Upcoming Court Date-Will They Drug Test

Take your own advice, hello. Your post offers no advice to the original poster so why waste your time?

I was not being bitchy. I was simply simpley stating what I know about the court system & sticking up for myself, I do not like when people say what I say is wrong, when I do know what I'm talking about. At least where I am from. I understand other states have different laws.

Chill out! This is my last post in this thread, I was just trying to help this poor guy out because it really isn't a big deal as some have made it.
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^^^Please don't hijack this thread any further, all of you. Take it to PM, people. :|
Premium makes a valid point in that not all cases are going to result in a drug screen, especially non-drug related offenses.

However, this case does involve a drug related offense. Hence you are beating that dead horse over there.

Fact of the matter is: if you show up in court and plead guilty to a non-drug related offense, the judge will likely not waste her time asking you about drug usage. However, I have personally witnessed defendants being asked by the judge if they used drugs. E.G., someone pleads guilty to shoplifting, arguably non related to drugs. However, the judge may inquire further as to your reason for shoplifting and it may be to buy drugs.

So folks, the moral of the story is to be better safe than sorry. The End.