  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

WEED-KNIGTS-EU-MODS-economy-wartime-bounty-kits- etc


Nov 30, 2011
WEED-KNIGHTS-EU ! (search for weed in game server browser) ---

if people don't know the game, is great fun to game while high - if you liked minecraft back in the days i think you will love this game.

Location: Germany
IP :
Port: 13455
Slots: 26
Map: StormWall
Rented at: bluefangsolutions

atm we seek: (people that MABY could be furture admins)
(experienced builders that a good with medieval stuff ! or just good builders, we need to build a city and a market(we got economy mod))

Weed smoking community, we are not that many atm lol, therefore we seek more people ! You ofc don't have to smoke weed to play here :D almost everyone is welcome' expect if you are to far away from the server host (read the rules)

Many good Oxide plugins/mods is on an working, read about em in the end of the rules further down. Because of the mods this is a mix of roleplay and pvp, the admin is Danish, we got 26 slots atm - plannin on 30+ in a week or so, the server is RENTED at bluefangsolutions' admin pays for extra CPU witch means the game should run more smooth for you

This is a copy of the server rules in server settings:

"1. Speak english in the chat at all times.",
"2. Only players from EU, no racism, we just want fair ping.",
"3. Bases far out on the sea is not allowed",
"4. Going to war when wartime is off can get you a ban",(you should not be able to)
"5. Do /checkwartime to se if its ok for you to go to war",
"6. PvP is still ok, even in wartimes, wartimes in only siege",
"7. No foul language, no racism, no personal attacks",
"The following is a list of all the mods installed:",
"A. Grand-exchange mod - buy/sell stuff at the market",
"B. Whisper mod - /whisper username message",
"C. Wanna report something to admin? /ticket message",
"D. Wanna see what guild a player is in ? /guildname playername",
"E. Declare war with another guild? /declarewar <player_name>",
"F. See which guilds are currently at war? /warreport",
"G. Make an alliance with another guild /alliancecommands",
"H. /guildinfo <player_name> to get info of that player's guild.",
"I. /setbounty to set a bounty on another player, don't abuse = ban",
"J. Want me to make a player into a boss ? give me good reasons",
"K. Bosses get more life, and increased damage",
"L. You have to prove yourself to be a boss, and you can't be one forever",
"M. Admin tools/random : kits, server-logs,check-player-inventory-",
"N. -no-friendly-fire,mute,admin-breakin,admin-pwn.",
"Not complying with these rules may result in a ban at any given time."
I didn't even realize they had war in minecraft. I thought it was like a building game?