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Very frustrating anxiety problem :(


Aug 24, 2015
I'm new to the forum, and I mainly registered because of this question...
I'm writing this hoping that some of you have experience with my problem and maybe give me some tipps.
I'm smoking a few times a week, but recently I was high and bored when I noticed a light "heart tingling".
I shrugged it off, said to myself jokingly that its not a heart attack and get over it.

But then my mind turned back on me and said: wait a minute, heart attack??
From this point I couldn't get it out of my head anymore and the tingling got stronger and became really uncomfortable...
I don't remember it so well but I ended up sitting there, listening to happy music chanting to myself that I will be fine.
I knew I would be fine, but the voice of my inner monologue was always a step ahead of my rational thinking.

Now the problem is as follows... I can still smoke a little but, but I can't get stoned anymore, because if I smoke more the anxiety and panic will come back.
The problem: It's like in harry potter. I'm scared of fear itself. I get anxious because I'm scared of getting anxious.
This drives me mad tbh... Do you know of any way to overcome this? Without quitting?

Sorry for my grammar, I'm not a native speaker.
Thanks in advance, hopefully someone can help me :p
  • Smoke in moderation, taking both less inhales and smaller inhales.
  • Look for Indica strains (in my experience a lot better in terms of anxiety)
  • Try to sample a little of what you're going to buy beforehand to see how it impacts you.
i feel your pain for sure. Just yesterday I smoked weed while high on adderall already and my heart started beating a lot faster than it usually did with weed so i paniced and thought i was going to be in real trouble, even though i knew inside my head i would be fine. I ended up calming myself down my doing this: To calm yourself down, you gotta start looking at the big picture. Think about the fact that if you die, you will be 'just one more dead person' along with all the other people that die every day. This should be your mindset:

"My life doesnt really matter. Sure, i have people that care about me, but so does every one else who dies every day. Its no big deal, just another death... So what? My death wont affect the world whatsoever because most of the world wont even care. because in reality, im just one more person. In the end, none of this even matters."

I hope that helps. I suck at explaining things so maybe it wont, but if it does, tell me.
While I've dug myself out of cannabis panic attacks before using the same depressing outlook as thewayjoshis, I wouldn't recommend that to anyone else. Many people tend to think their life does matter and this is perfectly valid and well.

The advice about smoking less and choosing indica strains is probably the best you can get. I would also say smoke later on in the day as you won't get as high. Slowly building up a tolerance (e.g. smoking more and more over a period of time, consistently) will allow you to get used to the effects and you wont subconsciously fight the buzz as much. Keeping your mind occupied (physical activity and video games always worked for me) will keep your thoughts from wandering to negative places as well. In my experience the more you try to avoid negative thoughts, the more bothersome and persistent they become. Anxiety is cyclical, try to confront it head-on if you can. Nobody has died from cannabis, so like you said, all you have to fear is fear itself.

When I first started using cannabis everything was fine and dandy, then I started finding stronger stuff, and one day I became extremely self-aware in a very uncomfortable way while smoking. This persisted for a couple years (I would still smoke, but it would get better and then worse, etc.) until finally I stopped fighting the high and started to lose myself in it and cannabis became wonderful to me again. I'm not really a daily smoker anymore, but I haven't had that anxiety in a good while. I think its due to more to my becoming older, maturing and letting go of some teenage angst; certainly though, the much more extreme altered states of being psychedelics and dissociatives have presented me with haven't hurt.

Best of luck, and remember, even if you decide it isn't right for you at the current time, does not mean you won't be able to pick it back up later.
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YES!!! I've had this same thing several times with too much weed and even worse problems with heart attack anxiety while on amphetamines. Honestly, the thing that helped me the most was getting reassurance from a doctor. It sounds extreme, but having a doctor check out my heart and tell me that everything is fine and I don't have any underlying heart issues basically fixed my problem and now I can get high without that being a huge thing :D.

I think this is a pretty common source of anxiety, actually. In all likelihood, your heart is totally fine. Also, for the record, most heart symptoms are exacerbated by heart-related anxiety. So for example, the more you worry about your heart skipping, the more likely it is to skip. I know this from extensive and miserable personal experience. As soon as you "get over" the anxiety, you're heart will almost definitely be completely fine.
Thanks for all the answers guys,
@SWIM Yeah, once when it happened to me it was when I smoked after taking amps and it was pretty uncomfortable. The fact that I have anisocoria (unequal pupils) didn't help either, as I only discovered it after my first amphetamine use. When I googled it I read that anisocoria can be caused by brain hemorrhage, then by accident I stumbled across a list with possible side effects of amphetamine use, which said it could cause brain hemorrhage... Only recently I discovered that on an old photograph taken a few years ago I already had the unequal pupils, I just didn't notice until now. I'm by no means a regular user of amps/molly, usually I just stick to weed.

I'll definitely try to follow the tips you posted, although finding an indica strain isn't that easy around here, the only "strain" I smoked that I knew by name so far was lemon haze which was pretty good, aside from that we have that weed=weed mentality here in germany.

