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US: Boy died after he reportedly ate his father's crystal meth thinking it was cereal


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
Boy, 8, dies and his father is arrested after mistaking METH for breakfast cereal and ingesting 180 times the lethal amount

An eight-year-old boy has died after he reportedly ate his father's crystal meth thinking it was breakfast cereal.

Indiana boy Curtis Collman III died on June 21 after he told his father he was hungry and accidentally consumed the drug that he found on a plate.

Officials said young Curtis ate enough to kill a grown man, ingesting 180 times the lethal amount, according to a toxicology report released on Thursday.



When his father 41-year-old Curtis Gilbert Collman realized his son seemed ill he called a friend over instead of calling police.

When the friend suggested calling police, he brought out his handgun and threatened to kill himself, the female friend, and his son saying 'I'm not going back to prison', according to the Seymour Tribune.

He later took his child to his parents home, who called for help, but it was too late.

The child was having seizures and convulsing by that point and died soon afterwards.

Curtis' father Collman was charged with neglect of a dependent causing death, pointing and firearm and theft, on Thursday, in addition to other charges relating to a sexual misconduct case.

'Anybody that is a parent, you know, would be emotionally upset. It kind of hits home if you have kids,' detective Tom Barker said.

On Thursday he requested a bond reduction to spend time at home with his parents while awaiting trial, according to the News 4 Jax.

If convicted, he faces 20 to 40 years in prison. He goes to trial on December 4.

However prosecutors are seeking a maximum penalty of 50 years.

'50 years would be nice,' Jackson County Chief Deputy Prosecutor Jeffrey Chalfant said.

Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...overdose-mistaking-meth-breakfast-cereal.html
crystal meth is unmistakably bitter, and cereal isn't clear, I was wondering how the kid thought it was cereal?
There must have been nothing else to eat in the house , poor kid . I don't know what meth looks like but damn kid had to be starving to eat that chemical mess . Rip little man .
crystal meth is unmistakably bitter, and cereal isn't clear, I was wondering how the kid thought it was cereal?

Qft. I recently licked what I thought was benzo residue out of a small plastic container forgetting that it had a small bit of crushed meth in it a month earlier and it burned like a mf. I really don?t see how this kid could have gotten past the first spoonful. Seems more likely that tweaker force feeds son stash during a bout of psychosis. Maybe he really was that hungry? Terribly sad either way.
This is very sad... I hate that people involve thier kids in this sort of shit...
Qft. I recently licked what I thought was benzo residue out of a small plastic container forgetting that it had a small bit of crushed meth in it a month earlier and it burned like a mf. I really don?t see how this kid could have gotten past the first spoonful. Seems more likely that tweaker force feeds son stash during a bout of psychosis. Maybe he really was that hungry? Terribly sad either way.

Uh, hate to be the one to tell you this, but if the stuff you licked burned--much less like the fucker of anything, m's and n's or even O's (we are talking cereal)--then it wasn't meth either.

Not to mention no one on Earth has ever looked at what must've been an ounce, at minimum, of shards (to fill a small bowl, you know) and mistook it for fucking breakfast cereal. A bowl of oddly fragile rock salt maybe; but then you'd have to ask what the sort of person who would be in possession of that much meth would be doing storing it in such a way. And while a spoonful wouldn't burn, to a child it definitely would not taste like anything a kid would ever swallow willingly.

The story is as bullshit as the idea that anyone at Bluelight would think "maybe he just all like crazy from drugs."

For shame, Bluelight, for shame.
^Um, have you ever insufflated meth? Even the good stuff is caustic as fuck when applied to any mucus membrane. Also thank God for test kits;).Couldn’t begin to imagine what a mouthful would be like. But thanks anyways for stopping by and dropping some knowledge on us silly BLers.
Meth isn't caustic bud, if it is it's got something majorly wrong with it. It burns because it's a vasoconstrictor, cocaine would burn as well if it wasn't also an anaesthetic.
all it wouldve taken was him swallowing a shard with some milk before realizing it was too bitter. that would kill him.

it couldve been white shards and not clear...ive seen small ones that look like rice crispies but clear...maybe he had those in white
Meth isn't caustic bud, if it is it's got something majorly wrong with it. It burns because it's a vasoconstrictor, cocaine would burn as well if it wasn't also an anaesthetic.

