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Weed changed for me...

I had a somewhat similar experience when I smoked dmt for the few times. Weed made me extremely paranoid, with psychotic features such as auditory hallucinations and terrible delusions. After those first few attempts with Dmt I vowed to stay away from it and decided that it was too powerful for me. I began having these delusions and terrible auditory hallucinations completely sober. Which admittedly was quite dismaying, as I had always taken pride in having a clear headed and logical outlook on the world. After a few months of the hallucinations and delusions I finally broke down and went to see a psychiatrist for help. He prescribed me seroquel, which is a powerful anti psychotic medication. From what I can remember ( this all being about a year ago) the low dose of 50mg a day did help with my symptoms. Although I was having some issues with the side effects. Namely Seroquel's ability to make it's consumer more sensitive to sunlight and hot weather. I am quite an avid exercise enthusiast, riding my bicycle around upwards of 30miles in a single day. This exercise regimen was very problematic because of Seroquel's side effects. Seroquel was making me sweat buckets more then usual. I would get done exercising and it would look like as though I had just taken a shower my hair wet and body soaked. Needless to say, Seroquel had to go. So I told my psychiatrist all this and he seemed to be aware of these unpleasant side effects and suggested that I begin taking 5mg zyprexa instead. I didn't think too much of it until I looked up Seroquel's and zyprexa's half lives and to my surprise Seroquel had a relatively low half life, something like 10hours if I recall correctly. Zyprexa on the other hand had a much longer half life, meaning it would stay in my system much longer and theoretically lessen the the side effects due to the sun.

Anyways I'm rambling and wanted to say what helped me get through the whole experience was the help of these meds. I have been on the 5mg zyprexa for at least 6 months and almost all of my symptoms have vanished. I even decided to cut the dose in half to see if I could get away with only taking 2.5mg and to my surprise the side effects remain controlled. I'm even considering going off the zyprexa altogether to see if I even need it at all.

So to wrap this up... I think that there is a time and a place for these types of medications as they can be healing for the mind. One of zyprexa's mechanism of action is thought to work by increasing acetylcholine levels in the body. There have been many research papers published stating how important acetylcholine is in the brain and it's vital role as a neurotransmitter. The research stated that those patients suffering mental disabilities almost always had improperly balanced acetylcholine levels. That schizophrenia patients had lower levels of acetylcholine in the brain then someone who was not suffering schizophrenia. This is definitely a very simplified explanation of it all, but the take away is that neurotransmitters in the brain play a vital role in day to day living, even if you are not using psychedelics. Using psychedelics can cause these essential neurotransmitters to get out of wack, especially if one goes on a bender. Alas! Do not fret! As the brain is a very resilient organ capable of forming new neural pathways to carry out the same tasks you have always done. Often finding more efficient neural pathways to pass through to make the task of washing the dishes that you've done a thousand times Already, that much more simple. I like to think of the brain as a roadmap because there are hundreds if not thousands of streets, avenues, parks, schools, businesses etc That you will travel to someday. The more you travel to that destination, the more you become acquainted with it. The more likely you are to find a shortcut along the way to save time. The brain essentially does the same thing. This is why "practice makes perfect" if you practice playing the guitar enough your brain learns how to operate your hands and fingers in just such a way to create that musical work of art.

I forgot to add... Abstaining from anything like LSD, weed, DMT or hallucinogens for a few months could solve your problem. As these substances can be very powerful on the mind and should not be taken lightly. Instead start by focusing on daily life. If you're struggling with sleep, then address that by getting some more exercise during the day and eating more heathy foods. If you feel sluggish and lethargic during the day even though you've had a bunch of caffeine then perhaps there's something to be seen there. Just remember one thing, get rest and relaxation and things will start getting back to normal. It's only a matter of time
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I smoked weed every single day for nearly 16 years, from a young age starting at 13.

I always LOVED weed. It was my bread and butter.

However, 2 years ago I went on this reckless and insane psychedelic drug binge. Lasted for 5 months.

Months 1-2 were stupid amounts of LSD and DMT. Month 3 was LSD, DMT and Shrooms. Months 4-5 were almost exclusively shrooms.

