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What would you have done without drugs?


Oct 29, 2018
If you had never discovered or used drugs who would you be today?
This isn't what you were asking exactly but here goes. The main drug that I use now I was prescribed medically long ago while a doctor and I were searching for the cause of my peripheral neuropathy. At one point it was considered a narcotic in Japan although nowhere else that I could find. I use it recreationally now and then. None of the other drugs (Gabapentin as "Neurontin", Pregabalin as "Lyrica") we tried did jack s*** for my peripheral neuropathy. My doctor is practically a saint to me, in part because she never stopped looking for the right drug for me and eventually we discovered the right drug.

I've suffered from severe anxiety, social phobia, peripheral neuropathy, and an inability to concentrate when not on any drugs. Higher doses than prescribed kick the crap out of almost all of them. I can think well, function and feel comfortable socially, have no peripheral neuropathy. I know it sounds exaggerated but the symptoms were massively terrible. As a metaphor it basically felt like I was being blood choked and I couldn't "breathe". My emotions (anxiety), cognition, pain levels put me in the deepest of holes. So basically the exact opposite of the unfortunate horror stories you hear about drugs that people have experienced. Whether prescribed and/or recreational, etc. It was a short period from taking the drug as prescribed to taking it recreationally. I'm not sure exactly how well the drug helps when taken as prescribed (aside from pain levels) vis a vis emotionaly and mentally. But when I used it at high recreational doses it took away the choke. If I hadn't found that drug (and subsequently it's recreational use.) I would still be in the shit, probably. I will never regret finding it, using it recreationally, or any of the adverse events that may have happened. If I hadn't found it I don't care to imagine what hell I might now be in (if I hadn't killed myself already).

Beer gives me a nice blast at first but in the second half I oftentimes invariably end up a pissed off prick or near-suicidally depressed. 151+ proof liquor on the other hand helps a bit while still having some drawbacks. Weed is basically a no-go for me. I've tried smoking and it didn't do much for me, and when I made the mistake of taking too many weed gummies I had the worst psychological experience of my life. Vicodin when taken with food (and otherwise drug hygenically) was an opiate of the gods for me (I took it on and off recreationally and prescribed, very sparingly, in low doses and had no addiction or withdrawal). None of them have really been all that life changing for me other than in the moment.

It's weird but the douchiest and worst things I've done in my life I did while sober. I never physically assaulted, verbally abused, or (mostly) caused property damage while "high". Sober is an entirely different story.
Never been too rehab so many times :ROFLMAO:
But by having to go to rehab, I had to learn how to socialise without alcohol, as well as so many other things that made me a better person.
So I'd probably still be an arrogant/ignorant bogan
i'm a 38yo male been using drugs since a teen...i get the feeling like i probably would've made a point to find a girlfriend and probably would have had kids... if that didn't go well, like girls cheated on me and stuff, maybe i would've killed myself or something.

i don't think i would've found myself to be as creative of an artist or musician with out drugs too. i'm not sure if i would've really cared to persue my interest as much.
I'd be physically healthier but psychologically less interesting.

My musical tastes would probably not be as eclectic as they are.

My social circles would've been more constrained.

It's unlikely I'd know what jail was like.

I'd probably have alternated between food addiction and sex addiction (I doubt that I'd be able to do both at once but I'm sure I'd try).