(Victoria) White euro


Apr 19, 2011
White euro
like fresh a4 paper white, with bits of brown pressed in, looks like brown md pressed in
8mm x 5mm (im guessing)
Almost Marshmellow like, sweet, milky smell? Like milk powder? I duno
Hard press
In pressed logo
No score
Bevel edges both sides
Powder in baggy is very bitter

Didnt get to lick one thou so duno about that
Didnt have time to grab one

Thoughts would be nice


Warning 2C-x pills mixed in with Methylone pills.
You can see the methylone pills are a tad taller, and have brown specks, the 2C-x are plain white n shorter
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Hey Grugz,

A mate has consumed them. He said they were pretty good. Med dose of mdma.

He compared them to a few decent pills that have been out lately; Better than Tiesto's, better than moons (mda), not quite as good as the recent Deadmau5.

Hoping to get some soon.

Have you consumed them?
I dont think many compare to deadmau's they are imports, wheres I think these are local.

Got my hands on em. will post report soon

I am getting some in the next couple of days.

Will be interested to hear your report, as I don't plan on consuming until exams are over, so at least 4 weeks.

From the small number of accounts I have heard though they are pretty decent.
Grugz, since you are now in these possession of these pills would it be possible to measure them and revise the dimensions you posted if neccessary? Cheers.