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What dissociative rc's are most similar to dxm?


Feb 26, 2012
Enjoyed the longer lasting effects of dxm, and slightly sedating / ease of holing I got from that.

Been a while... seeing all these new dissociatives pop on the scene. Wow. ? Missed mxe completely. Anyways, what's been your experience with something similar to funky ol dxm?

Something not too mania producing and easy to 'hole' on, plz.

In terms of sedation I'd say deschloroketamine (DCK / O-PCM). I also find it nicely visual although some disagree. As for holing, I haven't had a chance to dig that deep, but it does seem possible. I don't think its quite as easy as DXM though. DCK has a much nicer body load than DXM and minimal negative side effects.

However, there is some concern about DCK being a potent antibiotic, antifungal, antiviral, and antiprotozoan because of a patent filed claiming these uses. I'm fairly certain this is overblown (the 'proof' is four anecdotal case studies, no controls), but its good to be careful and not dose too frequently lest you disrupt your immune system and gut flora severely.
2-oxo-pce for holing, 2-oxo-pcm for the sedation
Slight hijack, but is D-Holing (Robotripping, whatever you call it) anything like K-holing? I've never DXM'd before..