I wasn't taking care of myself during this time, I was also drinking way too much alcohol but more importantly I wasn't SLEEPING. I had chronic sleep deprivation which would cause hallucinations. I think the sleep deprivation combined with the psychedelics did me in.

One day during this episode something in my brain completely snapped. I blacked out for 3 days. I ended up having severe HPPD for 4 months after this.

Eventually, my brain healed itself and I returned to normal. However, weed has never been the same for me.

Smoking just .1g of regular good quality weed makes me feel like I'm having a borderline psychotic episode. It feels stronger than 2-3 hits of acid.

I can't smoke weed anymore... which sucks. It's not fun anymore and is always uncomfortable. And I used to eat 500mg edibles like they were nothing....

I can still eat acid like a champ.... doesn't bother me and never got HPPD again. Just weed...

Anyone else have similar stories?
Dude best to talk to a doctor lol what the frick is a message board going to help you with ...if you are serious
I'm in this camp too, at some point during my heavy use of psychedelic drugs weed turned on me. I think opioid/benzo abuse contributed too. At one point in my life I couldn't smoke cannabis without opioids in my system and couldn't fully feel the opioids without the cannabis. Some days I'd smoke late in an opioid session and realize I was far more gone than I assumed and would start nodding out.

After I gave up opioids/benzos and started using shrooms, LSD, and various RCs weed changed for me. Smoking even a couple of hits would bring out visuals similar to what I hear HPPD described as and put me in a bad place full of anxiety. I was suffering from HPPD at that time (tracers everywhere for months) but cannabis would make them stronger. This would lead to thought loops where I thought my vision would never fully recover. It got so bad I stopped smoking socially and eventually all together. Every time I'd try to smoke a couple of hits at home I'd end up riding out the effects in bed. Sometimes it'd make me feel like I was going to pass out, other times it'd make me feel like I was on the peak of a bad trip.

Last year I started smoking CBD flower. I found that I could smoke as much of that as I wanted and it'd help my pain/insomnia. I would still be smoking it but I got caught with a small bag and pipe during a traffic stop. I managed to beat that charge but it was a terrible few months worrying about it. I was pissed that after decades of smoking weed I was going to end up with it on my criminal record because I smoked legal CBD flower! They ended up dropping the case and I started smoking cannabis again to celebrate.

For whatever reason now I can smoke cannabis again without these bad side effects. I think it's a combination of things; I eat better food now, I don't participate in dumb shit now, I don't have terrible friends now, I no longer have a poly-drug use habit, I am no longer addicted to benzos and opioids. I also smoke a lot less than I used to and don't smoke strains that are sativa dominate when possible. A lot of weed now is bred to be a borderline LSD trip and the effects I like aren't selected for as much. Those effects being couch lock and the others that come from indica dominate strains. I like my flower with a lot of CBD and not too much THC. It's hard to find that in states where it isn't legal. Most people I know seem to prefer the head high so growers around here produce that.

I haven't bought any in awhile but if they sell CBD flower where you live give it a try. You might want to try cutting your cannabis with it. Like throwing half and half together in a joint or bowl.
Honestly any sativa strain that is over 20% thc is a fucking lethal mind fuck of a trip. I don't have access to indica strains
Honestly any sativa strain that is over 20% thc is a fucking lethal mind fuck of a trip. I don't have access to indica strains

Since moving where I live now my access to indica strains is almost totally gone. I don't know if you saw before I edited my post but mixing in cannabis with CBD flower would probably tame the sativa some. I don't know why everyone wants to get mind fucked on THC these days. Between the wax and dab pens it's hard to even find good flower sometimes. Since Trump got into office the old mexican brick weed is no where to be found. Before Trump was president I used to just buy the lower quality stuff because it seemed more tame.

Where I used to live cannabis wasn't legal but the dealers I used had started keeping multiple strains. It was basically like buying from an illegal dispensary. They'd let you sample the bud and everything. I really miss having access to a place like that. These days I'm just forced to buy whatever the guy has on hand. If you find something you like typically it's all gone and something new is in before you get back in touch with him. I'm hopeful my state will go fully legal soon so there is more variety.
Since moving where I live now my access to indica strains is almost totally gone. I don't know if you saw before I edited my post but mixing in cannabis with CBD flower would probably tame the sativa some. I don't know why everyone wants to get mind fucked on THC these days. Between the wax and dab pens it's hard to even find good flower sometimes. Since Trump got into office the old mexican brick weed is no where to be found. Before Trump was president I used to just buy the lower quality stuff because it seemed more tame.

