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UFO religion


May 6, 2019
The new religions are UFO religions these people proclaim they can channel aliens that want to better our world gaining millions of followers globally with the rise of the internet

These religions have their roots in the tropes of early science fiction (especially space opera) and weird fiction writings, in ufology, and in the subculture of UFO sightings and alien abduction stories.

Has anybody seen a ufo around here.

Some adherents of UFO religions believe that the arrival or rediscovery of alien civilizations, technologies, and spirituality will enable humans to overcome current ecological, spiritual, and social problems. Issues such as hatred, war, bigotry, poverty and so on are said to be resolvable through the use of superior alien technology and spiritual abilities. Such belief systems are also described as millenarian in their outlook.[1][2]

UFO religions developed first in such countries as the United States, Canada, France, the United Kingdom, and Japan as the concept presumes the cultural context of a society technologically advanced enough to conceive of ET as such and one in which religion of any kind is not discouraged or suppressed. The term "flying saucers" and the popular notion of the UFO originated in 1947. The study of UFO religions among sociologists, historians, theologians, scholars of religious studies and new religious movements began during the 1950s.[3]

though we all remeber jonestown and heavens gate those mass cults holy fuck i cant believe they gain so much followers.

Humans are the most fucking gulliable creatures ever

Raëlism teaches that an extraterrestrial species known as the Elohim created humanity using their advanced technology. An atheistic religion, it believes that the Elohim have historically been mistaken for gods. It claims that throughout history the Elohim have created forty Elohim/human hybrids who have served as prophets preparing humanity for news about their origins. Among those considered prophets are The Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad, with Raël himself being the fortieth and final prophet. Raëlists believe that since the Hiroshima bomb of 1945, humanity has entered an Age of Apocalypse in which it threatens itself with nuclear annihilation. Raëlism argues that humanity must find a way of harnessing new scientific and technological development for peaceful purposes, and that once this has been achieved the Elohim shall return to Earth to share their technology with humanity and establish a utopia. To this end, the Raëlians have sought to build an embassy for the Elohim that incorporates a landing pad for their spaceship. Raëlians engage in daily meditation, hope for physical immortality through human cloning, and promote a liberal ethical system with a strong emphasis on sexual experimentation.

Raël first published his claims to have been contacted by the Elohim in his 1974 book Le Livre Qui Dit La Verité. He subsequently established an organisation devoted to promoting his ideas, MADECH, which in 1976 disbanded and was replaced by the Raëlian Church. Raël headed the new organisation, which was structured around a hierarchy of seven levels. Attracting more followers, the group obtained a country estate in France before relocating its operations to Quebec. During 1998 Raël established the Order of Angels, an internal all-female group whose members are largely sequestered from wider society and tasked with training themselves to become the consorts of the Elohim. In 1997 Raël initiated Clonaid, an organisation engaged in research in human cloning that was directed by senior Raëlian Brigitte Boisselier. In 2002 the company alleged that it had successfully produced a human clone, a baby named Eve, bringing much critical scrutiny and media attention to the group. The Movement has attracted further attention through its public protests endorsing causes such as women's and gay rights and against nuclear testing.

The International Raëlian Movement claims tens of thousands of members, the majority based in Francophone areas of Western Europe and North America as well as in parts of East Asia. Criticism of the philosophy has come from journalists, ex-Raëlians, and anti-cultists, while it has also been studied by scholars of religion.
Many of the philosophies and ideas of these kinds of groups are rooted in true experiences with extraterrestrials. Even most traditional religions like Christianity and Judaism are extraterrestrial inspired. The problem arises when peoples unresolved traumas and darker aspects and insecurities and fears distort the original intended information that is coming through inter dimensionally. If you can imagine a modern human trying to transmit certain concepts into the mind of a dog or a monkey, which is an analogy im pretty sure you have heard before, it would be quite difficult for a lower life form to understand and to process it accurately and objectively because it has to go through the filter of their rudimentary/unevolved psychological framework.

You would have to be in that thought to have those kinds of experiences that these cult figures claim to have. If you are not in the thought then it will be invisible to you. That is just how the universe works. Hell is real and it is not necessarily where someone goes when they die but rather it is the destruction of our civilization and the karma that comes along with that. There are many people who are influenced by extraterrestrials that want to speed up the process of death by the music we listen to and the tv shows we watch and the food that we eat. All of these things that destroy our bodies and our minds that are prevalent in todays society are all inspired by extraterrestrials and beings that have existed long before us and know how to systematically and intelligently destroy a civilization. They know everybody’s weaknesses and they take advantage of the fact that many people do not believe them or are skeptical of them or are too unevolved to be aware of them. It is actually a pretty serious thing that people underestimate. Just imagine if a serial killer or a complete sociopath had access to your inner thoughts and fears and was able to influence certain experiences in your life. And imagine if the serial killer was thousands of years old. People go about their daily lives thinking that everything is normal and they exchange pleasantries with family members and friends and neighbors meanwhile there are forces outside of our conscious awareness that completely do not give a fuck about your feelings and create situations that are set up to make you suffer in the long term and eventually lead to suicide or murder and cause separation and conflicts between people that lead to a decline in human connection and awareness and eventually the destruction of our civilization.

