WHAT is UP with all this SCARY PILL crap?


Jan 24, 2000
i just want to know what the hell is going on here...i have become so damn PARANOID! i have researched all this crap to ease my mind (a friend almost suffered water intox at a party, not to mention other things)...it made me all paranoid! the drug info i wanted just scares me now....can someone tell me what to look for in a decent pill? color, anything? anyone know anything about white XO's, or green cK's? the Xo's were intense....
I had a couple of green CKs with my gf a few months back and they were excellent. Lucidity was available upon demand, we were both on 2 at once and she just sat on the ground feeling the carpet having a wonderful time. Ours lasted about 4.5 hours and was well worth the money. Good luck with 'em...
"What happens to you here is forever..."
I typically try to stay away from pills that are crumbly, powdery or don't have any markings. I usually don't buy pills from anyone that I don't know.
But I took a bad roll this Fri. I bought it from a guy I always buy from. It looked OK. It turned out to be DXM. It wasn't such a bad thing, it just tripped me out. Thank God I didn't mix any real rolls with the bad one!!
I refuse to eat another pill without testing it first. Its just not worth the chance to end up in the hospital.
"Look at the world with open eyes and you will see the world. Look at the world through my eyes and you can only imagine."
X-RaverQueen :)
Not to be rude or anything but trying posting this at pill report and I bet you will get much more info - post also location you are for better results

SpecialK - If you thought thats a hole wait till you see my flat :)
specil, some people got the point...i want to know if anyone else notices this! is it just around here or what? scary-ass pills...thanks for the advice, i will try it.
It was like that in Ohio for awhile. I was getting SO frustrated at all the bunk going around. But now... man! I dunno what happened, but suddenly Columbus just seems flooded with all different kinds of really good, str8-up pills! It's so cool!
~*~ Ashke ~*~