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What is science to you?

^Nice post :)

stoned.crazy said:
I believe everybody's perspective is valid

Everyones opinion is valid. Or, everyone is free to an opinion. But a perspective that is demonstrably false, such as the earth being flat, is not valid. I believe that we should encourage people to share their views, but I don't think that means we should tolerate nonsense. I know you weren't saying that, but I think there's a tendency for us to try and be accepting and inclusive (which is great) but this is a double edged sword. It means we need to accept idea's that are not only false or invalid, but outright harmful.
Thanks for clarifying that swilow. Everyones perspective definitely isn't true. I meant it's valid as in it's based upon whatever information that individual possesses, +/- whatever that individual chooses to exclude or include. Bu taking away or adding certain information you can make any perspective appear true, but it's only true given the circumstances.

Too many people ignore facts when the facts go against what they think is the truth. I think if someone can't explain how they arrive at their conclusions, than they should really question just how accurate their views truly are. Unfortunately it's usually the misinformed who are unwilling (or possibility unable) to scrutinize their thoughts. Being closed minded has to be one of the most damaging outlooks to have. It's good to be skeptical but we need to always be willing to alter our opinions to fit the facts.
^ I feel like some of what you said there is the opposite of truth/rationality. Or rather it's hard to piece together your point of view in your first paragraph. If one can't explain how they arrive at their conclusions I would think that's because they're trying to be objective - or at least in some cases. On the other hand the mentally unstable can clarify their point of view while passing a lie detector test! Questioning these things - human curiosity - is perhaps the leading agent in this search for objective reasoning.

"Unfortunately it's usually the misinformed who are unwilling (or possibility unable) to scrutinize their thoughts". Not always. Misinformation is merely the illusion of information leading into our thoughts. It's the weak willed who are unwilling to scrutinize their thoughts, i.e. "What am I?" "How did I come to be?" Many older people I used to hang around with are convinced that going outside in the cold will lead to catching a cold. These people are what I sometimes refer to as 'mummers'. AKA people who have an odd relationship with their mom (like believing everything she tells them).

Your last statement almost sounds like an excuse to be duplicitous but I see what you're saying.
Because once we start dictating what opinions it's okay to have, we enter incredibly dangerous territory.
Being opinionated doesn't seem like something people would aspire to, a lot like being gassy, no one really cares about it but they will keep their distance. It becomes an issue when an opinion is unsolicited and requires us to change. Bad opinions become terrible laws and our world is full of them.

Not surprisingly, held opinions based on dubious facts are common in our daily lives and we don't notice it. Food opinions are hilarious, people love sharing these. MSG, glutin and butter all took a beating recently. Some were based on dubious science and some were just misleading reporting but people hold these misguided opinions like a religion, despite hard scientific evidence to the contrary.

We will always, have opinions. How we handle our opinions and how we teach our children to deal with theirs matters. BL and other forums are perfect places to practice the fine art of learning to share. Listening to stupid opinions is painful but we still need to, learning how to deflate them without killing the person holding it is the heart of a teacher. We can never dictate opinion but we can educate.

Having an opinion is fine, learning what in your mind is opinion and what is not by simple analysis is important. This way you can keep opinions flexible.