The scientific community will be the downfall of our civilization and will be one of the main forces in speeding up the dehumanization process through artificial intelligence and the denial of human thought and emotions and authenticity. And it may sound ironic because many scientists try to make it seem like they promote that kind of human values but they themselves are operating under a state of inauthenticity that they are completely unaware of and only value the physical aspect of reality which in and of itself is an artificial simulation designed to expand our awareness.

Science and modern psychology is basically a whole enterprise that is based on the denial of metaphysical aspects of our universe. Every time they encounter something extra dimensional they go into a state of avoidance and denial and create elaborate systems or ideologies that allows them to disregard these metaphysical aspects as mere hallucination or delusion like with schizophrenia and stuff like that. It is much more simpler for them to see schizophrenia aliens as hallucinations because if they saw them for what they really were then they would have to question their reality and personal life in an extremely dramatic way. They would have to actually confront their fears and their deeper insecurities that they have been suppressing all their lives. They cannot handle the implications of metaphysical stuff being real and their mind is trained to instantaneously deny these aspects of reality almost like a knee jerk reaction that happens instantaneously. And you cannot expect them to be fully conscious beings. They share the same space as us. Academic achievements mean nothing. Everyone has things about themselves they are unaware of. The only thing that is different is that they have a better understanding of 3 dimensional mechanics and processes than the average person. Once they try go beyond that dimension they are like scared children who try to hide their fear by convincing themselves that their skepticism and denial is what makes them intelligent.
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If I had a dollar for every time I met a new ager who said they could channel, I would be rolling in it.

It's no different from Jesus freaks who said, "God is telling me to tell you..." or "I did it because God told me it was the right thing to do."

Just went to dinner over the holidays and there were two new age freaks there saying that they believe they are wealthy because "spirit wants them to be", and "spirit tells us which stocks to invest in, and which warm country to fly to in the winter."

Or the ever famous line... "Spirit is on our side."

Technology won't save the world. It will just be used by humans to oppress other humans more efficiently. More tech creates more problems as long as human consciousness does not evolve in a commensurate fashion. Most of the world has taken an experimental vaccine using a tech that has never been implemented on this scale before. Most people are not even versed in the most basic aspects of science. The only thing more tech will do under these circumstances is move us closer to our doom.

We are moving toward a world where a handful of people actually KNOW how technology works - the technocrats. They will control the rest of us, in short order. If aliens wanted humans to channel tech to save the planet, they have done a shitty job. Maybe they should channel some higher consciousness into the psychos running the world.
If aliens wanted humans to channel tech to save the planet, they have done a shitty job. Maybe they should channel some higher consciousness into the psychos running the world.
That’s a little one sided. There are some who think that saving the world is to dehumanize the current civilization and start anew while progressing the elites of the world who are seen as the more intelligent and more evolved conscious humans and leaving behind the unintelligent average human. They see us as animals who cannot learn and therefore believe that it is necessary to instigate this mass annihilation by utilizing modern technology and social engineering.

In any scenario, it is all a matter of perspective and one cannot be influenced by higher consciousness beings if they use their free will to indulge in lower life form thought processes instead and rely on the methods and prospects of extra dimensional beings that one would consider negative or evil. In the eyes of the privileged elite and satanists, the lower consciousness beings are seen as the beings of light who are here to redeem the earth and is the same beings who influenced hitler and other humans who are considered cult leaders. However not all cult leaders are influenced by low consciousness beings and not all low consciousness beings necessarily know that they are low consciousness but rather they believe that they are doing what is good and necessary for human evolution and expansion. In that aspect they are not much different from the higher beings other than the way they go about achieving this perceived idea of redemption.
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That’s a little one sided. There are some who think that saving the world is to dehumanize the current civilization and start anew while progressing the elites of the world who are seen as the more intelligent and more evolved conscious humans and leaving behind the unintelligent average human. They see us as animals who cannot learn and therefore believe that it is necessary to instigate this mass annihilation by utilizing modern technology and social engineering.

In any scenario, it is all a matter of perspective and one cannot be influenced by higher consciousness beings if they use their free will to indulge in lower life form thought processes instead and rely on the methods and prospects of extra dimensional beings that one would consider negative or evil. In the eyes of the privileged elite and satanists, the lower consciousness beings are seen as the beings of light who are here to redeem the earth and is the same beings who influenced hitler and other humans who are considered cult leaders. However not all cult leaders are influenced by low consciousness beings and not all low consciousness beings necessarily know that they are low consciousness but rather they believe that they are doing what is good and necessary for human evolution and expansion. In that aspect they are not much different from the higher beings other than the way they go about achieving this perceived idea of redemption.