Where I used to live cannabis wasn't legal but the dealers I used had started keeping multiple strains. It was basically like buying from an illegal dispensary. They'd let you sample the bud and everything. I really miss having access to a place like that. These days I'm just forced to buy whatever the guy has on hand. If you find something you like typically it's all gone and something new is in before you get back in touch with him. I'm hopeful my state will go fully legal soon so there is more variety.
hopefully it goes legal here. My weed i get is extremely potent hydroponic indoor grown with imported seeds from america and holland. had dutch people try it and said its on par with the strongest strains there and can be even hard to find it in holland alone. We get to vote on legalization this year in NZ. I just want to find the strain that suits me instead of these zero cbd upwards of 25% thc sativa dominant strains that hit stronger than LSD and shrooms with no tolerance.
I smoked weed every single day for nearly 16 years, from a young age starting at 13.

I always LOVED weed. It was my bread and butter.

However, 2 years ago I went on this reckless and insane psychedelic drug binge. Lasted for 5 months.

Months 1-2 were stupid amounts of LSD and DMT. Month 3 was LSD, DMT and Shrooms. Months 4-5 were almost exclusively shrooms.

I wasn't taking care of myself during this time, I was also drinking way too much alcohol but more importantly I wasn't SLEEPING. I had chronic sleep deprivation which would cause hallucinations. I think the sleep deprivation combined with the psychedelics did me in.

One day during this episode something in my brain completely snapped. I blacked out for 3 days. I ended up having severe HPPD for 4 months after this.

Eventually, my brain healed itself and I returned to normal. However, weed has never been the same for me.

Smoking just .1g of regular good quality weed makes me feel like I'm having a borderline psychotic episode. It feels stronger than 2-3 hits of acid.

I can't smoke weed anymore... which sucks. It's not fun anymore and is always uncomfortable. And I used to eat 500mg edibles like they were nothing....

I can still eat acid like a champ.... doesn't bother me and never got HPPD again. Just weed...

Anyone else have similar stories?

So many people have a significant change with weed at about age thirty.. your twenty nine. Right on par. If you still want to use it then you may consider switching to an Indica and treating it as the powerful drug it is for you now. Set and setting like L or boomers. As you take it less frequently its effects jump harder. One hit maybe two. Get a glass piped dugout as that is all you may need now. Good things are costs you almost nothing. Bad things are you might compensate with destructive doses of alcohol or others. Choose your path wisely and certainly explore exercise as its buzz is top fkn shelf.

The common phenomenon may have to due with an eventual reached reverse tolerance which also happens with substances like alcohol and cocaine.
i believe ann shulgin didn't enjoy weed since it was a super strong psychedelic experince for her filled with paranoia.

I believe people need to find the right strain for them. The intensity of edibles for me has me not wanting to do them again but after a few weeks i get curious and now kind of want to experince that intense trip again to test myself and see if i can make into something more positive.

If only i had indica to smoke i think it would be alot better.

Cannabis visuals are really quite different and unique while also displaying a spectrum of other psychedelic visuals you have used before.

I wonder how a meditation routine with a strong 200 mg once a month edible would be to replace trips like LSD.

I believe alot of issues lies in people not been active enough or focusing their energy while high on cannabis and instead zone out and get consumed by the anxiety and paranoia and the trip.

Benzos don't work for calming down my weed highs though and usually end up with me not remembering anything and waking up the next day.
Don't over-think, that's one major fault about mostly well anything else.

your'e so totally right, i fully agree. same with sex. once you start thinking...... you for sure know what happens ;)

I need Cannabis just for sleep, that's why I just smoke one Jay directly for going to bed. Thank God I have an Indica-Connect - it lets me sleep much much better. Sativas I don't even buy, even when there's nothing left at home anymore.