I suppose ?caustic? and ?burns? were misnomers. I always figured it burns so bad when sniffing due to it being crushed crystals and when expecting an almost tasteless benzo the chemical death taste seemed pretty damn close to a burning sensation. Anywhoo I stand corrected and shall derail no further. R.I.P. little dude:(
I suppose ?caustic? and ?burns? were misnomers. I always figured it burns so bad when sniffing due to it being crushed crystals and when expecting an almost tasteless benzo the chemical death taste seemed pretty damn close to a burning sensation. Anywhoo I stand corrected and shall derail no further. R.I.P. little dude:(

"Caustic" refers to irritation of tissues, which meth can certainly do . . . to specific tissues, which do not include your tongue, as anyone who happens to have meth lying around the house that they might mistake for powdered benzodiazepines, would know.

The reason that meth/amphs and other stimulants burn your nose is due in part to acute vasoconstriction; cocaine causes the same thing, it just comes with a pleasant numbing sensation, so you aren't aware of it. In both cases, repeated vasoconstriction leads to anoxia and possible tissue necrosis.

Now, a lot of other drugs (and mainly the non-drug excipients) will burn your nasal passages too--that's just because throwing a bunch of salt on your mucous membranes sucks the water out of them, the same way it does when you pour salt on a snail. It is just as damaging in the long-run, and there are plenty of cases of palatte and septum collapse in intranasal opioid pill abusers.

Finally, meth/amphs are actually basic compounds, not acidic. They do not have "acid" in them. In fact, milk is more acidic than meth.

This is or was ostensibly a harm reduction site, dedicated to the accurate dissemenation of information, even if it was interspersed with sales spam for codeine phosphate tablets.

Yeah, I'd be nicer if I didn't remember you and recognize you as a long-time reader.

And I'd shed a tear for this kid if I thought the story, like I said, wasn't utter horseshit.
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Finally, meth/amphs are actually basic compounds, not acidic. They do not have "acid" in them.

While methamphetamine and amphetamine freebases are basic, these compounds are almost always encountered as salts (e.g. methamphetamine hydrochloride, amphetamine sulphate), which are mildly acidic.
"Caustic" refers to irritation of tissues, which meth can certainly do . . . to specific tissues, which do not include your tongue, as anyone who happens to have meth lying around the house that they might mistake for powdered benzodiazepines, would know.

The reason that meth/amphs and other stimulants burn your nose is due in part to acute vasoconstriction; cocaine causes the same thing, it just comes with a pleasant numbing sensation, so you aren't aware of it. In both cases, repeated vasoconstriction leads to anoxia and possible tissue necrosis.

Now, a lot of other drugs (and mainly the non-drug excipients) will burn your nasal passages too--that's just because throwing a bunch of salt on your mucous membranes sucks the water out of them, the same way it does when you pour salt on a snail. It is just as damaging in the long-run, and there are plenty of cases of palatte and septum collapse in intranasal opioid pill abusers.

Finally, meth/amphs are actually basic compounds, not acidic. They do not have "acid" in them. In fact, milk is more acidic than meth.

This is or was ostensibly a harm reduction site, dedicated to the accurate dissemenation of information, even if it was interspersed with sales spam for codeine phosphate tablets.

Yeah, I'd be nicer if I didn't remember you and recognize you as a long-time reader.

And I'd shed a tear for this kid if I thought the story, like I said, wasn't utter horseshit.

Lol someone is a bit jaded. I?ve already admitted I was misinformed in my original statement. As much as I hate to derail any further could you please point out where the fuck I said it was acidic? What?s that? I didn?t? Perhaps someone should take the time to thoroughly read the posts before getting all sanctimonious. As for not being able to picture someone who dabbles in rc benzos putting a bit of go in a container that originally contained said benzo and dug up said container during w/d and licking the residue, well I guess the lack of oxygen on that high horse must be affecting your imagination ;)
Meth isn't caustic bud, if it is it's got something majorly wrong with it. It burns because it's a vasoconstrictor, cocaine would burn as well if it wasn't also an anaesthetic.

No it's a very caustic substance; if you miss a shot it's going to hurt like hell, even if it's pure. Eats away at the nasal lining (but don't get me wrong; I would still snort a line of it).
800 times the lethal dose .8 grams. He may have just picked up a chunk a swallowed it. Very sad story.

TOXICITY: Symptoms of methamphetamine overdose include restlessness, confusion, anxiety, hallucinations, cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension, hyperthermia, circulatory collapse, convulsions, and coma. Chronic abusers may develop paranoid psychosis. The estimated lethal dose is 100 mg in children and 1 g in adults. www.sdrl.com/druglist/methamphetamine.html

In dogs, the oral median lethal dose for amphetamine can be anywhere from 9-11 mg/kg for methamphetamine hydrochloride to 20-27 mg/kg for amphetamine sulfate. 9 The intravenous median lethal dose for amphetamine in dogs is 5.85 mg/kg. 10 In humans, death from amphetamine has been recorded with as low a dose as 1.5 mg/kg.
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