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Misc Which is better for ADHD, Provigil or Adderall?


Jun 29, 2017
I saw an ADHD psychiatrist a week ago and he called me and said that he's certain I have moderate to severe ADHD. He gave me the option of being on either modafinil or dexamphetamine. Which is better?
Tell the doctor "LOL...neither", and that you'll leave with no less than a refillable script for pure Desoxyn HCL.
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I'm also curious is Modafinil an agent that has recreational/euphoric potential?
There difference is not only in potency as I'm sure you're all already aware. Yes, if given the choice, folks will always reach for the Amphetamine first. I think it's more like "what's better for pulling a cart, an ox or a horse?" Well, both have advantages. Oxen are strong and sturdy, horses faster and more adaptable. You need to consider you own needs and the specific effects of the medications involved.

There is not an objective answer either. What works for one will not necessarily work for the other. I would recommend responisible experimentation if you truly are trying to treat your condition.
Definitely dextroamphetamine. There's a reason that this is scheduled while modafinil is prescription only (here in MX it's even free - and shitty. Like caffeine somehow.)
I saw an ADHD psychiatrist a week ago and he called me and said that he's certain I have moderate to severe ADHD. He gave me the option of being on either modafinil or dexamphetamine. Which is better?
I truly think that dexamphetamine would go GREATLY over provigil,the modafinil is the old "go-pill" to The flyers....nowdays the choice to pilotes,is dexamphetamine..... provigil ONLY takes you to survive couple of days to stay alert but nothing for your pleasure drugs on your system.....humans are nowdays used to take methamphetamine to see if it makes people more clever......and I truly think that it will do it
ADHD is caused by imbalanced (ie; deficient) dopamine levels, first and foremost, correct? I realize there are other neurotransmitters involved in learning processes like serotonin, etc..but DA plays the biggest role in positive reinforcement and lasting motivation associated with learning by instruction that I had a very hard time with growing up, and still grapple with to this day (though to a lesser extent).
It makes perfect sense why off the shelf amphetamines are more effective than a pro drug like Modafinil which has to metabolize into amphetamine first, if I'm not mistaken?
It makes perfect sense why off the shelf amphetamines are more effective than a pro drug like Modafinil which has to metabolize into amphetamine first, if I'm not mistaken?
Modafinil isn't a prodrug and doesn't get metabolized to any amphetamine, guess you're confusing with Vyvanse / lisdexamphetamine?

Modafinil works over histamine and as a weak dopaminergic (imho likely insignificant - otherwise it'd be better).