What to eat? What to eat?


Dec 28, 1999
This may sound like a strange question, but everyone has been saying that if you eat healthy, you will have a better/longer roll.
This got me to thinking, what would be the best thing to eat before a rave? Any suggestion?
I forgot to add that I was thinking on having all my raving buddies over for a good meal to start the evening off right. You never know, this might just help everyones spirits and get them to roll longer.
I've heard that things not to eat before rolling are protein-rich foods. Good things are vitamin C rich foods. I'm sure more people can elaborate better than me, though. I can say that one night I drank a Red Bull energy drink and took some of those liitle energy supps you can buy at the 7-11 one hour before I rolled, and it was one of the best rolls I'd had in a while! Coincidence? Maybe...but it's worth trying out.
No regrets, or life is yours to miss...
it's best not to eat at all if you're looking for an intense trip. have a light lunch and maybe cut up some fresh fruit for your pals. one or two cocktails set the mood well too (and will calm down any nervous normans that may be afoot)...