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Misc Who has taken Primidone and other barbs?


Sep 14, 2011
I need the opinion of someone who has taken primidone.
I am having a lot of trouble finding someone who's taken both primidone and another barb before and can compare them. Pheno is fine.
My mother has a condition and is prescribed primidone, but it makes her retarded. Other barbiturates I think would likely help her in the same way, so I want to know if primidone is particularly mental compared to other barbs.
Ive had primidone once, its about as stupefying as phenobarbital and even less fun.

I used to drink a solution called "Euthasol" when i worked at an animal hospital, its a solution used for euthanizing animals and contains pentobarbital. That was more enjoyable. The hangovers from barbs are pretty gross however.
Ive had primidone once, its about as stupefying as phenobarbital and even less fun.

I used to drink a solution called "Euthasol" when i worked at an animal hospital, its a solution used for euthanizing animals and contains pentobarbital. That was more enjoyable. The hangovers from barbs are pretty gross however.

Do you remember what it was like trying to sleep on the primidone. Despite feeling pretty sleepy and sedated, I kept waking up ever two hours. I wouldn't expect barbs to be like this otherwise they wouldn't have been used as sleep aids. My mom has the same issue with it.
I was hoping phenobarbital would be better, but maybe it's not?
I only took it once its honestly hard to give a good characterization.

I have had phenobarbital though many times and I can verify that it is very easy to sleep on. Pretty grimey feeling though.
Ive had primidone once, its about as stupefying as phenobarbital and even less fun.

I used to drink a solution called "Euthasol" when i worked at an animal hospital, its a solution used for euthanizing animals and contains pentobarbital. That was more enjoyable. The hangovers from barbs are pretty gross however.

Wow negro, I have experience with animal euthanasia stuff too. I used a Pentobarbital (Nembutal) solution. I drank it and injected it.

Ive used Phenobarbital as well and find that the short-acting Barbs are difficult to compare to the longer-acting ones.

OP, what do you mean that she gets "retarded"? There was an issue with Barbital when it was released in which byproducts of the metaboluc process would saturate an individual leaving them simultaneously dpendent and immune, with a host of anxious/nervous systems.

It could be that the Phenobarbital/Primidone is no longer effective for her?
Yeah i used this stuff:

Kind of spooky stuff to use.
Yeah i used this stuff:

Kind of spooky stuff to use.

Yea. If you don't get a sense of adventure when dipping a needle into one of these vials, I don't know what will tickle your fancy. Sex with a dolphin? I digress.

In Phnomh Penh and Siem Reap, 8 years ago when I was young, I probably got about 10 of these in a 9 month contract. When I first got in state, I was buying your standard Diazepam (Valium) blisters and Yaa Baa pills. I eventually found Heroin. One of my big issues though, was after I was able to locate the liquid Pentobarbital, I would just use Yaa Baa like fucking crazy all through the school week and simply inject a few units of Pentobarbital to immediately end the experience.

Keep in mind that this is all with a maintained Opioid habit, Benzodiazepines in my system, Alcohol when offered... It is dangerous shit and I was not at a point in my life yet where I really cared if I lived or died.

I think the only truly appropriate use of Barbiturates are in surgery, emergency medicine and of course, epilepsy in developing countries (phenobarbital is still practically the global standard for epilepsy due to its inexpensiveness and relative effectiveness) or in difficult to treat cases.
I have a great deal of experience with barbiturates and will chime in here.

I've done Vinylbital, Thiopental, Secobarbital, Pentobarbital, Amobarbital, and Phenobarbital. Potency is in that order. No, this isn't a joke.

[A few years back I also did a joking take on a barb I called Flynnal. This is because my name LOL. I wanted to create a bit of an entertainment for everyone. That stuff is not real, despite my claiming it was. It was just for a laugh. Hahahaha but the other barbs including Vinylbital are indeed real]

The thiopental (pentothal) beat pentobarbital, no contest and with a much quicker onset of action. The amobarbital wasn't that much stronger than phenobarbital, but it was definitely a bit more euphoric. This is one of the weaker oral barbs, with secobarbital and pentobarbital being widely known as the strongest oral barbs (that is, until you compare them to Vinylbital)... Secobarbital beat pentobarbital in potency and was close to thiopental and the euphoria lasted a lot longer with no major hangover effect.

