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UK - A lethal ignorance: We could make drugs safer. We choose not to


Aug 31, 2010

Archie Bland
Sunday 2 March 2014

With reader comments

Deaths from PMA, a more toxic form of ecstasy, are rising in the UK, but are almost unknown in countries that take a more pragmatic approach.

The story of paramethoxyamphetamine, or PMA, is a neat parable of the war on drugs: a story of unintended consequences, a problem with viable solutions that are being ignored. Fixing this problem will not fix everything else. It is a relatively small part of the picture. But the logic that drives our response to it stands as a bottomlessly depressing symbol of the whole.

PMA has been around since the 1970s. It has some similar effects to MDMA (ecstasy), and it really came to prominence when efforts to crack down on that drug began to succeed in the mid-1990s. “It is a classic example,” says David Nutt, the former government adviser who now chairs the Independent Scientific Committee on Drugs. “Prohibition has led to the attempt to avoid prohibition, and therefore the production of more toxic substances.”

Yeh. Let's not stop the real reason there are ANY impure drugs and just end 'the war' NO let's just test what is likely to be an irrellivent percentage of drugs in a city. Iv been a drug user for 12 years and iv been in a club I think twice or three times in that whole time and I'm pretty sure I didn't go on drugs tbh. I don't see how this is going to change that much tbh. Yes it is positive change in the right direction but as usual ITS NOT ENOUGH.