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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Unifiram / PPAP - Repeated - not a stim but in some sense comparable


Apr 4, 2021
Went through a gram of this substance during the last two weeks. Have to say that at first I was disappointed, also wary of caffine-overdose or norepinephrine-overkill like jitteries and tension given that I didn't tolerate the racetams when I sampled some chems of this family a few years ago. Had some hopes though because with dissociatives which happen to indirectly potentiate AMPAr activity* I got a huge boost in cognition and clarity of mind when catching the exactly right dosage which isn't too low to be underwhelming and not too high when memory inhibition becomes pronounced.

*Unifiram is a so-called AMPAkine, a positive modulator or agonist at AMPA glutamatergic receptors which are crucial for cognition, learning/memory and also emotions in strange layman's terms NMDAr's seem to transmit more of negative stuff while AMPAs are for novelty etc. yet this doesn't mean that one lives better w/o NMDArs - I did this, dissociated the hell out of my receptors during extended times and began to trust people I should really never ever have given a single minute of attention. It's not like all negative is away but all worrying. AMPAkines are definitely the safer way to go for glutamate related cognitive boosts.

I had to take more than twice the max recommended dosage (which seems to be like 15mg - as I eyeballed my doses out of one no mg scale here and two bad habits - I can't be sure about the dosages but after the gram was gone pretty fast I would say these doses are more or less accurate). This might, or might not, be related to still persisting dissociative tolerance, a year complete abstinence from dissos and a half of infrequent memantine use after.

At 15mg I felt exactly nothing but the very slight and easily bearable burning after insufflation. At 30mg I had a sense of something being active - no stimulation or sedation but just how one would feel after a very refreshing nap and when in good physical and mental condition (which I am not). Focus was easy but not forced like sometimes on stims. No restlessness either but an urge to do something cognitive. Above that dosage it seems to become slightly psychostimulant-esque with a pretty narrow dosage window, even more above I got slight, transient headache and negative effects but overall the substance appears to be pretty forgiving. Again, this might correlate with preexisting tolerance.

It blends well with low/therapeutic doses of psychostimulants (prolintane) in my experience, adding a cherry of clarity of mind on top of the stim's euphoria. This might be a tool to avoid too much tolerance, to use on these occasions when the stim alone seems not to be sufficient and one would like to redose (but maybe also know that nothing but side effects set in at above-medicine dosages after the initial, short lived euphoria has faded). Or the other way round, to use just unifiram and bumps of a stim when needed but given that unifiram has next to zero real studies in humans or primates, one might rater rely on a prescribed stim as the basis. Yeah I see, I was one who always thought these nootropic guys were a bit weird with their stacks of sometimes like ten different supplements or more every day but I see that there's a reason for that. With the right tuning one can indeed avoid some of the downfalls of drug use - not all and not always, of course, though.

Well, unifiram. It's not as pronounced as a stim but I'd say it's superior to the norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (atomoxetine, bupropion, reboxetine) as a cognitive aid. Also besides a very slight crash when used at 3x+ the recommended dosage, I had zero side effects. It's also said that this one is more selective than the BZP based cousin Sunifiram.

As far as I understand it (which isn't too much probably yet some docs told me stuff which just screamed nonsense before) AMPAr's aren't neurotoxic factors like NMDAr's because they don't contain an ion channel and thus have no/less(?) potential for to lead to overexcitation and autoreceptors might even lower the amount of actual glutamate released (yet also afair NMDAr's are where the autoreceptors really are - thus blocking them makes ones cells output more glutamate which in turn can activate those AMPAr's. So the AMPAkine just removes some steps. So there shouldn't be much to worry about using this chem responsably, in theory, and guess that's what the vendors think too - this sort of chem tends to come from legal companies paying tax etc. but sold not for consumption only. In comparison to the wild west of many shady RC businesses where some don't seem to mind about injuring or even potentially killing their customers.. Or are just led by teenagers much like in the Netflix series "how to sell drugs online (fast)" - arrgh I could ramble w/o end about them publicizing TOR and all so much.. this is worse than that sensation seeking newspaper which brought me to the RCs in maybe 2010 by printing fat headline "Deadly Party Drug Legal" (was about mephedrone) and showed not only the name but also an uncensored screenshot. The site was down on the same day and didn't come back. But the seed was planted and google not far away.



This one's described as a monoamine activity enhancer, that it's not a stim but increases the amount of transmitters released to a certain stimuli. Sounded interesting, the structure looked familiar in some way (open chain a-PVP if I by accident got it right; no chemist here) and there were some good reports (like all the nootropics seem to have, these guys don't know how to discriminate from placebo I think sometimes) so I got a gram but reality is that this was more like I feared unifiram to be - not the worst of but slightly, subtly speedy without much positive effects. Oh, and dry mouth.

I tried it alone in varying dosages as well as together with unifiram. In the combo the negatives were more pronounced and made me not push the dosage further as it felt like I'd imagine the beginnings of excitotoxicity to feel. No euphoria to speak of, also no cognitive enhancement for me.

Overall a disappointment and won't buy again or recommend this. It might be better in combo with a stim, enhancing its euphoria and requiring lower doses, but dunno as I didn't try.
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