Ahm... and for another matter... I really want to try shrooms for a while now...
Do you think it's wise to try them? I think save for the "fear of fear" there is nothing that could pull me into a bad trip,
plus I read that shrooms are supposed to help with anxiety.

What do you think?
Thanks again for all the answers :p

Man I wouldn't worry at all about trying shrooms if you get anxious smoking weed now. That's common, to develop anxiety / panic reactions after long term use. Mushrooms will probably help you realize that it's pointless to smoke a plant that makes you feel like shit now, but used to make you feel good. Why the hell would you fight those negative feelings for the sake of continuing to do drugs. That's an ego response and you're risking your mental health for the sake of doing something that makes you panic. I think you're confused because it used to not make you feel this way. But what matters is the here and now. What happens when you burn nowadays? Not the same thing as before, that's for sure.

Give up the herb never look back. To state the obvious. My advice would be to let go of your attachment to cannabis which has been built up over many good times. It's over, you're starting to get the side effects and the best thing to do is stop because honestly it can get a lot worse. It can transition to your sobriety actually, if you continue. Just my advice. Others will tell you to keep smoking and take smaller hits, smoke indica strains. Good luck with that - if a drug makes me feel shitty, I personally say to hell with that drug. Like alcohol when I started getting bad hangovers as I got older.
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Man I wouldn't worry at all about trying shrooms if you get anxious smoking weed now. That's common, to develop anxiety / panic reactions after long term use. Mushrooms will probably help you realize that it's pointless to smoke a plant that makes you feel like shit now, but used to make you feel good. Why the hell would you fight those negative feelings for the sake of continuing to do drugs. That's an ego response and you're risking your mental health for the sake of doing something that makes you panic. I think you're confused because it used to not make you feel this way. But what matters is the here and now. What happens when you burn nowadays? Not the same thing as before, that's for sure.

Give up the herb never look back. To state the obvious. My advice would be to let go of your attachment to cannabis which has been built up over many good times. It's over, you're starting to get the side effects and the best thing to do is stop because honestly it can get a lot worse. It can transition to your sobriety actually, if you continue. Just my advice. Others will tell you to keep smoking and take smaller hits, smoke indica strains. Good luck with that - if a drug makes me feel shitty, I personally say to hell with that drug. Like alcohol when I started getting bad hangovers as I got older.

Wow... That's exactly the kind of reply that I didn't wanna hear.
But it left the biggest impression. Thanks, you kinda helped me question my motives.
Thanks you :\


PS: Here's your cake =D
No worries man. I'll pass on the cake, who would make a cake like that without weed butter as an ingredient.

I've just been through something similar, anxiety issues with smoking weed, and I really wish I would have got the picture and quit sooner than I did.

I know it's not what you want to hear. And I never thought I'd be here saying this. A few years ago I smoked at least an ounce a week - nothing whatsoever now.

Peace out. Find some shrooms, it sounds like you're interested in them. Which is honestly another sign that weed isn't doing anything for you anymore.
i feel your pain for sure. Just yesterday I smoked weed while high on adderall already and my heart started beating a lot faster than it usually did with weed so i paniced and thought i was going to be in real trouble, even though i knew inside my head i would be fine. I ended up calming myself down my doing this: To calm yourself down, you gotta start looking at the big picture. Think about the fact that if you die, you will be 'just one more dead person' along with all the other people that die every day. This should be your mindset:

"My life doesnt really matter. Sure, i have people that care about me, but so does every one else who dies every day. Its no big deal, just another death... So what? My death wont affect the world whatsoever because most of the world wont even care. because in reality, im just one more person. In the end, none of this even matters."

I hope that helps. I suck at explaining things so maybe it wont, but if it does, tell me.

^this. thanks for reminding the truth :)
Yeah, Adderall and weed are always the worst combo for me. My first heart freak out was after too much weed and Adderall. And coffee. A terrible threesome. And then it set a precedent with Adderall for a little while where worrying about it became a self-fufiling prophecy.

I'm not an expert on shrooms at all, but I get super anxious and paranoid about 50% of the time on weed and I had a fucking blast when I took shrooms, and acid for that matter (each only once so far). Hallucinogens are very different drugs than weed, in my tiny bit of experience. Trust your instincts for sure, but maybe you'd be better off answering the shroom question by taking a very light dose of shrooms and seeing how you feel. Plan it out, get your set and setting together, make sure you have people around you who you trust, do research, etc. and then see how it goes. That's what I did with acid and it was much more helpful preparing me for a full blown shroom trip than all of the weed I smoked in the years before. But again, trust your instincts over anyone else's advice.
You can use Benzo before smoking. Be careful not to use them everyday because you can devellop an addiction but once in a while there is nothing to fear.

On the other hand, betablockers will keep your heartrate down even if you smoke weed (not sure if that would help you since you talked about a tingling and not a racing heart but I thought I'd let you know anyway.