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vomiting/puke after E?


Apr 3, 2013
Hello Bluelight a good friend of mine has done xtc like 5 times but every single time when he does it, he will vomit on the end of the rave.

Background - he is a male 21 years old only does it once every 2 - 3 months and about 100 mg - 2x redose of 50. he has no problem with come ups on his stumach.. but when the rave has come to its end and we just sit down to drink some orange juice he always has to puke/vomit. he doesnt drink to much around 1 bottle of water every 40 min.

Is there anything that causes this? (we have good quality pills ( nintendos))

Or better to prevent this for happening in the future, even tho it doesn't really matter to vomit after the best 5-6 hours of your life but not having to is alot better...

When I'm on stims I usually can't drink anything other than water, just to hard on my stomach
On MDMA though I can usually drink liquor and stuff but not on cocaine or meth.
Maybe your friend just has a sensitive stomach, also raving takes a lot of energy out of you
Tends to happen with some people, it's not uncommon. Last time my group went out clubbing over half the group threw up at some point. Personally I have a fairly strong stomach and I've never experienced even the slightest nausea upon using MDMA. I count myself lucky haha.
The only times I got nauseous off MDMA is when i ate a big fat meal few hours before, and even then, I managed to keep it inside without to much of a trouble. I just think it upsets the stomach on the comeup, that's why I always try to drop on an empty stomach.

As for liquids, I have no problem drinking energy drinks or water on MDMA, but fresh cold water is the most refreshing to drink.
I would stay away from the OJ. It's very acidic. Try drinking buttermilk or yoghurt instead.
You likely just have a weak stomach. I remember hearing this is from the acidity of the chemical, MDMA is typically in its HCL form which is very acidic.

Also nintendo bars are very strong, and theres not much binder. They contain 200mg+ MDMA.
I dont think it has anything to do with a weak stomach............what is that supposed to mean anyways?

Puking on mdma is quite common.

Most people seem to have a threshold for how much mdma they can consume before they puke and once passing that threshold they puke.

Everyone is different so it will be a different amount for each individual.

I didnt ever puke for first few years of using then puked almost every time for about 5-6 uses and then nothing again until a few years later and then puked again.

Seems to be similar experiences for others in our group.

As suiggested, things like whats been consumed during the day and whats been drunk may also affect things.
comedown, over danced
body clearing itself out, its all natural i wouldnt worry.
When I tried the strongest pill in my country for the first time (pink tulip), I threw up. The feeling was intense or I get very excited/scared.
But after that I tried again the same pills or the others, I didn't puke. It's physicological :)
not sure if physicological, if it was a strong pill it was possibly too much for your body at that time so the intense feeling made you sick, this happend when i took half of a half gram of mdma i cudnt stop coming up but had the best most comfyist sick ever. lol the reason you prob didnt puke the second time is probley due to your tolarence that built up! as it does rather quick with some people expecialy myself.
I dont think it has anything to do with a weak stomach............what is that supposed to mean anyways?

Puking on mdma is quite common.

Most people seem to have a threshold for how much mdma they can consume before they puke and once passing that threshold they puke.

Everyone is different so it will be a different amount for each individual.

I didnt ever puke for first few years of using then puked almost every time for about 5-6 uses and then nothing again until a few years later and then puked again.

Seems to be similar experiences for others in our group.

As suiggested, things like whats been consumed during the day and whats been drunk may also affect things.

that also seems to be the case for me. Getting over 350mg is about my "threshold" when ROA is oral. All bets are off if snorted...catch a gnarly drip and I might puke. In one of the stupider things I've ever done I dropped 500+ and also bumped a tiny line around 100 which resulted in the absolute worst bout of nausea in my life. Gasping for air desperately between puking, difficulty breathing, etc. It was no fun and if you've ever had really bad nausea like that it will teach you that everybody has their limit.
I never used to have any issues with MDMA but the last 6 months or so, I get very nauseous toward the end of the night and sometimes I puke, but I always feel sick later in the night. I drink ginger tea before the comeup which helps for the first half or 3/4 of the roll but not after that.

MDMA releases serotonin as we all know, but the vast majority of the serotonin receptors you have are in your intestines. Their stimulation also stimulates vagal nerve pathways which, when reaching the brain, stimulates one of your main nerve pathways responsible for causing nausea and vomiting. Drugs that block serotonin receptors are given for post-operative nausea and nausea caused by chemotherapy. Thus, stimulating those receptors would have the opposite effect.

Vomiting is indeed natural and should not be stopped entirely, but to feel better I would stick to cool water, ginger tea to settle the stomach (even though it's not reeeally the stomach that's being affected, but the intestines and the brain), maintaining electrolytes (if you're dancing, try sports drinks afterwards instead of oj, all they'll replenish salts and sugars lost through sweat), and taking breaks when you need them!
vomiting is just his body trying to eject the poison so there's nothing he can do other than not talking ecstasy.
"The poison"..? lol.

No, it's actually because activation of 5-HT receptors can cause nausea. That's why you can feel queasy when you're nervous.