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Why am I getting so dumb on weed not high just dumb and hungry.


Jun 26, 2008
Do some people just not get as high as others? I've gone months with out it and I want to smoke weed but as of right now I have to quite because it's pointless. I'm only smoking late at night thinking that would get me higher but no. The hunger from it sure works and that's lame. I just rermenter watching lost smoking blunts and loving it and I didn't have norcos or diet pills back then. But I feel better off weed then on it abs that doesn't make sense. It's weed! It gets you high, highs fun.

Any thoughts? I know this is silly but I really want to smoke weed I belive in it I like it I love the people. What should I do? Is just I had extreme nerve damage my doctor's day from meth, I thought maybe it effects how I get high now because yea I'll be bummed if i can enjoy it anymore. I just I use it instead of meth, I could quit it but long term I dunno I wavy to at least have the option to smoke again and enjoy it. Am I missing something? Could it be a medical condition in missing effecting me. I'm pretty feeling good right now on norcos and diet pills taken as persribe. Also I used a lot of weed before I got the norcos so maybe it's normal I don't need it as much but I really feel like I'm not getting high. Also I vape so it's not the Weed strength or anything plus I smoke bowls.
Sativa strain for lots of energy and mental alertness. And creativity and a completely different outlook.
Well what if I said I've never been able to tell the difference between the two kinds of weed. Shouldn't I be able to? This reminds me of when someone saw me smoking a cigarette and pointed out I was smoking it wrong then I quickly got addicted once I was smoking correctly. I feel like I don't get high like other people. Is that normal. Yikes does anyone else feel that way? Maybeall the years of doing bath salts harmed my brain. I just don't know what else to do. Though I am working out more then ever in my life so maybe getting healthy will let me feel better and maybe get high again. I really just saw a drug Inc. About designer drugs and s or kinda scared me with what it said about how dangerous some could be. I mean I got free samples from Ali baba website before and they were not cool. Could this be long term brain damage and if so is there some kind of test I can ask my doctor for?
I think once you start doing harder drugs (norcos) weed can kind of lose its luster until you go back to only weed. That was sort of my experience anyway
Well what if I said I've never been able to tell the difference between the two kinds of weed. Shouldn't I be able to? This reminds me of when someone saw me smoking a cigarette and pointed out I was smoking it wrong then I quickly got addicted once I was smoking correctly. I feel like I don't get high like other people. Is that normal. Yikes does anyone else feel that way? Maybeall the years of doing bath salts harmed my brain. I just don't know what else to do. Though I am working out more then ever in my life so maybe getting healthy will let me feel better and maybe get high again. I really just saw a drug Inc. About designer drugs and s or kinda scared me with what it said about how dangerous some could be. I mean I got free samples from Ali baba website before and they were not cool. Could this be long term brain damage and if so is there some kind of test I can ask my doctor for?
Many people can't tell the different nuances between marijuana strains. This is not reason to fret, just a reason to do a lil weed homework!

Is it possible you've just gotten/ have dirt weed,, or low mids? I take .15-.2g dab of medical grade wax once or twice a day, and 2 or three bowls of medical flower.. If someone passed me some Bobby Brown, it definitely would not affect me, at least positively. would likely give me a headache.

It's absolutely plausible you've harmed your brains ability to reuptake dopamine if you did bath salts for years. Your Dr. can test your blood / urine to check this, and if you want a reason to have your dopamine checked but can't be forthright with your Dr., tell them you believe you have a high risk for Parkinson ls disease. Dopamine has a role in Parkinsons and you'll be able to get your answers w/o telling them you used to be a salt tweeker :) Of course, if you have a Dr you can trust/rely on, honesty is the best and most productive policy. Hope this helps, cheers
Really? An indica like Afgoo feels way different to me than Sour Diesel, which is a sativa. I prefer indicas because they give a calming, stoned effect whilst sativas and some hybrids give a cerebral high that tends to be trippy or psychedelic. I've talked to people who say they can't get anything done if they're using indica all day but for me it's the opposite even though I can get tired really easily if I overdo it

Hybrid strains are all right but they never feel as potent as they could be, which is just my opinion of course. I know there are more hybrids than anything else so obviously I haven't tried them all