Dude best to talk to a doctor lol what the frick is a message board going to help you with ...if you are serious

I did talk to one. I had horrible HPPD but my mind was straight. Was diagnosed with "drug induced schizophrenia", and placed on a series of anti-psychotics and bipolar drugs... a few months after that I realized I was fine, stopped taking all the meds at the same time and felt better than when I was on them.

I'm not schizo, I just went a little too hard on the drugs and sleep deprivation and it had its consequences... but my brain healed.

That doctor also prescribed me, after telling him my vast history of drug abuse, adderall, benzos AND sleeping pills... so I can't really take him or his diagnosis seriously.

I'm not asking for help, I'm seeing if anyone else had the same experience, especially around age 30... I'm clearly not the only one out there.

Message boards are for discussion... which is what I think we're having right now... maybe I'm mistaken.
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i believe ann shulgin didn't enjoy weed since it was a super strong psychedelic experince for her filled with paranoia.

I believe people need to find the right strain for them. The intensity of edibles for me has me not wanting to do them again but after a few weeks i get curious and now kind of want to experince that intense trip again to test myself and see if i can make into something more positive.

If only i had indica to smoke i think it would be alot better.

Cannabis visuals are really quite different and unique while also displaying a spectrum of other psychedelic visuals you have used before.

I wonder how a meditation routine with a strong 200 mg once a month edible would be to replace trips like LSD.

I believe alot of issues lies in people not been active enough or focusing their energy while high on cannabis and instead zone out and get consumed by the anxiety and paranoia and the trip.

Benzos don't work for calming down my weed highs though and usually end up with me not remembering anything and waking up the next day.

Never heard that about Shulgin's wife. If she didn't enjoy weed then that certainly legitimizes what I'm going through. It would be a fantasy of mine if my wife/husband was a genius chemist and tested new drugs out on me, lmao.

I was always a heavy indica guy myself, sativa always felt like it was missing something for me. I did enjoy sativas in the morning, though.

It's not really the weed anxiety/paranoia that bothers me anymore, even though I am predisposed to that, it's the unexpected intensity of hallucinations.

Benzo's (and alcohol I've found out) work for me to reduce weed anxiety/hallucinations (at least last time I tried), I just stay away from benzos these days. I've been arrested several times and 90% of the time benzos are involved. Love them but I always eat them like candy and do stupid shit.
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I smoke weed since 23 years just for one reason:


Thats why I always searching for good indica grass to get a fat body buzz directly before I go to bed. I think truly I tried ALL sleeping meds because I have this problem since childhood. But 30 years ago, nobody knows about ADHD. Even now when I talk to Physicians they looked at me like I'm kidding them.

It IS existing, but changing in puberty when all hormons explode... So I searched and anytime I smoked a J with my friends - I slept like a baby and of course I wanted that again! So it started every few weekends, then every weekend, and since about 28 or 29 daily directly before going to bed. I never think of it during the day - it's just my sleeping med but ILLEGAL.

Always slept like a baby. Good indica, Zzz...
I smoked weed every single day for nearly 16 years, from a young age starting at 13.

I always LOVED weed. It was my bread and butter.

However, 2 years ago I went on this reckless and insane psychedelic drug binge. Lasted for 5 months.

Months 1-2 were stupid amounts of LSD and DMT. Month 3 was LSD, DMT and Shrooms. Months 4-5 were almost exclusively shrooms.

I wasn't taking care of myself during this time, I was also drinking way too much alcohol but more importantly I wasn't SLEEPING. I had chronic sleep deprivation which would cause hallucinations. I think the sleep deprivation combined with the psychedelics did me in.

One day during this episode something in my brain completely snapped. I blacked out for 3 days. I ended up having severe HPPD for 4 months after this.

Eventually, my brain healed itself and I returned to normal. However, weed has never been the same for me.

Smoking just .1g of regular good quality weed makes me feel like I'm having a borderline psychotic episode. It feels stronger than 2-3 hits of acid.

I can't smoke weed anymore... which sucks. It's not fun anymore and is always uncomfortable. And I used to eat 500mg edibles like they were nothing....

I can still eat acid like a champ.... doesn't bother me and never got HPPD again. Just weed...

Anyone else have similar stories?
I like your story.
And I also love weed.