The only real division I'm seeing is between the haves and have nots. There are enlightened people at all levels of society, from all walks of life, and not just the educated, wealthy technocrats. It's fairly obvious that their vision right now of how they want to reshape the world is materialistic.

Hitler wasn't influenced by dark beings, he was a eugenicist who got his ideas from the rest of Europe and the United States. He just took them to the nth degree. The descendants of those eugenicists are pulling the same crap right now with covid, the vaccines, the mandates, and the new digital ID system. They really think they are better than us because they live at a top materialistic tier, but they have some of the lowest level consciousness.

The fact is though, there are too many human beings on this planet vying for a high standard of living. The earth can't support it. We also have a precarious credit crunch that has been leveraged by a single generation milking this entire planet and its human resources for all it's worth. The neo-liberals want to invent a new economic system based on social credit and digital currency, but to do that they first must trim the fat: kill off the old and infirm: the ones draining the system of the most resources.

Liberal democracy in the west ended in 2019. This has nothing to do with aliens. The same old money and power that switched from mercantilism to capitalism to consumer capitalism, and from monarchy to democracy, have now decided that consumer capitalism/democracy is over and we need to move onto the next system. It's not even a conspiracy. All you have to do is study the post-WWII reconstruction legal framework put into place by the uber wealthy who provided all the funds to rebuild the world. They made the current system and they can change it on a dime. They built in the means to do so.

When people ask how/why the governments of the world can so easily turn their backs on their constitutions like they have been, this is the reason. It's got nothing to do with medical laws. It's entirely because the current governance framework was designed with loopholes that let their creators (the old money/power) collapse the system when they want. It's also why appeals to government and the courts aren't working. It's no different than thinking the manager of a company can field your complaints when the CEO has decided your complaints are irrelevant. The governments are like the managers, the CEOs are the old money/power.
The only real division I'm seeing is between the haves and have nots. There are enlightened people at all levels of society, from all walks of life, and not just the educated, wealthy technocrats. It's fairly obvious that their vision right now of how they want to reshape the world is materialistic.

Hitler wasn't influenced by dark beings, he was a eugenicist who got his ideas from the rest of Europe and the United States. He just took them to the nth degree. The descendants of those eugenicists are pulling the same crap right now with covid, the vaccines, the mandates, and the new digital ID system. They really think they are better than us because they live at a top materialistic tier, but they have some of the lowest level consciousness.

The fact is though, there are too many human beings on this planet vying for a high standard of living. The earth can't support it. We also have a precarious credit crunch that has been leveraged by a single generation milking this entire planet and its human resources for all it's worth. The neo-liberals want to invent a new economic system based on social credit and digital currency, but to do that they first must trim the fat: kill off the old and infirm: the ones draining the system of the most resources.

Liberal democracy in the west ended in 2019. This has nothing to do with aliens. The same old money and power that switched from mercantilism to capitalism to consumer capitalism, and from monarchy to democracy, have now decided that consumer capitalism/democracy is over and we need to move onto the next system. It's not even a conspiracy. All you have to do is study the post-WWII reconstruction legal framework put into place by the uber wealthy who provided all the funds to rebuild the world. They made the current system and they can change it on a dime. They built in the means to do so.

When people ask how/why the governments of the world can so easily turn their backs on their constitutions like they have been, this is the reason. It's got nothing to do with medical laws. It's entirely because the current governance framework was designed with loopholes that let their creators (the old money/power) collapse the system when they want. It's also why appeals to government and the courts aren't working. It's no different than thinking the manager of a company can field your complaints when the CEO has decided your complaints are irrelevant. The governments are like the managers, the CEOs are the old money/power.

Who do you think conceptualized the idea of eugenics?? Do you think it was just the imagination of ordinary humans?

Eventually we have to consider the possibility that our civilization is being influenced inter dimensionally and the people at the top of the hierarchical pyramid are the ones that believe those kinds of things the most. That is why they are able to control society. The general public will deny those types of things and think it’s just tinfoil hat conspiracy theories but they will inevitably be faced with it once the programs that are in place reach their full effect but by then it will be too late. You can’t expect people to reach high level consciousness without being aware of its dualistic counterpart which is inhabited by inter dimensional beings who seek to dominate and control peoples thoughts and actions so that they eventually kill themselves and allow themselves to be mental slaves to a deterministic technological society.

