(New South Wales) White Moons with dark blue/black specs


Jan 23, 2011
I've just come across, what i think to be a new batch of white moons... they look exactly the same as the White moons going around Sydney at the start of September, with the exception of them having dark blue / black specs and having a stronger aniseed smell to them (in my opinion anyway). I haven't tested or taken them as yet. If any one has any information on them.. it would be great.

will do a posting on PR when i find my camera cable..


Name: Moons
Colour: White with Dark blue / black specs
Logo: Crescent Moon
Height: 7.5 mm
Diameter: 8.5 mm
Weight: ? mg
Scored: no
Bevel: no
Texture: Smooth - Very Good Press
Smell: very strong aniseed
Taste: not tested
Reagent Tested: not tested
Marquis Reagent Result: not tested
Mandelin Reagent Result: not tested
howd these go buddy? also was it a fake aniseed smell or a real pill aniseed smell. very distguinshable between the two..
Haven't heard anything about em, but I haven't really been looking for pills lately. I'd be interested to see a photo to compare and hear what others have to say.