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Weight and rolling?


Nov 15, 2012
Hey there.

So I am 6ft tall and weigh around 17 stone am I at more of a risk of potential problems while rolling than anybody else rolling? like say compared to someone alot smaller to me?

Thanks 13eny

Edit: I have rolled many times before just a thought :p
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You might bang your head against the ceiling more often, but no not really. On the other side of that I'm like 5'5" and 120lbs soaking wet... no problems there either.
but surely my heart would be under more stress or I would sweat alot more than usual
^ those are environmental and health factors more than anything.

If you are in the proper environment - ventilation, drinking the proper amount of fluids, not mixing substances, etc., then you wouldn't be at any more risk than someone smaller unless you already have a health condition.

6 foot and ~238 pounds is actually not >THAT< unhealthy. I have a buddy who is 6'10" and 550 pounds/~40 stone and its definitely dangerous for him.
Perhaps, but I know plenty of bigger guys and gals who rave all night with no problems. Unless there is any particular reason you are worried about your heart, there should be little to worry about. You may need more frequent breaks from dancing and obviously if you are completely inactive, eating hamburgers for 29 days of the month and you spend the last one dancing non-stop for 6 hours... yeah, there may be some additional strain you'll need to be worried about.

If you are a responsible and moderately healthy adult however, you'll be fine. Maybe take up some cardio on the non rolling days just to prepare yourself for all the physical activities you get into when high, but there should really be no reason to be significantly worried.

Extremely obese people often deal with a number of health issues that would be dangerous with MDMA, but if you are just "big boned" so to speak and are still healthy there shouldn't be any trouble.
mdma consumption has a potential link to cardiac fibrosis, doesnt matter how big or small you are. you shouldnt have to worry the link is only found in heavy frequent users i just like to spout that since its a small research finding. you raise a smart concern, its true bigger peoples bodies do burn more calories than lighter ppl. more calories burned means more work being done naturally. just keep up with ur body w/o overworking it, which is what everyone should do

however if u have heart problems its maybe not a good idea to engage in it. if youre fine than its fine.
Blood serum volume determines how much drug is distributed to the brain, so weight certainly matters. Also, fat tissue contains less dense networks of capillaries than muscle tissues.

Other stressors would be a high fat to muscle ratio. Is this flab or muscle we're talking about?