Charles Darwin was a known channeler and was into the occult as was the rest of the 19th century and that’s what lead to the mysteries of evolution being revealed and so many other scientific and biological discoveries. They would breed families together and have incestual sex rituals to attract demons of knowledge. How do you think these so called cults are created?? All of them say that they received their information by aliens and other beings but 3 dimensional psychologists don’t pay attention to those consistencies and focus on trivial behaviors like what kind of clothes they wear and what type of food they eat instead.

Mormonism, Scientology, aleister Crowley, heavens gate, they all received interdimensional transmissions and that’s how they were able to gain their power and influence. But yet science and psychology will minimize these aspects because they are afraid of what unconscious reality consists of. Even with Isaac newton, who might as well be like Jesus to them, but yet they try to avoid his alchemical methods and spiritual endeavors when those were the things that lead to those discoveries in the first place.

The eugenicists of this generation are in contact with these same interdimensional beings that hitler and many others were in contact with. Its not simply just passed down. It’s all part of one big plan to wipe out the civilization and control the thoughts of the people who are left with artificial intelligence and to convince people that merging with technology is an inevitable and beneficial destiny for mankind.

These problems that we have in our society right now are not man made. Do you think it’s natural for mass amounts of people to have mental illness and health problems and denial of their deeper selves?? Do you think it’s natural for mass amounts of people to have addictions that ruin their lives and the people around them or that there is young kids who are completely controlled by their technological devices and their social media status?? These things are all planned and calculated way before hand and it leads down a very dark path which is completely robotic and completely disconnected and dismissive towards natural human emotions and organic healing for humanity as a whole.
Well, aliens do exist. Or life outside earth.
*POSSIBLY* even developed life.
But it's just certainly (probabilities) true, that no UFO has yet landed on earth.
Sorry, the party's over. Would be nice if there were actually even a slightest chance for the actual UFO visits,
but being a mathematician, you just can't fool yourself.
If I had a dollar for every time I met a new ager who said they could channel, I would be rolling in it.

It's no different from Jesus freaks who said, "God is telling me to tell you..." or "I did it because God told me it was the right thing to do."

Just went to dinner over the holidays and there were two new age freaks there saying that they believe they are wealthy because "spirit wants them to be", and "spirit tells us which stocks to invest in, and which warm country to fly to in the winter."

Or the ever famous line... "Spirit is on our side."

Technology won't save the world. It will just be used by humans to oppress other humans more efficiently. More tech creates more problems as long as human consciousness does not evolve in a commensurate fashion. Most of the world has taken an experimental vaccine using a tech that has never been implemented on this scale before. Most people are not even versed in the most basic aspects of science. The only thing more tech will do under these circumstances is move us closer to our doom.

We are moving toward a world where a handful of people actually KNOW how technology works - the technocrats. They will control the rest of us, in short order. If aliens wanted humans to channel tech to save the planet, they have done a shitty job. Maybe they should channel some higher consciousness into the psychos running the world.
It's also more likely to be a co-venture by design. If you think about how any business works in a functional sense, Earth technocrats on murky day side. Background parasites long range eternal star side.

Parasites have eternity to work it out, find the vein, check the vein, get it in. Im sorry to say.
If I had a dollar for every time I met a new ager who said they could channel, I would be rolling in it.

It's no different from Jesus freaks who said, "God is telling me to tell you..." or "I did it because God told me it was the right thing to do."

Just went to dinner over the holidays and there were two new age freaks there saying that they believe they are wealthy because "spirit wants them to be", and "spirit tells us which stocks to invest in, and which warm country to fly to in the winter."

Or the ever famous line... "Spirit is on our side."

Technology won't save the world. It will just be used by humans to oppress other humans more efficiently. More tech creates more problems as long as human consciousness does not evolve in a commensurate fashion. Most of the world has taken an experimental vaccine using a tech that has never been implemented on this scale before. Most people are not even versed in the most basic aspects of science. The only thing more tech will do under these circumstances is move us closer to our doom.

We are moving toward a world where a handful of people actually KNOW how technology works - the technocrats. They will control the rest of us, in short order. If aliens wanted humans to channel tech to save the planet, they have done a shitty job. Maybe they should channel some higher consciousness into the psychos running the world.
Well New Agers aren't worth anything in any actual philosophical or practical sense are they, so it really doesn't matter does it?

Can't even use New Agers as ghee.
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It's also more likely to be a co-venture by design. If you think about how any business works in a functional sense, Earth technocrats on murky day side. Background parasites long range eternal star side.

Parasites have eternity to work it out, find the vein, check the vein, get it in. Im sorry to say.

Sorry, I don't quite follow you. Try again?
Sorry, I don't quite follow you. Try again?
Sorry at a certain point my mind turns to jazz odyssey.

What i mean is i think that instead of an alien > human op, it might of been a two-tiered op all along for thousands of years. 'ignorance above, ignorance below' [so to speak]