Wet Weed Music.


Aug 2, 2023
Here's a few good songs to listen to after smoking wet. Gil Scott Heron, Angel Dust. Soul coughing and Roni size, A plane scraped it's belly on a sooty yellow moon. ZZ Top, Dusted. Supultura, Dusted. Leftfield Roots Manuva, Dusted. The Edgar winter group, Frankenstein. Marilyn Manson, Disassociative. Filter and The crystal method, Trip like I do. Monster Magnet, space lord. Monster Magnet, Negasonic teenage warhead. Jimmies chicken shack, High. Reveille, Permanent. Static X, The "Wisconsin Death Trip" album. Girls Against Boys, The "freak on ica" album. Pink Floyd, Heartbeat Pig Meat. Pink Floyd, come in number 51 your times up. And Culpepers Orchard, Mountain music. I know I've only mentioned a few, but add some more to the list if you feel like it. Thanks. Oh, and enjoy your flight. LoL.
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Most of the time you just have to lay back and ride the music and just spin to it. By spin I mean getting dizzy and listening to the music and going round and round again. Untill it wares off.