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Who here takes an SSRI after rolling to avoid neurotoxicity?


Feb 16, 2013
Just wondering if anyone here takes an SSRI after rolling to prevent neurotoxicity and what your personal experience are with it... did you find it caused any issues? Bought the roll back slightly or completely stopped it? Do you feel it helps?

My main concern would be that I have some leftover Zoloft from when I had it prescribed, took for 4 days and it made be manic bi-polar while taking it and that it could cause me some wierd reaction like if I did it after my next planned roll, throw my roll back u or cause serotonin syndrome however I have always been under the impression an SSRI with MDMA won't cause SS but rather prevent it.

Most of the neurotoxicity would be occuring around the peak onwards and most likely die down once the roll has comedown and you would normally take the SSRI around then anyway so are you really blocking much at all? I could certainly see how a meth/MDMA combo would be blocking a lot of neurotoxicity if taken once the MDMAs effects have finished and the meth is still going and your SERT would still be open with an abundance of DA and depleted 5HT.

For those who may not know, an SSRI taken after rolling is said to displace MDMA from the SERT and go by it's usual action of reuptake inhibition on SERT and prevent reactive oxygen species entering the neurons and damaging them thereby completely stopping serotonin neurotoxicity in it's tracks. An SSRI will also prevent serotonergic neurotoxicity if taken before MDMA or during, however it is pointless and you will not roll or may have a very weak roll.
I don't think it's a healthy idea to be taking potent medications after illicit drugs to try and "prevent damage"... I know this has been confirmed in lab settings, but that is in a lab setting, administered by professionals with medical attention only moments away.

I'm not sure that all of the damage is caused from the peak effects, however. Metabolites like alpha-methyldopamine likely take some time before they begin making their rounds... don't quote me on that though.

At the end of the day, no you shouldn't be taking left over medication after hard drugs just because you read on the internet it may be helpful :p
Nah I don't bother. Then again, I'm not convinced that moderate doses of MDMA are particularly that neurotoxic anyway, so taking an SSRI is pointless and too much effort. I'm at a rave to have fun, not worry about my health.
You make good points, Folley. I'm never one to try risky things with my body and dose like an idiot, I'm against that. Don't think it would be worth the risk really. Just waiting to see if anyone else has an experience/input on it, I'm curious.
Zoloft is a bit nasty and you experienced mania after taking it for 4 days. Not good. From personal experience this stuff made me puke and have bad stomach cramps for hours after taking it. I also experienced a mild visual disturbance almost like HPPD. Was on 50 mg's and had to cut it down to 25 mg. At the time I was sober as well so no drug interactions with licit or illicit substances. Was on it for three months and stopped taking it as it really did sweat FA for my depression and that was transient. However after stopping Zoloft I was sober for almost 2 years. I eventually started smoking cigarettes and one thing lead to another. I seriously think the negative effects of Zoloft made the idea of taking illicit substances (or even licit) seem like the most unappealing idea in the world simply because Zoloft was such a nasty piece of work.
I've taken an SSRI after rolling once or twice, very long ago...

but honestly I didn't notice anything different in my mood, when I took the following day after rolling. perhaps I felt a little less hung over

I took the SSRI post-MDMA because that's what I thought you should do if you had SSRIs on-hand. I guess I shouldn't have done this?
I guess I shouldn't have done this?

I don't know.. all the studies point to it being quite helpful. In the real world, using common sense however... it would seem to me that you probably should avoid playing around with potent medications.
Don’t SSRI’s take weeks to start working? It's been a while but i remember my shrink telling me it would be at least 30 days before i noticed anything back when they wanted me to take them.
SSRI's take weeks for their therapuetic effects to begin, but SERT inhibition happens pretty much straight away IIRC.

It's the neural adaption that takes place not the direct effect of SERT inhibition that causes them to work
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I took a Prozac after my first roll... I can't say that it did anything because I rolled Friday and was ready to kill myself on Tuesday. I crashed so hard that it was ridiculous. I started feeling it that Monday and I was imagining the most horrible deaths possible by Tuesday... In my case, either it did nothing or it made the crash significantly worse. I took two pills that night... No more than 120mg of MDA total (along with the meth and caffeine that was in them - we sent these to EData) and nobody warned me about the crash... It was fucked.

I would say the potential risks far outweigh any perceived benefits.
I would say the meth and caffeine in addition to the MDA is what did it... both are proven to individually increase MDMA toxicity and and SSRI will only prevent serotonergic toxicity not dopaminergic, also a decent amount of damage would happen when your peaking on a 5-HT releaser with a DA releaser well before you administered the SSRI.
I would say the meth and caffeine in addition to the MDA is what did it... both are proven to individually increase MDMA toxicity and and SSRI will only prevent serotonergic toxicity not dopaminergic, also a decent amount of damage would happen when your peaking on a 5-HT releaser with a DA releaser well before you administered the SSRI.

Well I took the same pills - same batch and everything - 3 additional times and did NOT crash like that. In fact, one of those times I had to work the next day so I ate three at the party and then took halves every 2 hours while I was at work and still didn't have that reaction.
Safe to say SSRI's after rolling aren't worth the risk for a potential, reduction in neurotoxicity.
Yeah I would say so. I think SSRIs are nasty drugs and nobody should take them to begin with but yeah, there were 4 of us who took the Prozac and we all had pretty nasty comedowns. Everyone had a brutal comedown but us 4 were the worst by far. All 4 of us got very suicidal and 2 of the 4 had been rolling for years. It was something that my friend Dave had read about (re: MDMA and Prozac having reduced neurotoxicity) so we all tried it... None of us tried it again and Dave ended up throwing the Prozac away.
Yeah I've been on Celexa, Lexapro, and Paxil... Never again. Celexa was the only one that was tolerable... And it was only tolerable because it flipped me into hypomania which resulted in me being in the psych ward after being on it for two months. Sucked too because I had no anxiety the whole time. :p