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What good do evil Dmt beings do? Paradox solved

Dmt Disco

May 9, 2017
Shortly and rougthly, they are so nasty and mischievous, that you'll do your best not to look at them. So every time you fall off the meditation, they will disturb you imediatelly, so you'll remember to meditate more frequently.

Also we can learn from their toughness and swager side.

More detail:

I dont think Dmt is evil or that all of the beings are evil.

Beings are conglomerates of person's emotions. Common ground of all beings is breathing alright and meditative state of mind.
Positive beings are conglomerates of all good emotions attached to alrightness.
Evil beings get born with emotional pain when you fall off alright breath and meditation. Pain gives birth to an anger, anger to cruelty
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Watching the video made me feel ASMR tingling... Nice, thank you, Dmt Disco! ;)
Fear is more of an invigorating experience than a scary one, but i've certainly been shocked to the point of looking away.

Some people handle the water, some people handle the air... Everybody has a role to play
Watching the video made me feel ASMR tingling... Nice, thank you, Dmt Disco! ;)

Thank you, Im touched. Play it on subwoofer, I have basso-profundo voice(but actually can sing f5# with no falsetto sound in the mix, f1 lowest).

Can you say some on actual evil beings sparking up theory? Central role of breathing, and emotion conglomerates(evil and good dont mix because when you are doing alright, there is no need to carry around pain/anger, or Jesus-style cross or anything besides celebration and invation)?
Or on my theory of playfulness of beings (meditation is tricky, its funny, that you can break free from the most bitter regrets and nightmares in a blink of an eye, maybe with some tune humming)? Song stuck meditation..
Im sure, that they are true (also very natural, simple and easy to understand) and after a while will become well established, but now everything is stagnated in ego death terms(ego loss isnt really big of a deal, admitting mistakes is just first easy step, fixing things is whats really difficult) and its really disturbing to see everybody in waiting position.
Fear is more of an invigorating experience than a scary one, but i've certainly been shocked to the point of looking away.

Some people handle the water, some people handle the air... Everybody has a role to play
So you experienced something, at least, similar. Nice to know. Do you mean that handling the water is for being a bit weird?

I handle air basically, and stone ultimately. Dont abuse air, its helping in handling stone, its not for leisuring in it. And I cant help not to have some daring fire, when i realize, that I was broke for a long-while, and how fast it can be solved, no matter how frustrating transition is.
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I feel like I've met you before but you sound scandinavian..

Have you read other threads on DMT entities like the DMT entities thread you can find through the Index / Big & Dandy DMT thread? There are definitely others who agree that it makes most sense that the entities are projections of our own emotions and other aspects of our mind. Maybe even like an extreme state of synaesthesia where certain sensory or other (e.g. emotional) aspects of our mind are manifested as beings since there are parts in the brain responsible for detecting beings which may be sensitive to such washing over of brain activity.
I don't wish to reduce any of this to brain activity but it could help us understand how some experiences are generated just like normal synaesthesia is generated in some people. Actually I discovered that there is now (tentatitive) evidence that people seeing aura's (colored halo's around people's faces and also body) is likely a form of synaesthesia if you read reports / articles from Ramachandran among others.

Perhaps the mind tends to be as playful as those beings on some level, I mean there is hardly ever that sort of brain activity without DMT present...
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Im Russian, so my accent not that bad.(Is it well understandable?) And never beed abroad, but nowadays I have about 5 dejavus per day, due to my breathing practice, so this effect maybe reached to you though my face))

All you said speaks to me and is kinda true, but my point is that there is a solid ground in form of alright breath(or even perfect), so its not just emotional mind games.

Breathing walls while tripping are projection of your own breath, forcing you to meditate on breath anyway.

And its completely from experience, even on ayahuaska once when I made my breath free of constrictions, and it got powerful and azure(like there is a fractal pattern in the breath, also looking just like Buddha in the mirror), than I thought, that must be something more to life than just breaking free of insecure tensions, And immediately my breath began to go though steps of tightening up(powerfully, not constricting) in self-similar way, like according to azure texture breath already had. Like holding azureness in powerful building blocks, after few steps it got just the same shape as untightened free breath had.

Playfulness - singing teachers and students know, how perfect and awful phonation takes can be neighbors it time. Just take a refreshing breather, believe in yourself and voila. Same I experienced with my punching practice, uncertain tensions got in the way - shameful slow not even punch, eliminate tensions, remember joy of the movement - and voila, fly like a butterfly, sting like a bee. Thou what you said on playfulness is also totally true. But what I say - its like more fundamental, its how things work. Such a gap, because freeing of tensions gets doubled up with proper joyful use of freed power.

Great example of playfulness in carefree whistling/humming around, Johnny Depp Rango: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKQt5fccVDs

Now read a bit into thread, lots of repetitive tek/administration discussions got in the way, a bit of interesting posts, but not as intresting as mine yet..

