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  • Film & TV Moderators: ghostfreak

which is your favourite: Danny Boyle film?

pick one

  • Shallow Grave

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Trainspotting

    Votes: 9 47.4%
  • A Life Less Ordinary

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Beach

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • 28 Days Later

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Millions

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sunshine

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Slumdog Millionaire

    Votes: 2 10.5%

  • Total voters
The Beach.Definitely. I even put up a thread about it here <3

Trust me, it's paradise. This is where the hungry come to feed. For mine is a generation that circles the globe and searches for something we haven't tried before. So never refuse an invitation, never resist the unfamiliar, never fail to be polite and never outstay the welcome. Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience. And if it hurts, you know what? It's probably worth it.

Trainspotting. one of those movies no matter how many times ya watch it, ya never get tired of it... at least i don't =/
You beat me to this one. I was going to put a favorite Danny Boyle thread. You capitalized on my procrastination. Awesome.

The horror movie lover in me has to pick 28 Days Later. I didn't like it the first time I saw it. It was the same for Fight Club when I saw it the first time too. The second time I saw each of those movies, I loved them. 28 Days Later for an intelligent re-inventing of "zombie" films. These fuckers were relentless, savage and faster than a crackhead running with a stolen television set.

But they weren't evil, just infected. Victims of a rage the way a cancer-ridden person is a victim of death. The real evil in this movie exists in the soldiers towards the end of the movie. Men who saw nothing wrong with rape and murder. Watching them get their asses handed to them by the infected, who at this point are running, flesh-shredding bullets was a great ending to a bleak movie. I hated when the father got infected, but that makes for a great horror movie. Actually giving a damn if the people you're spending all this time with live or die. You do care about the people in this movie.

I didn't like A Life Less Ordinary and I haven't seen Millions even though I've had it for over a year. I'll have to find it and watch it. Shallow Grave was very good and a great way to start Danny Boyle's career.
Trainspotting for me, it's one of my all time favourites. It's just excellent.

Also like The Beach and 28 Days Later thought didn't like the latter at all the first time I watched it at the cinema. Took a re-watch to appreciate it.

Can't go past it.

The Beach was absolute shite when compared to the book. I was quite disappointed with it. Loved 28 days later... still need to see 28 weeks later...

Shallow Grave was one of the first dark comedies that I had ever seen... was pretty crazy, but a good film :)
for some reason, i could have sworn this has already been a thread. i think i'm just wrong (which is rare).

for me though, believe it or not, i've STILL never watched 28 days later!!! not for a lack of desire as i KNOW i would like it, but because i've tried MANY times, but the conditions have never been right. i've started the movie about 10 times or so in my lifetime, but have always been either around other people or it's been so late at night that i couldn't finish it because i was tired. i've made it about half way through. i think it seems AMAZING though and will absolutely 100% watch it. it's actually sitting on this desk now because i was gonna watch it the other night, but didn't get to it. god damn it, frank... we're BOTH procrastinators.

oh but anyways. of the danny boyle movies i've seen. the beach would probably have to be my favorite with trainspotting in a close second. the thing i find funny about the beach though is that when it first came out... everyone i knew that wanted to see it... thought it sucked and everyone i knew that didn't have any desire to see it (but ended up seeing it) thought it was great. when it came out, i didn't have a clue who danny boyle was, but my sister thought it looked great and almost convinced me not to see it, but i did. something about it... even to this day... just gets my rocks off! i swear i'll never get sick of this movie. so so so so so quality!

Can't go past it.

The Beach was absolute shite when compared to the book. I was quite disappointed with it. Loved 28 days later... still need to see 28 weeks later...

Shallow Grave was one of the first dark comedies that I had ever seen... was pretty crazy, but a good film :)

danny boyle (if i'm not mistaken) helped with 28 weeks later, but didn't direct it. you may have already known that, but in case ya didn't, now ya do! =D
I loved Slumdog and Trainspotting.

can't we pick more hten one?

oh but anyways. of the danny boyle movies i've seen. the beach would probably have to be my favorite with trainspotting in a close second. the thing i find funny about the beach though is that when it first came out... everyone i knew that wanted to see it... thought it sucked and everyone i knew that didn't have any desire to see it (but ended up seeing it) thought it was great. when it came out, i didn't have a clue who danny boyle was, but my sister thought it looked great and almost convinced me not to see it, but i did. something about it... even to this day... just gets my rocks off! i swear i'll never get sick of this movie. so so so so so quality!

OMG I felt / feel exactly the same way Ryan! :D And yes, Trainspotting is a close second too. I have yet to read the book (the Beach) but I really really want to.
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Trainspotting is the very best IME!!! Its one of my favorite movies of all time.


2)the beach
3)slumdog millionaire