whats this? whats this? theirs white stuff in the air


Dec 2, 1999
once again, probably like the 3rd time this week it is snowing, and its fuckin cold, i dont mind the snow, but i fuckin mind the COLD!!! i hate waking up in the morning freezing my ass off, its not fun, and your feet and hands get cold and they hurt, who the hell came up with this shit? i havent been outside all day and im still cold, oh and driving, thats real fun, you think your gonna kill yourself everytime you turn
just imagine this: you go to a rave, your standing outside in line when its 20 degrees, yes your cold but you can handle it, then you go inside party all night long, then the party's over and you leave, your hot and sweaty from dancing, and its fuckin 15 degrees outside and you have to walk (run like you've never run before) a mile to your car
thank you to whoever reads this, i had to vent
"whatever it is i think i
see, becomes a tootsie
roll to me"
20 degrees huh, try having the high temp average be 5 degrees and the windchil -28, cold ol' minnesota for ya.