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Video: How to Use Drugs "Correctly"


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
Do you speak english?


The Fix said:
A controversial Danish campaign educates young drug users on safer practices.


A controversial Danish campaign, Styr Pa Stoffer, encourages young people to use drugs...correctly. "Are you sure you know what you're doing?" asks one ad (below), in which a partier attempts to suck cocaine through his mouth, while another “corrects” him by mixing the drug into a drink. [tpd note: this is supposed to be ironic or funny or whatever, the dude "correcting" the other dude is just as ill informed, it's playing along with the theme of the video that people don't know how to use drugs properly, for better and much more often for worse, although this video tries to put a comic twist on things - don't take it literally]

The goal is to direct young drug users to the website run by a Danish harm reduction organization, where they can learn safe and correct usage. The site (readable via Google Translate) advises drug users to maintain a "positive" mental state, surround themselves with people they trust and ensure the product is safe by sourcing from a reliable dealer. It also advises users against mixing substances and suggests waiting for a drug to kick in, instead of rushing to get high by consuming more. Some have praised the campaign's progressive approach.

"Your campaign is a healthy sign. Rarely have I been so proud to live in Denmark!" says one YouTube commenter. "Truth rather than fear and misinformation. Thank you!" But many are critical. The group's Facebook page is awash with negative commentary, with some claiming it encourages drug use. Others say that the campaign is not progressive enough, and has an overall anti-drug message. What do you think?


Although I'm often glad I was born where I was, I often also wish I had been born in Canada, Denmark, Sweden, etc. etc.
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Im so confused why is the person sucking cocaine in their mouth?? Lol also I don't think it would be safer to mix to come into what looks like beer thus when cocaine and alcohol mixes it turns into a new drug called something like ethonoaine (that's not right but u can look it up) that's why coke cola was so popular back in the day lol.
I think these people have good intentions but from the looks of it they are not well informed... I meen if they think that people abuse cocaine by sucking it into their mouths(not there nose) then wtf hahaha
The sucking into the mouth is intended as a joke, aimed towards people having "confusion about drugs" or not knowing how to use them properly or safely, the bit in that video is just exaggerated. The campaign also has pictures of people sniffing a whole tablet and sniffing weed in a line.
EDIT: Damnit Jackeh beat me to the punch, but oh well. Echoing his sentiments...

I wish I spoke Dansk but since I do not, but know a little bit about this org, it is my understanding that the whole vid there is a joke.

No shit you shouldn't suck coke through a straw. Mixing it in a drink is actually kinda cool, can be dangerous, but I don't think any better or worse than sucking it through a straw (assuming you'd still be drinking anyways, sucking coke through a straw then taking a shot isn't much different from mixing coke in the shot and taking that alone).

Point being sucking coke through a straw while out drinking isn't any different than mixing coke in the drink you're drinking. In other words, both are dumb ideas. Hence the parenthesis around "Correctly" in the title. It's like a form of irony? This is kind of a "lost in translation" sort of issue, but not really... it's not that complicated.

I hear yea though. IMO it's more provocative than anything else in terms of the vid, certainly not my first choice as an advertisement though :\
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Reminds me of the Frank ad where they passed around a joint of meat. :p
Someone from BL should get in touch with these guys and point them in the right direction. I like what their trying to do but they are seriously misinformed about their information.
Why pour cocaine into a drink. Or was that supposed to be a comedic twist to the ending of the vid?
Why pour cocaine into a drink. Or was that supposed to be a comedic twist to the ending of the vid?

Comic twist as above posts point out

The whole point being is that when people don't know how to use drugs properly, let alone safely, baaaaaaad things ensue. This is what harm reduction is about. Want to use drugs? Fine, but don't go doing something stupid and kill yourself. Amazing what shit people go about doing to get "high." I mean, I'll never, for one thing, understand huffing. Yea, on a certain level I get it, but come on. These people have other more pressing issues to be so ill informed irrational to thinking breathing the fumes from a gasoline covered rag is anything but horrible for their mind body/deadly....
Its a play on how one misinformed guy gets his advice about drugs from another, equally misinformed, guy. Kind of like a blind leading the blind scenario. Surely reading a few threads in ED or preferably on some other drug forum will very quickly give you loads of examples that parallel the snorting through mouth vs mixing in drink metaphor in this video.
These people have other more pressing issues to be so ill informed irrational to thinking breathing the fumes from a gasoline covered rag is anything but horrible for their mind body/deadly....

That's exactly what it is in a lot of cases. I have met people who are smart as hell but do the stupidest things to get high. My best friend in high school for instance, she huffed a lot, like anything she thought would get her a buzz. She knew it was bad. She didn't care. She use to always laugh and say "I wonder what my brain looks like" so I knew she was aware of what she was doing to her body. Fast forward to now, she is on so many different meds I can't even name them all. For disorders like bi polar, BDP, manic depressive, psychosis...I'm sure there is more but that's just what I remember.
Some people do dose cocaine orally; the duration is much longer than IV or snorted/smoked.
^very true, but you need significantly more, even when using it sublingually or bucally, vs snorting or injection, right?

on a personal side note, frankly, one of the things I loved the most about coke is the way it acts as an anesthetic, and associated smell of legit coke (for some reason I think my intense if short affair with the white lady when I was like 18 has made me always ask the doctor for more procaine/novocaine, because even though I know it's not getting me high or anything, it's just novocaine, I just really enjoy the numbing sensation for its own sake - kind of like how some people like menthol rubs on their skin).

and as other threads have pointed out, cocaine was once a popular ingredient in soda (coca cola), herbal tonics, patent medicines, medicinal wines, etc.

actually, maybe this is hr after all... oral would probably be the safest way to take your coke, assuming you don't take too much, like the massive amounts you'd have to achieve effects similar in intensity to snorting/injecting the drug