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What Makes For Good Drug Buddies


Jun 4, 2000
When I entered the drug usage scene, it wasn't long before there were large numbers of people going through my life (and my home!). However, over time it quickly came apparent that some people made for good drug buddies, and some didn't.
Many were not invited back. As with most groups, an equilibrium was found - those that stayed had certain traits, and were free of others.
What dynamics helped gel your group of friends?
Not Invited Back
The Paranoid - People who became paranoid on drugs were not invited back. My core group of friends do not have self-esteem issues to speak of - certainly none that were amplified by drugs, and paranoia is not something that comes up. We're not babysitters.
Drama Kings/Queens - "Oh man, we were at this party and I was all like, 'We need more drugs'. But I couldn't get money from my buddy who was trying to suck a coke dealers dick for a free line, so I beat up some kid and took his lunch money so that we could go to the ghetto for some shit. But the cops pulled us over and totally..."
Insecure people - Relating to paranoia. If people obviously need continual reinforcement it's wearying. If you are worrying that your k-holed appearance isn't flattering, then you aren't enjoying your k-hole. Be comfortably certain that nobody in the group is thinking negatively about it.
Everyone's Party Girl - Girls who tried to make drama waves in the group by hitting on or sleeping with several members without concern for the interference waves they set up. They simply got excluded quickly.
Neverending Partiers - For our group, the solution to being tired after 48 straight hours is "Get Some Sleep", not "Buy Some Meth". Scary, overstimulated people weren't invited back.
Invited Back
People who can be quiet, relax and listen to music without saying anything for an hour.
People who understand that weed etiquette greases the wheels of sketch day.
People who can enjoy psychedelics without turning ugly.
People who don't feel it necessary to correct others.
People who don't mind ketamine conversations that start out of nowhere. One girl said something abruptly from silence about hay bales - we all just started talking about hay bales. It's easier and more fun than starting on, "Where'd that come from?"
People who understand that sketch day is not the day to square up debt situations, resolve issues, or make really important decisions. The issues can wait a day.
Example Bad Drug Buddies Fear and Loathing, that's all I gotta say.
In short, I guess we favoured peace at all levels of drug use, from the lightest hint of marijuana to the deepest, darkest k-hole.
Well, our group of friends have had the pleasure of being excellent non-drug friends to excellent drug friends.
Some things that I think make us good friends to be high with are these:
*Communication: If someone is freaking out, seeing something really weird or just needs a tiny bit of resassurance, we all talk about it to get it out in the open, and also dispel the fear.
*Level headedness: As a collective whole, our group has their headspace pretty much together, so there is no points in any experience where there is a freak out. We can brush off any strange happenings as "just the drugs"
*PLUR (for want of a better word): Because we're such good friends, the vibes that we give off when high are of a very close and loving type, because of this, any people outside our group that joins in with our drug taking usually have a better time just because of the feelings that we're giving off.
i hate people who thieve shit
steal all the time from stores and then stuff comes up missing at home fuck that shit
usually the bullshitters are shady too and you can tell when they're shittin ya fuck em too
trust your instincts
dont let em scrape yer bowl. if they are feinin enough to scrape your bowl think of what else they will do to get high(like steal your money or your bowl when they're jonesin
you can tell who is the real deal, the rest can go to fuckin hell
thats what i say
My best drug buddy is someone I can just spout complete shit to all night and not have to care whether or not I'm making an arse of myself. We just sit and chat random bollocks to each other and not give a shit. You definately need friends who you can relax with, be yourself with and who understand you.
ppl that ive known since grade school. wouldnt place my trust on anyone else!
_someone you would be friends with without the drugs
_someone who can go the distance
_someone who knows you well enough to talk you out of most bad situations
_someone you can trust with your mind
_someone who gets good drugs. :)
A good drug buddy will stay up all night, making sure you don't go into respiratory arrest as you nod nod noddddddd....
I can def. dig what Petersko is saying... but I think my definitions of drug buddies are a little more... simple I guess is the best word? What you described is something that isn't easy to find in friends, I try not to expect so much from people.
Good Drug Buddies:
People who share, unconditionally.
A person that understands that sometimes people over do things and don't hold it against you when you go on a serious bender. Also, the friend that stays with you when you've gone a little too far, just to make sure you're ok.
People who think of their friends when they are making purchases.
People who don't push things on you (like "just one more pill/hit/line man!").
Bad Drug Buddies:
People who brag about the drugs that they have, and yet they won't sell/give you any, and won't hook you up.
People that ditch you after getting all amped/high/stoned/rolling/whatever with you.
Guys that promise to hook you up, and then give away or sell what they got for you to someone else.
People that show up at your place high/stoned/whatever and try to crash empty handed. Also people that show up in various altered states for no other reason than to get MORE drugs from you.
Sharing is definitely an important aspect here. I used to hang out with a guy who smoked and sold weed -- he would show up to someone's house, sell them weed at an insane price, and then ASK to smoke theirs without offering any of his own stash. He didn't wait for them to offer, even. Bad drug buddy.
At the same time, there are some people who don't realize that drugs aren't free, even for people who sell them. With more expensive social drugs (one in particular), I don't think it's out-of-line to ask someone to split the cost of what's going down on the mirror or match your contribution. I mean, everyone could put down their own pile, but it makes a much more pleasant scene if everyone puts it in one pile and it's divided equally.
On the other hand, if you invited someone over to snort something, don't pop it to them when they have the straw in their hand that they're paying for half. Fact is, though, most people aren't explicitely invited over...
(After telling his friend to scarf the stash to avoid police.)
You must have eaten, like, a hundred bucks worth of pot, and, like, 30 bucks worth of shrooms man. When you get the chance, I'm going to need $130 from you.
(from Super Troopers)
Web said:
What you described is something that isn't easy to find in friends, I try not to expect so much from people.
Agreed. I was very lucky - these are the people I entered the scene with, thankfully.