava lead to teeth grinding?


Feb 3, 2009
Forgive me for using the term teeth grinding. I just couldn't think of a correct term for it. There is some slight teeth grinding, mainly just clenching my jaw, but I would also lick my lips a lot. I pretty much got the same exact mouth movements that I get when I'm on stimulants, just not as intense.

I'm wondering what biological mechanisms are responsible for this particular side-effect and how high doses of kava kava can produce this side-effect. I'm interested in the neurotransmitters involved and the areas of the brain that are affected the most from kava kava consumption.
The norepinephrine reuptake inhibiton in particular is probably what you're noticing. Many stimulants produce their... stimulation (not just physical side effects as some believe) from elevating postsynaptic concentrations of norepinephrine.
Huh, I've never noticed this. I agree with the mechanism, though (maoi, NE reputake inhibition). Maybe I just haven't taken enough. I get 40% kavalactone powder, and generally use a tablespoon to help calm down as needed.
No. I used to drink massive amounts of kava - called ava in Samoa where i lived for 3 months. And no teeth grinding. Just lying around in the fale (look up fale it is a samoan house) all day
It's definitely dependent on personal physiology; not everyone will be super teeth-grindy. Some people find NE release/reuptake inhibition instead gives a pleasant 'body high'/'buzz'. Some find instead they get uncomfortably tweaky, others are somewhere in between.

it is probably also dependent on the chemical make-up of the kava - not all the kavalactones are the same in tertms of affinity for e.g. GABA receptors or DAT/NET. I would imagine some varietals/cultivars of kava are more stimulatory than others, similar to almost all botanical drugs (kratom, poppy, cannabis etc)
I use a lot of kava. It doesnt cause me to grind my teeth. I dont think high consumption of that usually causes teeth grinding, there is just some stuff written about kava that says it can.
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hhm I seemed to not have included my post but kava contains a chemicle similar to piperidine looking like a dioxlatate bond(no idea what im posting) to something like canabinoid chemicals perhaps?
Different strains or cultivars of kava are recognized for all sorts of different use. this includes hygiene and need for topical anesthesia to the mouth, womens problems including utis and bladder infections.
I totally have come to find that there must be a stains with very specific characters.

Some kava, especially with fibers growing from the rootstock are said to be more toxic then others.
A cultivar with it that I tried(fiji?, I cant remember but "Papua neu gineu" is quite nontoxic) was extremely nauseating after "toss and wash," day long spins and bed ridden overt-night... many different forms of kava have made me wonder the good old "WHY GOD WHY WHY"

Anyways Rollin stone, do you have any idea the strain or can you divulged location it was purchaced?
Forgive me for using the term teeth grinding. I just couldn't think of a correct term for it. There is some slight teeth grinding, mainly just clenching my jaw, but I would also lick my lips a lot. I pretty much got the same exact mouth movements that I get when I'm on stimulants, just not as intense.

I can't really answer your question, but I just thought I'd point out the technical term you're looking for is "bruxism".

Bruxism is when you clench (tightly hold your top and bottom teeth together) or grind (slide your teeth back and forth over each other) your teeth. Symptoms: Clenching the teeth puts pressure on the muscles, tissues, and other ...