The most potent barbiturate of all was Vinylbital. That one was absolutely the king of barbiturates and it's very toxic as well apparently. And before someone says that Vinylbital isn't real I'd invite them to do some Google-Fu.

My experience with Vinylbital was quite recent (2015) and one that totally changed my opinion on Nembutal and Seconal and knocked them off their perches, both of them.

As far as oral barbiturates go, Vinylbital is King, Seconal is Queen, and Nembutal is Prince. Vinylbital is about as potent as thiopental so it's more potent than Seconal. From my experience it could be the most potent oral barbiturate on the planet. That shit really, really kicked my ass for sure. I almost couldn't believe how strong that shit was. Immediate inebriation. IMMEDIATE inebriation. God awful hangover too. Took 200mg and when it first hit me I thought I was going to pass out, it was that potent. Woke up gasping for air twice whilst I was asleep that night. But that was my fault entirely because I forgot I'd taken it and then drank one 375ml bottle of standard strength beer a few hours later which was a really dumb idea in hindsight - you should never drink alcohol if you've taken barbiturates, EVER. A good idea is to get all booze out of your house if you've taken barbs, because of the nature of these drugs you might even forget you took the damned thing.
Are Barbiturates a lot stronger than Benzodiazepines? I've got tons of experience with benzos but I've never taken barbs and I'd love to try them but they're just too hard to find :(
Are Barbiturates a lot stronger than Benzodiazepines? I've got tons of experience with benzos but I've never taken barbs and I'd love to try them but they're just too hard to find :(

Not necessarily. They are stronger in the sense that they work on a deeper level as a CNS depressant, but I would say benzos are a lot stronger, since you need a much smaller dose to get a sedative effect.

But as far as how deep they go in terms of CNS depressants, barbiturates win every time. Benzos still go reasonably deep but they don't go really deep, as in the brainstem so they don't affect breathing or other vital functions. This is what makes barbiturates so dangerous.
Are Barbiturates a lot stronger than Benzodiazepines? I've got tons of experience with benzos but I've never taken barbs and I'd love to try them but they're just too hard to find :(

Yes they are stronger and also dirtier feeling and can cause nasty hangovers like alcohol. They have significantly more side-effects, particularly ones that i've never had from benzos (such as nausea). Barbs also impair coordination far more than benzos, and can have you staggering around like a drunk (giant doses of benzos can also do this but still not with the same intensity that barbs induce). The effects on the body can be extreme, in a way i haven't experienced from benzos. Benzos seem to work more specifically to sedate the mind, whereas barbs are just broadly sedating. I don't know how glenn gould performed the art of fugue on barbiturates.

Barbiturates can be significantly more euphoric than benzos however. Some barbs, like phenobarbital are not particularly enjoyable (didn't stop me from taking it though). I used to get giant bottles of phenobarbital for dirt cheap and would take it simply because i had it. Others, like pentobarbital, have a good high.

Carisoprodol can give you a taste of what a barbiturate is vaguely like (i much prefer carisoprodol to phenobarbital), as i find it closer to barbiturates than benzos. Carisoprodol plus a benzo would give you perhaps an even better idea of what a barb is vaguely like. Methaqualone analogs like etaqualone are even more barb like (though are very dangerous -- i nearly died from etaqualone + etizolam + phenazepam).

I don't recall seeing barbiturate analogs in the RC scene. Perhaps they are potent enough on a milligram basis to justify producing? That said, etaqualone isn't potent but appeared on the RC market, so perhaps barbituric acid (the foundation of all barbs) is too expensive and difficult to obtain?
You'll never see barb RCs because of their reputation but more so because benzos provide a safer sedative effect.
Yeah I've heard the gap between the therapeutic dose and the lethal dose is quite small which is probably why barbs can be so dangerous!
You'll never see barb RCs because of their reputation but more so because benzos provide a safer sedative effect.
To be fair some of the benzos currently on the RC market are not what I would call safe :x Have no experience with them except for etizolam which ofc isn't that potent but there are some extremely potent RC benzos available from what I've read. I don't like benzos that much but I really enjoyed Carisoprodol. Would definitely like to try a Barbiturate aswell but I'm having trouble finding anything. I've seen people mention they are available online from some eastern european shops but I've had no luck finding them. Maybe some day :)