As for people's aura, Its true what you said, want to add, that body-carrying style is visible and reflects personality, walking/movement style too. Asymmetrical tensions in the body, one arm moves around during the walking more that the other, very visible in quiet introvert people(but I see individual body carrying style in everyone, its like voice)

Its pissing me off so bad, that my channel hadn't got more views yet, I drop such awesome and true observations.
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Breathing walls can be influenced by your breathing and indeed breathing can change a lot about your mindstate but the breathing effect of walls certainly isn't only a projection of your breath despite the word breathing being used. It's surely an effect on the visual cortex, which can be stimulated in so many other ways.

Such effects are mind-manifested and breathing influences the mind - the mind also influences breathing, the mind remains central though and connects a lot of different aspects.

The idea that evil entities project negativeness in your headspace is a continuation of the central idea that the entities reflect our mental state or fragmented aspects of it. These are interesting ways to look at it, but I am struggling to see the novel revelation here?
Maybe I need to watch that video more properly and I'll get more in depth.

Your accent is fine I think, but it would help if you had a more roughly prepared idea of what to say instead of coming up with it on the spot / grasping at words. But if English does not come naturally to you of course you still did well - just pointing out what it's like to watch it.

When I was on DMT with unusually heavy emotional pain (the loss of a young family member), I did not encounter evil beings but ones that consoled me and took me to lie resting in what seemed like the lap of the cosmos. Also I have hardly ever met beings that I would outright call evil, or otherwise polarized. Normally for me they are a bit mysterious and they play tricks but don't have bad intentions. If anything sometimes their motivations seem to just not translate so well to human sorts of motivations.
On the other hand, they seem to be able to adapt and respond to what I 'need', which sometimes is a bit of a smack in the face I guess.

In my opinion it's not smart for us to be too certain about what they comprise fundamentally, despite the idea that they are mental and emotional projections seems good it also seems complex as to whether they are exact reflections of our own emotions. I think sometimes by the very act of projecting them as something apparently separate from us, we can interact dissociated with our own emotions and get a response to them. It would be like reflecting on a though (having a though about a thought), but rather a feeling about a feeling.
Also it seems probable that emotions and breath or meditative concentration are not the only things involved here (also thought, imagination, random thoughts and feelings that are on your mind at the very time), but yes breathing exercizes and doing meditation in advance to prepare make a big difference.

I do like the focus on that, it's a good point.

I think that it also just helps to clear your mind of just every thoughts roaming around in there, because the trip can just blow things so chaotically out of proportion otherwise that it gets crazy and overwhelming. Having more peace and balance is a better starting point both emotionally and rationally. Not sure if that is what you meant by what you can 'fall off of'.

The pain I felt then by the way was okay, we don't have to always be celebrating or be happy - it is healthy to be sad sometimes. The better thing is to have harmonized emotions on a higher level than that, accepting that they all have a place and we prefer to of course have the positive side be as big as possible, to at least cast a shadow over the bad.

I think that even with concentrating and meditation the DMT flash can take my breath away and make it just alien to breathe especially to let it happen spontaneously. For example once I felt as if I exhaled when I inhaled and vice versa - just throws me off, it's challenging.

Unfortunately I don't get much out of the video that expands on the ideas, seems like they mostly get reaffirmed a bit vaguely.

Maybe you could sum up some solid pointers on what the novel observations are?
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It might take a serious difference in breathing to do much, so if you want to experiment with it - look up some breathing exercises to add-on to your meditation. But I must say meditation on it's own also can influence looking/staring at a wall and what movement / shifting / patterning etc is projected on that wall. So if you are setting out to try this and you stare at a wall in meditation, that alone is also likely to affect your experience.

As I found plenty of similarities between a meditation retreat and taking low to moderate doses of LSD, one big one is how just sitting in meditation sober and looking can warp your vision. Not only breathing but also apparent inversion of black and white among other things.

Maybe if DMT disco or other people better versed in breathing techniques have anecdotes about what the effect can be and how visuals can change that would be interesting, especially when staring is avoided so it is not just the lack of change in what you're seeing that starts causing the distortions. Our vision relies a lot on adjusting to changes, so when nothing changes about your input, the continuing attempts to adjust your vision themselves can run out of control.
Novel revelation: Evil presence results in more frequent remembering to meditate(breathe alright), if you go with impulse of "runaway from nasty wrong cruel bastards", and put some effort in moving your sight from them(just looking at them feels like the most terrible thing, thats why after hit you can get feeling "I just made gravel mistake"). Your humanness and their inhumanness repulses.

So its not all about surrendering(letting go, being passive in some way is a big thing in achieving alright breath), sometimes you gotta put effort, even fight and refuse what you see. As for fighting, it gotta be not just trying, but actually achieving.

