What is an undercover cop allowed to do?


Jul 2, 2004
I've constantly have heard from my dad, who is a cop, that they have undercover cops in the school. At first I was just thinking he was saying that to scare me from drug use or talking about drugs while at school. But then I keep on hearing about these people I know getting busted selling certain pills at school. The thing that I've noticed is that these people getting busted are selling to these certain students. I mean, they sell to other people, but MOST of them have sold pills to these students who have me wondering about. I didn't notice it at first, but they look pretty old to be in high school. There is two of them and they both are male.

Keep in mind that I do NOT buy drugs at school. You can read my earlier post about my school on this forum to know why. But I do know people who sell benzos and opiates like crazy at school and make a lot of profit. And now most of them have been busted. And almost everyone of them has sold to these two guys who seem suspicious to me. All their other customers were from last year mostly and they are not the type of people that would tell the school to get the dealers busted.

It's not just opiates and benzos, it's also marijuana that people are getting busted with. It's just like all of the sudden these people are getting busted left and right. I am not saying these two people are undercover cops, I am just saying they seem a little strange to be buying from people who all of the sudden get busted.

So with that being said, I was wondering what rights does an undercover cop have when in schools? Like, are they allowed to purchase drugs for a time period until they know for a fact they can bust someone in school? I was just wondering what they are able to do and what they can not do.
Okay, we had a member of ASIO working out our school, Carey Grammar, Mr Schiller I believe. Im not going to hide his identity, he suspeneded me and accused me of fraud. Melbourne, Australia. I'll even give address.

Yep, we had a school officer, No he was not undercover but knew all the legal buso and was able to basically expell you / take you to the FBI etc if he saw that was the case. Biznitch, aint it?

Not sure about the exact undercovers, find out if you have a "School Officer", also DO NOT tell things to your school shrink if you have one as they have the authority to tell other shrinks (from what I hear) and most of these officers have qualifications in other words if you tell the shrink you've been doing this, that, etc then it might not be kept as confidentialas yo might have thought.

He did not want to help anyone unless they were involved in the football or soccor team. Not even us drug users who REALLY needed the help, he'd prefer to just expell or suspend us instead so we could go home, and take benzo's for a few days!
There are special provisions in Australian drug laws for undercover police or informants, basically saying that they can buy and possess drugs and not be liable for a charge.
this doesn't actually have to be a police officer; anyone can be designated as the informant and have this sort of protection. There is no defence of 'entrapment' in Australa - even if you only, eg, bought drugs because an undercover cop talked you into buying them, you would still liable for possession.

It's important to remember that if police in Australia act illegally, any evidence they find can generally be used against you. For example, even if a cop comes up to you and searches you for no reason (which is illegal) and finds drugs on you, the police can use this against you. A lot of people think we follow the American principle that if evidence is obtained illegally, then it is of no use - this is not the case in Australia.
I was going to start a very similar thread on this... but my question was

How far can undercovers go??? as far as undercover???
ill give you an example. Say a cop goes undercover as a lawyer, and has the person confess.... can they do this??
deroxor said:
How far can undercovers go??? as far as undercover???
ill give you an example. Say a cop goes undercover as a lawyer, and has the person confess.... can they do this??

I would imagine such a confession would be inadmissable, if the police officer were falsely representing themselves as that person's lawyer, due to coersion/false pretenses or something of that sort.

Undercovers do have pretty broad powers, though - they can use drugs if necessary, and certainly can lie about their identity, etc.

if it smells of bacon, it probably isn't kosher ;)
j33buscr1p3s said:
Most states have a right to identify law, which basically means if you ask em if they're a cop, they have to tell you yes.

That is an urban legend, and it's completely untrue.
I directly asked Indiana's Superintendent of Excise Police if that was the case, and he told me that officers have to identify themselves if you begin to ask questions about who the really are. Erowid's police vault's claiming it as a myth seems to be more about entrapment. Until I hear of a case where a person was arrested by an undercover officer after denying that they were an officer, I'm going to stick with an excise officer routinely involved in undercover operations, but I guess theres always the possibility that he wants to promote that myth. I seriously doubt that he would have lied to me giving the context of our conversation, however.

If you can find me some caselaw...I couldn't find anything dealing with it either way, I'd be happy to retract my statement. However at the very least to anyone else reading this, don't take my word for it, I'd hate to be responsible for you in jail.
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^^Do you obey every law??? if undercovers can do drugs to nabb a guy, im pretty sure they wont get in anykind of trouble for lying about who they are.
Haven't you ever watched COPS when they do drug/vice stings? the people always ask the cop "are you a cop;" and the cops always laugh about it later.