I dont get full blown wall breath on psy myself, but sober can induce some wall morthing(not breathing) by some hypnotic/down the spiral staring(well, that was back in the day, now it can be induced just by meditating on the breath), and result clearly is reflection of how my posture morths, kinda like the sound of "woow" morths (I made myself very sensitive to posture/mimics thing, since I figured out how important it is). Actually after my first trips I thought that posture/breath is more of side effect, like when you are alert, you are straighter, but than I was just faced with its importance.

Did you hear of Penrose-Hameroff microtubule theory? If its right, than we have those microtubules all around our body(resulting as consciousness only in the brain, being orchestrated, but still those units all around the body kinda in tune with importance of breath I stress and also those reports of "orgasm in every single sell of the body").

Of course you gotta have clear mind first, to achieve alright breath, but achieving alright breath ensures you actual alertness and observation, not just spacing out(and its just a little sidenote of why breath is important, I already wrote my experience on aya, fractals in breath)
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Firstly though: what are other people's experiences with such evil presences on DMT and what happened / what was the interaction?

I don't think the microtubule theory helps at all here, we already know we have a nerve system that communicates all across our body, the how isn't that helpful here. Orgasm and spiritual experiences (including body highs on psychedelics imo) seem to be very complicated phenomena involving our endocrine and nervous systems and who know what all is tied in. Your breathing has a key role in orgasm but also for sex in general. Probably something like tantra could shed some light on that ^

Also this is one way to look at all that: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prana

I think psychedelics artificially boost those feelings of energy flow by stimulating the nerve system which is involved with sensing it, though normally you would probably learn to focus on those sensations instead of boosting them. Breathing and yogic practices have a potent effect on those energy flows which seems apparent from how well they work during trips in general but specifically for body loads which I think involve uncomfortable tension from all that energy flowing without having learned to control it properly and gradually.

It seems natural to feel like you have made a grave mistake after taking hits of DMT: there is no return heading into something incredibly intense and in ways jarring. Obviously it can be like: oops, seems like I am gonna HAVE to deal with this.. :)

I understand if you find that your explanations do a good job of accounting for things that happened to your personal trips and considering how subjective that is none of us really can validate or invalidate your personal experiences, but I can't say I even really had trips that match your experience let alone whether the explanations apply very generally.

If negative / painful emotions are projected as those evil entities like you suggest, rejecting or denying confrontation of that projection doesn't really seem necessarily like such a healthy response. Being compassionate, open and understanding seems like a much better way to reconcile. Don't be at war with your painful feelings. Pain tends to heal better when it's acknowledged.
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If you try to talk them down, kinda serve them, they will abuse your kindness, push you around, and than throw you out(I tried it in my trips, especially on lower doses/coming backs, when evilness is not that clear). Like instinctively extremely kind people(Im one of them) get bullied. Bullies are kinda throwing bad stuff at them, finding amusing, how kind people keep on being kind, no matter what. Bullies kinda want to test the limits of instinctive kindness.

Stop the pain by fixing the cause - feeble breath and mind, its the only way to help those evil parts of you (and I do have compassion for them, especially for the fact, that all they know is pain and anger) Since all they know is pain and anger, they cant relate to you kindness.
You kinda moved your pain from your shoulders to theirs(it gets moved automatically), making them live in pain and anger, and now kindly wondering why they are so angry, trying to sit and talk with them about it. (I tried to do it in my trips, more instinctively, than as experiment(as experiment on lower/coming downs tried - got pushed around), since Im instinctively kind person(and also because felt lost, anxious), their response was getting nastier and like letting me know clearly that they are evil)

Grave mistake - you are correct, but its also feels immoral, like you are taking a shortcut in spiritual growth, dealing with some weird unexpected presence coming at ya soon. And also like you just wasted you blow, or smth. "You shouldn't be here" feeling people report

Dealing with pain - on that aya experience I achieved perfect breath though listening to pain (intense emotional pain got opened up) and fixing things in the body, which caused the pain. Thought of exerting breath from my heart - but when I tried to find my heart, I found cosy nest of acceptance, made in my feeble breath.
Aslo Im talking running away from anger/cruelty, not pain. Actually in my early experiences, when I stayed away from evils in grey-green fuzziness, woman presence was reaching to me, which I could smell was weird, but she managed to make serious trustable face at first, after my attention drawn to her, she showed scary beings, than I get repulsed, than she drawn my attention back, by showing a tear(pain) of those beings, so I'll go like, "oh, tear, so it legit", my attention caught - she shows scary beings again and I feel tricked/lied to, and so on. And every time she managed to make dat face, like she had the same intent/interest as me.

Other people's experiences - it's usually two ways:1) tried to apply surrender or 'it will end in minutes' principle, and it didn't help, describing scenes of abuse 2) instinctively running away from them, trying to apply surrendering(not instinctively, but carrying it from sober bs 'knowledge'), but still running away, just confusing mess
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